
First Look at TW-drama Love Cuisine with Lego Lee and Allison Lin — 11 Comments

  1. koala am in a major korean drama slump right now, i havent watch a complete korean drama since the last two years.i just read comment and reviews of dramas which i find interesting but not able to watch them.i use to love them and i till do but the desire to watch them is so low that i find every drama not interesting so i dont bother to watch them anymore.i really want to start watching them and enjoying them like the i used to.will i even enjoy them like the way i used to at all.please me and anyone who read this text.

    • To answer mm: don’t worry about it too much. People’s tastes change all the time. I haven’t got into any drama these days either. I used to be a huge fan of reading, but don’t do it as much anymore. The point is just sit back and relax. May be you can try some good Chinese, or Japanese dramas to change things up a bit. By the way, this is my first time commenting

    • haha, i myself rarely finish watching kdramas. but may i give some recommendation kdramas that i finished watching and currently addicting?
      1. kill me heal me
      2. falling for innocence
      3. mask
      4. ghostess (still airing — super recommended)

      i watched many dramas from Mainland, Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Thai, Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines, western, europe. wow.. when i get bored with a drama from one country, i’ll watch from another country.. and just like that 😀

    • At the moment I start watching some Kdrama but then soon drop them because they don’t interest me, so I wouldn’t worry too much about this.

      I can recommend some Chinese, Taiwanese and Japanese drama for you to try.

      1. Boss & Me (really sweet romance)
      2. Perfect couple (great till episode 20 then a little draggy but still good)
      3.lady & the liar (based in old Shanghai, quite long too)
      4. My sunshine the drama with wallace chung and Tang yangnot the movie

      • Taiwanese dramas
        1. Someone like you
        2. Drunken to love you
        3. Fated to love you
        4. Queen of sop (draggy towards end)

        1. Close range love (the movie)
        2. Rich man poor woman
        3. Hana kimi


    • Watch…Healer, Hello Monster, Yong Pal, Oh My Ghostess, Glorious Day, . These are watchable. healer is by far the best drama out there! I am like you….used to be obsessed with watching to the point my kids say I need an intervention! Not even kidding…….for the last 6 months I have stopped watching like half way through a series…..just not good enough to hold me. But, Healer I have watched three times. It is SO amazing! Just finished Hello Monster and by gosh the acting is so freaking amazing. Yong Pal is proving itself too. Of course it helps when I love all the actors! I started to watch Oh My Ghost…and stopped in the first episode. Thought it was a dumb concept. But then my friend is like….NO! Keep watching! So I have and it is pretty nice. It has my new fav actor So Yoon. Saw him in Glorious Day and he was a minor roll but OH MY GOSH!!!! And the best thing is he already did his military time!!!! Live him

    • You’re not the only one in Kdrama slump. I’ve been surfing internet around to look for something I can watch but nothing on air got me through it. So I’m here to find anything, just anything that may eventually hook me up again. I’ll give this one a try. But I’ll appreciate it if anyone give me other recommendations.

  2. Seconding dramafan’s suggestion to try other countries dramas. I probably would have lost interest years ago if I stuck to kdramas.

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