
Yoon Eun Hye Films Cameo for C-drama Remake of Coffee Prince with Yang Le and Xu Lu — 42 Comments

  1. I tried watching the Thai version awhile back, but I ended up rewatching the original one for the umpteenth time. Such a great drama!

  2. Ohh I think Zhang Tian Ai would of made a good role since seeing her character in Go Princess Go. Lol. Oh well, hope the remake will be almost as good as the original. Can’t wait!

    • Goong was pretty popular too. She plays well in I miss you alongside with Yoochun imo.. But yeah except those, her more recent dramas have not been well received…

    • Whatever drama that there is eun hye in it, it looks interesting and take attention. Goong (princess hours), I miss you, Lie to me, Young Lady (castle), I am sure almost all K-drama fans knows and watch it.

  3. Just saying. Few days ago I read the posting that her acting career has stalled big time and there’s a comment mentioning how she still linger on the success of Coffee Prince.

    And BANG, there she goes again. A cameo in Coffee Prince remake! I mean, can’t she just moved on past CP and do something substantive instead? I try not to sound mean but maybe this time around I have to agree that she is so overrated as an actress. Winning Baeksang for Best Actress and shot to superstardom after CP and that’s it.

    I couldn’t even remember the last drama that she participated in which left a lingering feeling to me. Just recently I viewed a segment of her in China’s TV program “Grade One Freshman” and again, there was a segment reenacting CP.

    Whatever acting talent that she has just wasted away like that. I wouldn’t mind seeing her in cable TV or doing daytime instead of primetime drama but at least, I could view her as taking her acting career seriously and really building up her craft as an actress instead of just holding on to the same thing that is CP that made her Hallyu star.

    I guess may be she is indeed a Hallyu star but never an actress, a thespian I hope that she should be.

  4. In her defense, I think it’s safe to say that she also would like to be known for more projects than just Coffee Prince and Goong, but her follow up projects just haven’t been as great as her fans would’ve hoped unfortunately. Like, Marry Him if You Dare was just not well written at all, to be honest.

    • I really liked the premise of MHIYD but IMHO, there was no chemistry between her character and Lee Dong Gun’s, she had more chemistry with YongHwa, whose character she ended up with anyway, even though most people hated the ending and didn’t know her choice. She is known for her incredible and believable chemistry with her leading males, but it was not there in Mirae’s Choice, and this alone flattened the drama. The right cast, after the script, is key to how well executed a drama becomes.

      • I agree with you,I watched the drama for so many times because I love her chemistry with Yongwa,but disappointed with the ending.i think that’s the weakness of most of K-dramas always hanging at the end actors and actresses were great but the script and director lacked of creativity to make the story interesting.I’ve read that she did this to pay. gratitude to the Producer.infairnes to her,she is really very good actress,I beg to disagree to the comment that she is overrated,I can say that because I did acting workshop and taught acting to children before. Her acting did not only recognized in South Korea but in other countries like Japan and other Asian countries and lately she still able to receive an award inspite of not doing drama for a long time..

      • @emchi, that’s how I felt about MHYD when I watched it. I couldn’t relate to her relationship with LDG. I actually shipped her with Jung Yong Hwa even a lot of ppl being very critical of JYH’s acting for the reason that he’s a Kpop idol. Imo, the screenplay was disoriented and confusing that made LDG’s character not admirable. That’s a shame.

  5. Nowadays, so may popular actors even A-lister like Jeon Do Yeon, working for TvN. I think Yoon Eun Hye needs to start from that trend channel.

    • I so agree with you, also she can also revisit Running Man etc, so many reality shows are funny and likable, and many actors gain fans from these shows. eg. New Journey to the West 2 is making Ahn Jae Hyun very popular esp with regard to his coupling with KHS, the show’s viewership now has the most viewers. So many people would love her to just make one appearance on RM, I would totally wait for that myself. I don’t like Uee too much but watched Marriage Contract b/c I liked 3Meals a day with Lee Seo Jin.

