
Upcoming Madame Antoine Leads Sung Joon and Han Ye Seul are an Edgy Couple in Cosmopolitan Korea — 5 Comments

  1. I get bored by most Korean fashion shoots – or I think a major WTF!!! But this one I love. It is edgy and interesting and still manages to look AWESOME and not at all corny or weird. I really think they nailed it. One of the best I’ve ever seen. Would love to see the whole thing!

  2. Sung Joon is remarkably good at photo shoots but his acting leaves much to be desired. Just like High Society when his photo shoot with UEE sizzled, but the acting chemistry between them was non-existent. I hope he can pull it off with this drama, but I’ve seen watched him in three rom-coms/dramas and I was not impressed with any of them. I believe Sung Joon would do better in other genres. Maybe he should explore that instead of getting typecast as a romantic lead?

  3. I for one is excited to see this drama.Sung Joon has this amazing ability to look old with anyone he acts with..From the pictures above none can tell that there’s quite an age gap between this two.Though the brooding from high society dint help him,I hope it does him justice here.But that role was bad enough anyway.

    • Really? I have an exact opposite opinion. He looks way too young and doesn’t have have enough maturity (life experience) to pull off any of the recent roles his is playing. That’s why his last few dramas are complete flops and he is not anywhere as good as he was in White Christmas and Shut Up Flower Boy Band.

  4. the fact that this guy keep getting leading roles is beyond me. his last high society was a snoozefest I’m sure this one is not an exception. next!

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