
Kim Rae Won and Park Shin Hye Glow with Chemistry in New Official Stills From Doctors — 105 Comments

  1. couldn’t agree more! i even think krw looks younger with his new haircut and all! psy is an all time fave of mine as well! can’t wait for its premiere!

    I really liked PSY in Pinnocchio and absolutely adore KRW, and am so excited for this drama since their chemistry in the stills is already of the charts and KRW is so handsome

  3. I CANNOT contain my excitement for this drama!!!! I don’t think I’ve been so giddy over a short teaser before. And I’ve loved PSH ever since. My heart needs to be pacified. June 20 come sooner please. I haven’t watched KRW in a long time, too.

  4. You can’t deny that they would be a pretty hot couple. Park Shin Hye is so prewttyyy and she’s so looks so happy in this drama and same with Kim rae won, OMG his voice sooo deep and manly. I THINK HE IS PSH leading men who’s really reallyy hot as a men. Both of them really attractive to my eyes

    • I kinda agree with you. I think kim rae won is shin hye’s most manly leading man. No offense to her previous co-stars, all of them are great too. I love shin hye, she’s my bae and rae won is really an actor to look up to plus his smiles are to die for. Haha…

  5. Kim Rae Won is both talented and handsome. Park Shin Hye lacks both talent and beauty. I don’t see how they could match. Just an opinion.

    • Didn’t you the one that bashed PSH in DB.
      Now you moved here too?
      Your obsession of her must be serious.
      Please get a life

      • Well, it’s quite amusing to tease Park Shin Hye’s fans. They seem so very…loyal. But I suppose I am allowed to read both blogs and leave comments here and there; and I am also allowed to like some actors and dislike other actors. After all opinions can be either positive or negative, and actors (by choosing such a profession) may either be praised or critisized. Therefore, no, I wouldn’t call it obsession: it’s actually called freedom of speech.

      • It’s overboard freedom of speech,anyway. You keep saying the bad things,and ur bias will get ’em more. The more you bash her, the more we defend. I’m sure u’d do d same thing to ur bias.

      • So hating and bashing equal with freedom of speech these days?
        Your so-called opinion is just an excuse. I have my opinion too but I don’t bash or hate on anyone.
        If you have nothing nice to say, then not saying anything at all.
        I don’t mind constructive criticism but that’s not what you are doing. What you do is putting someone down continuously with an excuse of your opinion.

  6. I miss PSH & LJS together too, IMO till now her best chemistry was with him in Pinocchio.
    As for this one hopefully their chemistry is too much better than what I had imagined before.

  7. Wow… shinhye so pretty,look forward for this pairing beautifully actor & actress, they match good together, success ?

    • Well that was dumb and ignorant.

      That’s a fine fine 40 year old surgeon.
      And she actually looks too young to be a senior resident ( didn’t read her description). Either way they are age appropriate.

      And this is not a PSH bash. They actually look good together. I’ve seen plenty of put together female doctors. But man if we only had such good looking consultants at work. Rawr. And who SMILES.

      • I know she still looks young for her role.
        That’s probably the reason she lost weight to loose her baby fat to look older… And now some people complained she looks old lol
        They really don’t read nor care about these roles.
        At least we know she is trying her best

  8. Wow i cant wait this drama ! Park Shin Hye is best actress and she is super! love she with KRW in this drama!

  9. KRW the hotness overloaded with his voice and the beautiful talented actress Park shin hye is very beautiful I love this Couple 20 june please come :*

  10. I dont know why few ppl in this comment section still have problem with age gap, like c’mon it just 9 age gap and this is a men who is older. What’s the problem with that?!?! Its so normal and ppl im real life prefer this too or better than noona lover right?!?!
    I just cant wait to 20 June!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My body’s so ready

    • Those people I assure you have nothing to do with criticism , I prefer the men older than women to enjoy the drama , they are using age gap as an excuse to comment with negativity in their words but I assure you again same people who are complaining about age gap will watch this drama 🙂

  11. I just have a soft spot for KRW since his Which Star Did You Come From Days…And dang, he does look good and youthful (I love his hairstyle here)

    I might try watching a couple of episode later..

    • Same, really like him since WSAYF days, fell inlove with his acting, charm and chemistry with JRW. Him and his age group are really talented actors and are very handsome(30’s Jo In Sung, Hyun Bin, Lee Dong Wook, Kang Dong Won, etc), my favorites.

      Excited of this drama.

  12. My manly and charismatic oppa with pretty patk shin hye. Oh God love is in the air! Lol! Im so ready to watch this!!!!!!!!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaa

    • She looks fine and is healthy. I’m sure she is healthier than you.
      She did sport activities with her fans in her fanmeet. If she wasn’t healthy she wouldn’t do that.
      And she is play 31-year-old she should look older.

  13. I really thought this pairing would b so wrong… but Ohmygosh!!! KRW is sooo hot here… i hope PSY will b able to show us somethin new w/ her acting!
    Overall, i am excited for this show… this & W ☺

  14. lets see which drama got more rating overall, KWB/suzy or KRW/PSH… storywise kwb/suzy attract more but acting wise krw/psh will watch both

    • 1ST OF all I wish both dramas good luck I wish their stories will be something worthy to watch 🙂 Doctors attract me more but I also like UF so I will watch both 🙂

    • They aren’t even the competitors. And I’m the opposite. UF has nothing new to offer but I’ll watch it for the writer.
      Where Doctors writer didn’t have the best record but the cast and everything else including the script seem great so far

  15. KRW really looking so old like uncle, yeah psh fan’s u all can call him hot and whatever because psh working with him but truth is otherwise, these pix donot show kRW hot at all.