      • I think there is a problem in Koreans emotional quotient because if an actor or actress made a mistake in their private life,there is no forgiveness,no wonder why there are a lot of celebrities who resorted to suicide,a date is already considered a scandal,why not respect their privacy,why not forgive their mistake committed in their lives,nobody is perfect,its only God who is perfect,dont condemned without due process,YEH was condemned by publicity,so cruel..why not look the goodness,the help she is giving to charities,to children with special needs..dont get me wrong that Iam YEH’fanactic,this is just my analysis on what happenings in SouthKorean film industry,you just have a very few actors and. Actress who are great and one is YEH, so you have to support them instead of turning your back to them.

  6. Her image is pretty much shattered after the plagiarism scandal. She is disliked due to her arrogant statement – I used to like her but now she is just riding her CP fame. Shame

  7. nah her image is ruin. when she deicde to star along side that rapist PSH. korean cant stand the guy. so doing anything with him only bring your image down. that plagiarism scandal just add salt to her career.

    do agreed that her statement did turn me off. never thought she the kind of woman. that will diss a designer like that. still cant get over how she say. dont use my name to promote your brand. when the designer already have world class star wearing his cloth.

    • You forgot to mention that the “world class” designer accused her of “stealing” his design by lending his latest collection to her as one of her clothing sponsor while she’s already denied it & she has a log book to prove it. If he has good intention at least he would reach her privately to solve this matter but NOOO he choosed to solve this matter openly instead via SNS where everyone can read it. So what can you say about that kind of person ??
      If you want to bring down someone at least read the full story (not just the part you prefer)

    • PSH no rapist.. Sen ne biliyorsunki bunu demeye kendinde cesaret buluyorsun .. Gördün mü? duydun mu yanında mıydın? mal mal konusma yaa , ikisi harika bir çift

  8. Other than Coffee Prince, her other film projects are mediocre. I gave up Missing You (the child actors were superb) because of her subpar acting. Don’t get me started on Mirae’s Choice – it was a trainwreck. Honestly I don’t get the hype about her.

  9. her acting is not bad – people run to excuse the acting of all those idols who frankly suck – but she was really good in coffee prince and even in missing you, it was the writing that was terrible, not her. though the child actors were excellent, she and yoochun were still really good. she can emote quite well even in her earliest projects like goong etc. but her image in korea is ruined, so i guess any chance of a comeback is gone.

  10. I wouldn’t be so definitive in my statements and so conclusive in my judgments about a person. Like any actor or actress, sh has had both good and not so good projects (She has not anticipated the latter because who in her right mind would choose a trainwreck of a project?) True, she should been more on top the the release of the agency’s statement about the plagiarism scandal because after all the buck stops with her as the head of Jarmy Entertainment but to this day, there has been no professional and official judgment on whether or not it was indeed plagiarism. I pity the celebrities whose every move and and gesture is obsessively scrutinized, criticized, and condemned with an air of finality. We certainly wouldn’t want it for ourselves, right?

    • +1. K culture seems very obsessed with clean image of celebrities. This applies to either Kpop or K drama industry. But as long as a so-called “scandal” doesn’t involve litigation, it’s not a dead end for the parties accused.

  11. This is show business and if other actor and actresses can overcome adversities then I don’t see why YEH cannot do the same.
    People forget that a sensational story only lasts in the spotlight for a short time before it is replaced with another story and as time goes by people forget and also become more forgiving.
    Someone as talented as YEH can definitely make a comeback whether one year from now or five years from now all that is needed is a good strategy and a great marketing plan to revamp her image,other stars have done it before with worse scandals than YEH and it can be done again.
    Also acting with PSH shouldn’t ruin her career since he was in the neighborhood hero drama and the people who acted along side him in that drama are doing fine from what I see.
    I am happy to see YEH doing a cameo in a drama and look forward to checking out this remake.

  12. She’s still obsessively riding on her Coffee Prince’s fame. Too bad. Please move on from there YEH. I know it’s hard to be certain that the drama or whatever project she’s picking is going to be a good one but I would love for her to show the serious side of her becoming a real actress.

      • +1, agree. Too much speculation out of some comments. She’s been a good actress long ago and doesn’t need to prove anything about being a real actress or not. It just happened she seemed to make consecutive bad choices on her projects. Unfortunately it would be harder for an actress than an actor to have a rebound given that age is one huge factor to defy.

