First Adorable Stills of Lee Jun Ki and Zhou Dong Yu in Upcoming Romance C-movie
I invariably want to reach in there and hug Lee Jun Ki for always managing to put a smile on my face. My boy has been in China since last December filming the upcoming romance C-movie with actress Zhou Dong Yu and now the first stills are out. and are soooo cute! The Chinese title is Under the Silician Sun but the English movie title will apparently be Begin Again. Filming has been on location in Shanghai up until now and will soon move over to Italy for the picturesque Sicily shoot.
The production invited the media on set during the filming of a scene where Lee Jun Ki’s character did a song and dance number to woo Zhou Dong Yu, which is totally making use of all of Lee Jun Ki’s multi-talents if you ask me. The leads also met the press which is when Jun Ki surprised his leading lady with a birthday cake to celebrate her upcoming birthday a few days early. The guy’s a considerate charmer to be sure, and luckily he scored a lovely and talented C-actress as his leading lady for his first Chinese project debut. Check out all the cute pics from the set where Jun Ki is his usual dynamic and/or intense self when acting.
On an unrelated note, who else thinks Zhou Dong Yu looks like a face-twin for Park Ha Sun and seeing her with Lee Jun Ki brings back Two Weeks memories? Park Ha Sun is usually flat with her onscreen chemistry but Two Weeks was one her rare shining performances so the resemblance with Zhou Dong Yu is one I’ll chalk up to being a good sign.
Love Lee Jun Ki, but did he have botox or something? His face looks frozen.
He looks the same to me.
I saw a video of this and thought yaaaay I love when I see lots of skinship. Love him he is gorgeous.
I have been following him closely for many years now, as I am admin of his fan page in one country, and he always looks the same to me.
He still Looks the same! Hehe… this is one of many reason why i adore him so much
From his interview LJK said he will never get botox or plastic surgery, He said.’ The wrinkle are natural since im now 30. I was young and fresh in my 20s, so thats probably why i didnt smell like a man. I like the feeling of being 30. I feel like with getting older one year, another year, im expanding my character choices. As a male actor, i dont hate getting older.
I just met Lee Joon-Gi in Shanghai,those are picture problems, he has good skin and young look, we even talked! really handsome and nice person!
Wow, so envious.
I wish him success in this movie and am eagerly waiting for his return to drama this year too. All the best my boy Lee Joon Gi.
Cute.. But why is she holding a perfume bottle?
His birthday present to her.
I wish the best for him and his movie. The guy that I never forget his acting.
I will definitely watch his upcoming movie. Wish him great success in all of his future projects.
Love Zhou Dong Yu. Her face struck me in the movie Gong with Chen Xiao. one of rare new generation cactresses I really call pretty. I don’t think she looks like PHS (she always looks bored to me)
I kinda feel like she looks more like kim go eun than park ha sun.
all the best for lee joon ki!!!
Wow! I loved their adorable and cute chemistry. <3 <3
Haha, I thought she looked a lot like Suzy.
She’s like a mix of Suzy with Sulli (esp. the ‘droopy’ radiant eyes)
The first picture, the actress definitely reminded me of Suzy, too, instead of Park Ha Sun.
Also, is the Chinese title supposed to be “Under the Sicilian Sun” as being under a silician sun would be very strange as the Earth would probably be swallowed up by the sun in that circumstance.
the actress looks like girl’s day minah without make up
He’s cute! Loved him in Arrang. Saw a BTS of him doing the kissing scene with the king in The King and the Clown and he looked so grossed out after the shot, it really cracked me up!
Awww…I want to reach in there and hug him too. He is such like a cute lively little boy.
Lee Joon Gi on Valentines Day! Thanks ockoala, he always puts a smile on my face too.