
The Girl Who Sees Smells Episode 12 Recap — 20 Comments

  1. I am very greedy to see more scent trailing special effects. Why can’t CR see any scents left in her messy house? Why no scents left on the picture frame? Writer-Nim – please don’t forget the name of the drama. And yes, the ending is too boring… Cry Wolf doesn’t work three times in a row!

    • Hm, Chorim was probably too shaken to notice any special scents? Moreover, no DNA was found. So he must have been very careful. Moogak realised it was Jaehee before Chorim’s special ability was needed anyway. Moreover, even if she did see Jaehee’s scents, it can’t be used as an evidence. Just my thoughts about this. Trying my best to save the many glaring loopholes in the show haha

  2. Wow, Thanks for the quick recap. Can’t believe we got the exact same ending for three episodes straight!! It’s suspenful the first time but now it has no effect, at least for me. If this is episode 14 ending, I prob will be more anxious since the podsibility of Cho Rim being kidnapped is high. Right now, I think she will be saved again, jae hee will run away but vow to kill her and sucessfully kidnap her in ep 14 which means another ending where scared cho rim meets killer jae hee lol…

    The only problem I have with the OTP is when Moo Gak fell for her? Since we saw how Cho Rim fell in love with Moo Gak first, it’s kinda strange for me to see him head over heels for her when she’s the cold one (even before she knew about the truth).

    • @Jewel – Neither of them were or are cold. They didn’t bicker and fall in love like regular Kdrama couples. They started out as work partners, then friends, and fell in love. CR was attracted to MG from the very start. He took a little more time but he wanted to be with her too. I love this OTP. There are many things that are different (from the usual kdramas) about the romance in this drama. The OTP fell in love in a cool way, and there are no stupid love triangles.

  3. They need to stop meeting like this! My poor heart. And yes it becomes less of a cliffhanger now that it has been used three times in a row. But yay for not dragging out the noble idiocy!

  4. Hum… but the drama does resolves around the murder of Choi’s sister and Chorim’s parents, and to catch the serial killer – He is super smart, but is starting to be dumb, because of the writer. Why he would be more suspicious of Chorim? Like really? He isn’t seeing her acting that suspicious around him? Why everbody can enter his house, like they want, and he really think, Jo wouldn’t know about the text sent by him using his cellphone?

    Chorim also thinks she is trying to catch some normal criminal, not a dangerous one that killed her parents and many people, she seemed excited to work with the police using herself, and having 100 sure he wouldn’t mind. Hello? He is a serial killer, and he kills everybody who meddles. She should be scared, not excited.

    Plus why she didn’t wonder it wasn’t jay’s house? And why Choi, let him alone on the floor ? Or why he let CR’s father go around by himself like this… they are asking him to be murdered

    • I think Cho Rim knew it was Jae Hee’s house and still walked in looking for her dad. Stupid? Yes. But she wasn’t clueless, she seems to think she can handle it. Which is probably the height of idiocy, but she’s so adorable and not a cop so I’ll give her a pass on this one.

      • I have a doubt here, Koala. If she knew she was going into JH’s house, why didn’t she call his name instead of calling her dad’s phone? When we go to a familiar person’s house even if it’s to one’s dad, we will still ask them first, right? And I forgot if she already knew he was the bar code killer. If she already knew, it makes sense that she didn’t call him first; but then that makes her decision to go there very stupid.

  5. NGM is hitting it out of the park as the creepy villain. I sure hope he does something light and fluffy next so I don’t get the heebie heebie when I next see him. . Our two leads are absolutely adorable. I think I have fallen hard for our hero. Lol

    • You can watch him now in Can You Hear My Heart and get a change of taste without needing to wait for his next role. He was great in that drama as Oppa.

    • I’m actually amused because it brings back memories of Dr Stranger, when 5 episodes ended on the exact same Surgery Jesus Park Hoon walks into the OR moment. SBS must love beating dead horses.

  6. “The police investigation increases in brain power this episode”

    REALLY? An ex-cop admits to kidnapping and obstruction of justice by hiding a material witness and NO action is taken? Then the cops use the only witness, a civilian, as bait for a serial killer, explicitly saying that the reason they’re doing so is because they’ve completeley screwed up the investigation and ahve no other choice. And all this is an INCREASE in brain power?

  7. The show has no excuse for the same cliffhanger for three consecutive episode endings. And the 1000 loopholes surrounding the cops. Psycho-killer-chef and our cutest OTP really are the saving graces of the show. I love that every episode has a fair amount of cuteness to balance the other more intense scenes.

    At this point, my guess is that psycho-killer-chef has already realised that the witness is Chorim. She’s the only one who can enter his house. So the girl in the lift, while he can’t recognise faces, must be her. His creepy smile at the end must mean that he realise Chorim is the witness. I don’t think something will happen to Chorim though. They’re 3 episodes too early for any major kidnapping of Chorim. He may just let Chorim off with a creepy warning while planning something for her? The cops have nothing to use against him anyway at the moment. In fact, they may even get themselves into trouble with illegally planting that spycam.

  8. Writers and PDs, please give our messy hot serial killer a heartthrob leading role next time. Should we sign a petition?

  9. My guess is Jae Hee doesn’t suspect Chorim is the Witness but just helping MooGak to spy on him. Jae Hee is aware that MooGak knows he is the barcode murderer (but without any solid proof). JaeHee is also aware that Chorim is close to MooGak. Naturally Chorim will help MooGak, right?

    Hhhhmmm, why didn’t JaeHee think of that and trusted Chorim to enter his house? Very un-sleek, very unlike JaeHee.

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