
Famous Chinese Actresses Try on the Cinderella Ballgown for Size — 13 Comments

  1. Slightly off-topic, but I have counted at least 3 shaved jawbones. Would love to see what happens to their faces in a couple of decades.

  2. AngelaBaby FTW! She looks great on the manipped costume. 🙂

    Speaking of Cinderella, loved the movie and Lily James on it as the title role.

  3. The ones that looks good are angelababy, gwui lun mei, li xiao lu (if they slightly made her face smaller), and liu shi shi.

    The other ones either have bad photoshop or wrong use of pic.

  4. Li Xiao Lu was quite pretty, I think, but your right about the fitting-as-specific-expectation/type-of-beauty thing. Fans should stop being offended when we say some actress doesn’t look the part. Yeah most all actresses are very beautiful, but they don’t always look good in a specific role. That said, fans should also stop saying people are too ugly for a role, cuz that’s just mean and rude.

  5. I on the other hand thinks this photo shop proves nothing. The chinese actresses don’t look the part just because their make up and hair styles do not look the part. The one looks best is angelababy mainly because her original features are western. To play western role, the styling will be adjusted.

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