
Lee Min Ho and Seolhyun are the Face of the Visit Korea Campaign to Promote Tourism Prior to Winter Olympics — 29 Comments

  1. You don’t write how the Korean netizen critize Seolhyun about her level? Wow, what a surprise. It’s not your style, Koala, you used to attack every beautiful girl and/or someone who did plastic surgery.

    • capt? seems your a celebrity yourself coz you have haters as well! Negative people lurks here I enjoy reading your blog koala, thank you

  2. hope that he avoids enlisting during the promotions for the visit korea event and it would be wise to let him enlist post-olyampic games no? just an opinion

    • Just looking at internet photos alone, I think this Seolhyun is actually prettier than obviously surgically enhanced Suzy, just start from the nose, then eyes and lips. Seolhyun is giving me this aggressive Barbie Hsu vibes.

      • Oh including the teeth and smile plus the eyebrows, Seolhyun is way miles better than ugly Suzy. Definitely Seolhyun wont be chosen by South Korean Tourism and President herself, if they were not confident enough in her beauty and tourism drawing power (capacity for attracting, attractiveness, attraction).

      • Now searching more about her, Seolhyun has better shaped legs too, it’s not bow-legged or parenthesis shaped () liked Suzy’s. Waah, is this Seolhyun that perfect physically, she’s like a living korean Barbie doll gosh!!!

      • And the ugly Suzy is more respectable than her, pretty seolhyun talk about his body everywhere because she has no succes project. Pretty seolhyun putt ugly suzy down for media play.
        Sadly everywhere she is now use as a joke from i-net and K-net as Suzy’s shadow.

      • @IceCream of course Suzy will have more achievements since she came earlier to be known. but I’m sorry, I cant rebut/deny what I said that Suzy is ugly, she’s the ugliest Korean star I have seen in Korean entertainment, since I used to be a fan of really beautiful Hallyu actresses like Choi Ji Woo, Song Hye Kyo, Lee Yo Won and Yoon Eun Hye. so those actresses are my point of comparisons, so get over it! to be real famous, either you are exceptionally beautiful or exceptionally talented, which I’m not convince of Suzy’s fame, she’s too overhyped by her blind fantards. it’s law of popularity, sooner or later someone better will come, you better be prepared you have the right equipment on hand.

    • Ok, sorry but this SeolHyun lady can even play piano, now that’s a musical instrument for intelligent people. Hands off to this lady, she’s not just beautiful & talented, but a classy & elegant one as well. Some diamonds right there, not a typical manufactured Idol star. Good luck to her, she deserves to reached further heights in her career in Korean entertainment, cant wait to see her more perhaps in Korean drama. SeolHyun new fan now!

      • So told to your talented national queen of media play to use her own talent and beauty to attrack media and public, instead of using suzy.

        Sorry my bias movie,cf and drama did well rather than her,So i dont need to prepare anything XD

      • ms takes about 1 yr 7 months or most people said 2 yrs (im not sure which one)… is it okay to be the ambassador without participating in the winter olympics event? hmmm maybe he’ll be excuse during the olympics

  3. He looks beautiful in all black, so please continue to wear black, i glad he looks like his normal self again,even too skinny, but he looks great overall. Seolhyun is pretty, but she is not at the status of LMH to be an ambassador, but hey congratulations to her either way, get that $$$ and publicity.

    • whatever you say, it was SeolHyun who was chosen by the President of Korea for this Tourism event, and not your ugly Suzy, poor you fans!

      • Read carefully,im not talking “Why not suzy”
        Im talking lee min ho and second suzy. Isnt she is second suzy? Everywhere her article say she is second suzy, ah maybe suzy’s shadow.

  4. I can see thinking bubble above LMH’s head, “aish, it is soooo cold”. For a moment I thought they were carrying a napa cabbage each. Napa cabbage = kimchi = Korea

  5. I don’t know Seolhyun but was interested cause I kept reading ‘media play’. I don’t understand the criticism and hate cause it does not appear that Seolhyun called herself the ‘second Suzy’ and she said she would want to be known for herself, which is really sensible and reasonable. Which person who has a sense of self would wants to be known as ‘second’ anybody?

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