
Park Bo Gum Confirmed and Kim Ji Won Up for Romance Sageuk Moonlight Drawn by Clouds — 28 Comments

  1. Aww she confirmed already? from other articles. They said still undecided, but yay….I mean Yay!!! I’m missing bogummy soooo much and I like Kim ji won but shes soooo pretty to act as a cross dresser.

  2. I was hoping for a doojoon and Kim seul gi reunion cause the description seem to fit them so perfectly but I’ll take what I can get since I do like PBG and KJW

  3. All the cross dressing girls in the K dramas I have watched are inconvincing and cringe worthy of watching. I guess this one would not be an exception either.

  4. I hope this one will have a happy ending! And hopefully they wont spoil this drama just like they did with Who are you: School 2015.

    On another side note: I am not picky about looks, but I dont get it when Kim Ji Won is described as suuuuuper pretty. I find her average looking? I mean Jun Ji Hyeon/Song Hye Gyo are gorgeous looking, that I get. I suppose it’s the same case as people finding Kim Tae Hee the goddess of beauty (I find her OK looking, pretty but not that pretty like Song Hye Gyo). And dont get me wrong, I like KJW as an actress, and yes beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

    • I’m curious as well about the ending. From what I gather the lead character is Crown Prince Hyomyeong-King Sunjo’s son. And well his real life story kinda ends abruptly.

    • don’t worry no one get you wrong.everyone have different opinions.i love how kim ji won looks i find her pretty with type.(heirs)her face is not something that you often see in kpop industry.she has a unique style for me.on other hand i find Song Hye Gyo just a pretty typical face like a lot other korean actresses have, nothing more nothing less.just nothing spesial about her face + her acting skills.

    • She has a very unique face that you don’t find in Korea (koreans think she’s either japanese or from Hong Kong apparently), but at the same time she has the features koreans adore: small face, round eyes, well proportioned nose and so on; not to mention she’s natural, which as is very important for them seeing how 90% of celebrities have had some touch ups. As for western fans finding her pretty, well like you said, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and some find her pleasing to look at. That doesn’t mean you’re weird, you just have different tastes.

    • Yeah, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I’m of the opposite opinion as yours for Song Hye Kyo and Kim Tae Hee. I find Kim Ji Won quite pretty and cute.

  5. I’m biting my fingers since this news was announced, though KBS still tries to troll me by saying nothing is confirmed. I’ll wait from KJW side. Please confirm soon and save what’s left of my sanity D:
    I love KJW to bits. I found her so adorable and endearing in What’s up, even her Rachel made me feel for her. She can emote and deliver on screen, please PD nim give her a chance!

  6. hmm…pbg is one name I like and will check it out later but then KJW name show up and that makes me pass..maybe for 1st episode only for the sake cutie puppy PBG

  7. Hope kim ji won will confirm too. Too bad if she’s say no. Pbg is a hot commodity in k industry nowadays. Every day his articles were on the top search in korea. Besides pbg acting is so good. Hope the pd of this drama make a good plot so the rating wil good.

  8. KJW is not that good of a actress. her acting is on IU level. PBG need some like BJH so his acting can get better not worse by pairing him with KJW.

  9. Kim Jiwon is not confirmed yet. Her agency King Kong Entertainment hasn’t released an official statement yet. It would be funny if she got the role though. She’d be in both Best Actress and Best Supporting Actress categories at the KBS Drama Awards. ???

  10. yes kim ji won is great actress!!!love her in every role she was in!!she is so pretty too!!hope she agree.can’t wait once more for her great acting!!!

  11. What a relief thank for saying yes !!! I can’t wait for Kim ji won new drama I just love her acting >.< Park Bo Gum will look good with Kim Ji Won :3 Hurry up August I can't wait anymore *_*

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