
Vogue Korea Features the Cast of Best Selling K-movie The Handmaiden — 5 Comments

  1. Ha jung Woo’s hsistyle is atrocious. Its like a mass of p**p on his head. His made up eyebrows as well are a put off. Something is seriously wrong in East Asian entertainment funds where men have to get their eyebrows shaped worse than a woman’s. It makes them less manly n more asexual. Why is this done?.

  2. It would be great to see this level of design and craftsmanship (Evening Division) appear on Korean red carpets. It’s sad seeing Korean stars default to dull and badly made dresses year after year.

  3. I think Ha Jung Woo is so flipping sexy he could pull off p**p on his head. I think this is a gorgeous shoot, everyone involved looks cool and the clothes are beautiful!

  4. I love Kim Min Hee’s look, she’s so different from the usual wide-eyed cutesy type that seems to be favoured in k-ent. She’s not a conventional beauty but she has a charisma and mystery that makes her stand out.

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