
New Behind-the-Scenes Preview Showcases the Sprawling Production of Descendants of the Sun — 10 Comments

  1. So I get from this is that pre producing a drama somehow kills the online hype. Hopefully tv viewers numbers are good. This needs to be successful for betterment of industry.

    • It will air in China at the same time, so I think they’re aiming to please chinese fans more than online fans. After all, China is where the money’s at.

  2. Do you have the number of money that had been spent to say that this one is the biggest invested drama? The figures that I found shows that this is way behind many other dramas in terms of investment.

    • re-read it so you can understand what she’s pointing out. there’s no contradiction there. she wrote that the disappointments are centred on the previews they released. those voicing out their disappointment were probably expecting something heart-racing and mind-blowing. yet, despite the not-so-awesome trailers, the expectations are still there for the drama to deliver. that’s not a contradiction at all.

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