
The Festive Press Conference for Joseon Magician is Twice the Pretty with Yoo Seung Ho and Go Ara — 8 Comments

  1. Go Ara is indeed pretty, her eyes give her a charm that I envy at the same time, can’t help falling for it. I have to say she has better pictures. Those aren’t given her beauty its full credit somehow. I hope the movie does well, she deserves to get her career at the top.

    • SM really knows how to pick its visuals. Their overall styling is pretty much on point most of the time so their talents do not appear cheap.

      Go Ara is both pretty and talented at the same time. Like you, I also hope that Joseon Magician does well.

  2. Sometimes I think Ara is much prettier in photoshoot or closeups, where her eyes are the focus…. Normal photos usually don’t bring out her beauty to me.

  3. She looks a little bit like Jang Nara here, in certain angles.

    What’s the meaning of that finger gesture she’s doing, rubbing her thumbs and index fingers together? I’ve seen other celeb doing it too, just never understood it lol

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