  16. What is it with PSH and the gangsters from Gangnam Blues. I also recall she sat with them in many award shows. Seems like she was friends with KRW thru LMH at the awards and had good interactions.

    As Minoz I have affections for both KRW and PSH so hoping this Drama will do good for both of them fighting Raw Won and Shin Hye. Would also like to see them both together in a movie right after this

    • Maybe will be Shin Hye and Min Ho in a Move , they both are good fighters , but I bet Shin Hye will kick Min Ho’s …(lol) laughing no stop just to imagine it. It will be sooo funny.
      Do not jump on me, it is a joke. My respects. But I can not stop laughing , the image is stuck on my head.
      Shin Hye ya, fighting . Your Drama Doctors will be a success, I am sure. A cast of legends .

    • PSH has been in the industry for a long time. I don’t think LMH introduce her to KRW. They graduated from the same university.

  17. ShinHye and Kim Raewon gonna be the new hottest couple,they’ are both so freakin attractive. KRW voice&manners were so gentle, manly & warm

  18. So far I like the stills and teaser for this drama. I don’t really get the big deal about the age gap nonsense with a woman nearing her 30’s. In the real world their age gap is very common among couples.

  19. Wow, I can’t believe I’m actually looking forward to this the most out of all the upcoming dramas. I’ve never been a PSH fan and don’t feel any particular attachment to KRW either depite acknowledging he’s a good actor. But there’s something about that first teaser and these stills that’s capturing my attention. I think they’ll have chemistry together.

    • It’s good to hear that from a non-biased person! 🙂
      I cannot say that about myself since I really like Shinhye and think that she looks good with everyone. I have watched KRW in attic cat, WSAYF, my little bride. Liked him in them. Therefore, it’s great to know that my eyes are not deceiving me as far as their chemistry is concerned.

  20. Shin Hye , Queen of chemistry, looks sooooo hot with KRW, the man the only one. Finally she is acting with a real man, no offense to her previous flower boys. I am looking forward to this awesome project, this drama has strong message regarding issues in our daily life, and we should pay attention to it , because one of us can be the next Yoo Hye Jeong, never know. So stop all non sense and enjoy the show , otherwise

  21. KRW look old with PSH here. it ok thugh PSH always have great chemistry with her co-star. unlike suzy who chemistry not that good with her co-star.

    • Ok, don’t bring Suzy here. Em PSH fans, and em worried her fans will attack ShinHye in the comment sections of ShinHye articles. 🙂

    • Lol psh chemistry good with co star rofl yeah that forced kiss shows that all. Suzy always have best chemistry with her costar. Lets see whose drama grab more rating, though they are not in same time slot but still lets see who attack more viewers. your so called plastic queen poor acting do what wonder.

      • Why must fans of one actress put down another actress to justify their feelings? Just because someone makes a comment we don’t like it doesn’t mean we should try to get even. If everyone just ignored those kind of comments or feelings trying to say something back to get even then those of us that just wants to discuss the drama and actors in it would have a lot more fun. I like both Suzy and PSH and I bet neither girl has bad feelings for the other. Both girls would be embarrassed to know one of their fans dissed another actress/actor or fan for nothing more than to stir up trouble.

      • I didn’t know Suzy has best chemistry with all her costars and can act. ROTFLMAO. 8 dramas and 3 movies – wow she sure can out act PSH who has 19 dramas, 8 movies, 1 short film, 2 tv movies and has starred with the majority of the cute and hot actors. But I do admit, Suzy does kiss better than PSH. But that’s not a thing to be so proud of.

      • In your deluded world, you think your idol is in the same league as PSH. No chance. PSH is not as cheap as your idol.

  22. UF will get higher rating that’s for sure. UF writter has good track of well received works. her writting style is way more appealing and less messy. unlike Doctors writer previous works.

  23. Im so excited to see this!!!! Ohmygod my deep manly voice oppa kim rae won and beautiful shinhye. Why you two look so bright???!!!!??!! Make me reallllyyyyy impatient to watch this!!!! Give me more and more teaser or Bts stills, and i wont complain

  24. PSH looks different sooooo pretty and KRW is so handsome. Wow, I like the teaser, so exciting looking forward come June 20th. Cant wait….

  25. Yesss yesss yesss my hawt ahjushi!!! Aside ksh, i really attracted to ahjushis. The hot ones. While watching signal all my eyes were on jo jin woong instead of lee je hoon only after past-signal syndrome came, i stan ljh. Their aura is just different from the 20’s flower boys. Im her fan but way before this pairing came out i always think he’s damn smuggly handsome. Hey anyone watch how damn awesome he is in punch? The rise of ahjushis!

  26. I think Kim Rae Won lost a bit of weight in his face? He looks younger than what I had last seen of him. I’m also really looking forward to this!

  27. WTF, LMH and his girlfriend’s fans are deluded. Why are their names in this comments section when the article is not about them???

  28. PSH has superb chemistry with all her leading men. There might be certain favs amongst her fans but I love that I can change my taste in men every time she works with one. KRW is very manly and his acting is just awesome. There is not a hint of his Punch character in his new role.

  29. There’s no chemistry, I wish it was so ji sub, jo in sung or Eric. I’m sure KRW is good but really they almost look like an uncle and niece. Well we’ll see sometimes the actor’s demeanor can change the appeal. But yeah nope none, I’m totally disappointed… Wish it was the other 3 I mentioned … Oh well ?
    Can’t wait for won bin and Suzy B’s drama though.. They look good and story line seems solid too

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