
Taiwan Gets Double the Hallyu Love in the Same Week with Visits From Yoona and Song Seung Heon — 7 Comments

  1. ‘………. that would be like the blind leading the sorta blind’ lol Koalas. I actually think for her lack of experience Yoona is much better actress than Song Seung Hun. I liked her acting in PMAI, i think she is very likeable and charismatic in rom-coms. SSH remains eye candy but his acting is always below average.

    Also i love Yoonas entire outfit her, she looks effortless and chick.

  2. You probably have no idea that the Taiwanese public hold a less than stella opinion of the Chinese or Chinese stars. That Song is dating a Chinese star has actually hurt his popularity in Taiwan, and initial sales of the tickets particularly the more expensive ones (likely to be bought by older fans) were slow. Long-time fans do not particularly like his choice nor the high-handed, coolish way Crystal Liu has handled the dating topic, versus Song’s over enthusiastic declarations of love.

  3. Well if yoona could have chemistry with lee bum soo who was 20 years older than her, she could have with SSH too..rather than that i’m curious to see how will he act alongside big name like lee young ae. what is sure is that he good to the eyes.

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