
Hyun Bin Redefines Handsomely Rugged with Stubble and a Button Down White Shirt — 27 Comments

  1. Handsome… I would like to see him in another drama but I feel happy watching him on pictures for now. With that look it one feels like we are sharing a very lazy summer sunday 😀
    Thank you Koala for this post.

  2. I would love to see him and Ha Ji Won in an action film ala Mr. and Mrs. Smith or any action film as long as the plot is good. That would be Daebak!

    • Sorry, forgot to add that he’s a great actor as well. I liked him since his Samsoon days, but his acting really did it for me during that elevator scene in episode 16 of Secret Garden.

      • Puh-leez. I was on the viki team for Rooftop Prince and HJM. 2 of my favourite male actors. I was ready to skewer my eyes if I had to spend another minute looking at the screen. I will be flamed by her fans but that actress didn’t ( no matter how much ppl say she is a great actress) emote well and didnt sell herself as the female lead character. The 2nd drama was seriously one of the worst I’ve ever seen and I couldn’t bail from the drama. It’s traumatized me.

      • I was a bit confused with your response, then I realized you got the two actress mixed up. At first, I was heart broken co’z, I like Ha Ji Won a lot. But, regardless, liking someone is subjective and it is your opinion. 🙂

      • Ck10z, I get u.
        I salute those who subbed it honestly. It was terrible to watch and I think much terrible to sub!

        By the way no ones gonna sell me that the female lead was good. She was so sucky in that role it was unbelievable.
        By the way each time I see clean shaven fringe looking hyun bin – I think of robin and I get the shivers.
        I hope
        He never NEVER get that hairdo ever again. The drama traumatized me big time!

      • Yup correct actress wrong abbreviation. I like HJW. I don’t even follow that other actress post that drama. There’s enough actresses in SK who I like thank goodness.

  3. I miss his look in Snow Queen. I liked his manly style and he wasn’t too thin. Even if he’s handsome in his other dramas 🙂

    Sometimes I don’t really understand the korean mode in dramas :p

  4. Well, it’s already Monday and these photos just lifted my spirits. So handsome, oh so manly!
    Thank you, Miss ockoala!

  5. HB rocks the facial hair and looks great in the pics. I think much like Gong Yoo after Big, he is going to take a long break from k-dramaland. To have your post military drama be a ratings disaster couldn’t have been a lot of fun. Picking dramas to be in must be like a box of chocolates….you never know what you’re gonna get.

  6. Yums!
    He needs to pick a good drama
    I refuse to believe he might be gone for good
    Forget rom com, he can try some heavier stuff.
    With that facial hair and gruff — ROaR

    • Yeah definitely… i want him in a heavy drama…. a la “Friends, Our Legend”…. It was the best performance of his acting career..l

  7. I liked Hyun Bin and Song Hye Gyo together long time back and still do. 🙂
    I would have loved it if he was with SHG in any of her two dramas…..present and previous
    He does look great here.

  8. Beat me, tie me up, tie me down, duck-tape my mouth and throw me in the Han River, sorry but he just does not float my boat.

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