
Running Man in Hot Water with Ill-conceived Twitter Campaign to Pressure Yoon Eun Hye to Guest — 11 Comments

  1. I watched the Healing Camp special, he never said he wanted her to come on Running Man.He was pretty much said that he had good memories with YEH. Media exaggerated reports because Korea’s ideal variety couple was them. People should respect their privacy when they might be dating someone else.Also they only gave him four choices for a ideal type, the obvious choice he had to pick was YEH.SBS took advantage of this interview and placed this tweet, pressuring YEH to come on when she clearly said she won’t bc the episode will be focused on KJK-YEH interaction. SBS has been doing so bad with ratings. Like really bad they have no good variety other than Running Man and Roommate known. So obviously if YEH guested on they’d hit daebak with ratings. If you want to know more just read loveable one man’s blog on twitter. There’s no reason any of then should apologize especially considering KJK had no idea SBS was doing this and KJK is the type to apologize over anything bc he’s super nice.He probably thinks its his fault but it’s all SBS’s fault.I’m sorry I just got so heated up over this. No one should apologize but SBS.

      • That is really true. He has picked her for years. They do suit each other but it seems like nothings happening. But also if he suddenly picks someone new, people will make another scandal about it like on RM with MGY. I love YEH and KJK all the way but I don’t think people should pressure YEH like that.

      • Yoon Eun-hye has also done the same before and picked him in ideal type world cups as well so it really was nothing new.

  2. Hey koala…just wanted to ask…why aren’t you watching Heart To Heart? The show is getting good reviews and it stars your favorite chun Jung Myung…

  3. Boo SBS, Boo. Go to the corner….
    Also, I am getting annoyed now when we hear KJK and YEH tried to be linked so badly. They did Healing Camp a loooooooong time ago, and people are still try to pair them. it is maybe time for KJK to up his game and get married. he can start by having my number. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  4. Honestly, I’m tired to see this kind of news. Eun Hye absolutely doesn’t want to join Running Man. The exact reason, only she knows. People should move on. Maybe they were close but nothing confirmed that they dated before. Delulu fans sometimes just…

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