Kim Soo Hyun Joins the List of Popular K-stars with Madame Tussaud’s Wax Figures
If anyone offered to make a life-like replica of me, whether life-sized, doll-sized, or robot-sized, I would scream and run the other direction. Never been a fan of human fascimiles in any form or shape and that includes the popular wax figure attractions that make up the Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum tourist attraction. When news broke this week that popular K-actor Kim Soo Hyun was getting measured for his own wax replica, it made me go take a look at some of his Korean predecessors who have already been “gifted” with their own wax mini-me.
The result is not pretty, people. Before Kim Soo Hyun there have been Lee Min Ho, Song Seung Heon, and Kim Hyun Joong, all of whom have freaky looking wax look alikes out there in this world weirding people out. Sure Kim Soo Hyun’s wax figure for Madame Tussauds could turn out nearly identical and possessing a sheen of animation, but more likely it’ll end look looking pasty and awkward. Don’t believe me, check out with your own eyes the hilariously bad completed wax figures below and start worrying for Kim Soo Hyun.
Lee Min Ho’s actually looks okay….
Actually the wax figures don’t look too bad.
Wax figures still give me the creeps.
The first two look ok but khj looks freakishly weird n diff from the original
Coz the original also gets to change more often as it is! lol! That’s KHJ biggest mistake to have someone record him in permanent wax figure when he wants to always change for the better. Whatever that maybe, smh!
Creepy creeps.
I like dolls though, and am planning to get a BJD of Lee Jun Ki.
LMH’s cute. Look so adorable standing side by side.
Actually it’s all depends on the skills of the team that make the wax figure coz different museum have different team i guess. As I’ve went to madam tussaud’s london almost all the wax figures look the depicting images of the real one which kinda make it a lil bit creepy. But the hong kong museum…hmm a lot of the wax figures seems disproportionated, seemingly quite different than the real one.
Is there a difference between real SSH and fake SSH? *grin*
I was gonna say that!! LOL
Ssh looks the closest to the ‘real’ thing out of the 3 w/ the last being the freakiest. Lmh wasn’t bad actually but i liked ssh the best.
For some reason, these wax figures look almost identical to the real person. I had to take a good look at the pictures to see who was the real one lol! Of course when it’s a picture, it’s harder to tell. Or maybe it’s just me.
These wax sculptures actually look a lot better to me than the ones I’ve seen in the London MT.
To be honest they look a whole lot better than the western one we have here.
actually KSH doesn’t need to have a wax figure already, he looks stiff as a wax already. same with the other guys.