
Second Teaser for The Village Offers Mystery and Danger Aplenty — 14 Comments

  1. Short hair cuts are hardly a new thing. It’s on and off every season so I don’t see how that can be the new “in”. Sooyoung is currently rocking it with the blonde.

  2. I am worried about them inserting random romance as to fill out the episodes, as I still think 16 episodes is too long to cover a murder mystery, though I guess, as everything it’ll depend on the execution of it. And this does sound interesting, so I’m hoping for good things, both from the story and from the actors.

    That said, I think I’d be okay with romance if it has a creepy vibe to it, like something that makes you go ‘does he love her or is he trying to kill her?’ as in ‘Suspicion’ or something. That could be fun.

  3. this looks intense, at first i didnt want to watch it cuz i couldnt accept sungjae as the male lead to our MGY, hehe.. no offense, but he’s such a talented young idol-turn-actor.. and the trailer seems promising soo.. alright, im now curious..

    the trailer reminds me of Kim Ha Neul’s blind.. thriller-romance is my cup of tea 🙂

  4. Looking back, Moon Geun Young has been casted in “cute” or just “plain” roles in dramas’s that were not top. The drama’s and movies with more “darkness” in it were the ones where she was at her best.
    Promising !

    And, while even Moon Geun Young gets older, this type of wholesome roles could keep her active for many years to come.

  5. Really looking forward it starts this drama, I’m really curious and want to know who the culprit 🙂 Moon Geun Young still excellent , can’t wait !!!

  6. I actually thought MGY was good in Cinderella’s unni. But I fell in love with her in Marry me Mary and thought she was amazing.The fact that both drama released in the same year and she managed to pull out a total opposite/different character, impressed me. I am looking forward to see how she is going to act in a thriller. I am prepared to be surprised. (coz she is the real deal).

  7. I am still trying to accept thatmy all time favourite Kim Jae Wook wasn’t included in this (as it was announced at first). Too bad, because he’s good. I’m not saying that SungJae is a bad actor, but he is way to inexperienced. I hope I won’t be disappointed.

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