  13. WOW, to those dissing her, you will one day eat all your words. YEH, and it’s my opinion, just like you have yours, is one of the best actresses worldwide, she’s taking her time to pick a good script, which is key to a great drama. I absolutely love everything she’s been in, and three of her dramas, CP, Goong and Lie to Me are the only dramas I have watched at least 6x each, with CP being my all time favorite drama among Korean, Taiwanese, Chinese and Japanese dramas. No, her image is not shattered, No, I don’t believe she lied, and NO,she is not disliked.

    • Some may diss her but sincerely, I used to like her but I really do not feel like she’s taking her acting career that seriously. I just wish she could be more like Ha Ji Won. HJW did have some bad choices and picked awful project but people don’t view her negatively because she sincerely did her best and she moved on past her previous success and continue to work on her craft with some other acting projects. I am not saying YEH didn’t do her best but she tends to bend into being a celebrity instead of refining her acting craft which made me having a second opinion about how serious she is. I love actress especially one as beautiful as YEH whom I can admire for her body of works. It’s the same as how Leo Di Caprio has been widely worship after Titanic yet he still impress the world with his impressive body of works.

      It’s just a serious opinion and concern on YEH which never intended as a diss to her.

      • @OMG, I hear you. I just think she’s taking her time with her choices, because a lot of people disliked her previous dramas, don’t know why, I enjoyed them all. I am glad you mentioned Leonardo DiCaprio in the same thread with YEH, because I love his body of work, I was so happy that he finally got an Oscar this year, it was very long overdue. I cannot wait to see After Love, they picked two actors who show emotion just with their eyes alone, I have always wanted these two to be in something together, another actor that I wish she could act with is the Taiwanese actor, Chris Wu, but I don’t think that will ever happen. Anyway, I just know that we have to give her a time to figure out what to do, I never think it’s worth it to just do dramas just for the money, you have to feel you can do a great job, and am sure she has to fall in love with the characters too. I feel everything YEH conveys in her dramas, I understand why she played certain characters the way she did it, I am just a simple viewer who has seen many Korean, Chinese, Japanese and Taiwanese films and movies, and I find her very realistic and believable. I remember reading that her Coffee Prince PD once said she considers YEH a genius actor, and I can see why. As you can see, I am a YEH fan…and I will wait for whatever she decides to do, it’s her prerogative.Being an American, I find the Knetizens very harsh and hostile towards their idols/actors, like they are supposed to be perfect, it’s so crazy. Btw, and please no offense to her fans, I am not a huge Ha Ji Won fan, I think she does great action scenes and while, yes, she has improved…a lot, her romantic scenes are still not realistic to me, and even though I feel that way, if there are other actors in anything she’s in that I want to see, I will still watch it, but I do not seek out her work.

  14. Her cocky response is the trigger of her downfall. She lost Samantha Thavasa deal, her movie After Love kept being postponed. She has no one to blame but herself. Anyway good luck YEH

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  16. I miss Yoon Eun Hye so much and hoping she’ll be able to go back to SK drama. But the only problem is that why some Korean people are very judgmental on a mistake of celebreties? Who are they to judge and what happened to Yoon Eun Hye can also happen to anyone, the so called “plagiarism” not intentional though. This accusation for Yoon Euh Hye did not go on litigation because the designer probably thought in fashion industry, you cannot avoid creating some similarities but not actually copying. To cut the story short, I hope she will be able to redeem her name and go back to television in SK and people will stop condemning her for what happened. What happened happen and I saw how she sincerely apologice to the public during the Samantha Tavasa event. So people, Yoon Eun Hye is really a good actress and perhaps some producer will giver her a chance to star in a good story drama in the future.

    • Concur 100% with you. I don’t understand some K netizens, and IMHO, she shouldn’t even have had to apologize, but I guess that made some feel better. I don’t think producers are not giving her a chance,she just hasn’t agreed to anything yet. Like you, I hope she gets a really good script and signs on soon.

  17. I’m not understanding the hate over a cameo. Park Shin-hye did a cameo in the Chinese remake of You’re Beautiful.

  18. I like her, she is not only a versatile actress but a beautiful model and talented artist. Maybe she just needed a rest. These actors seem like they do double duty. Many of them help support their families.

  19. I love YEH and want to see her return as the female lead in K-dramas, once again. She is multi-talented, she can sing, act, is an accomplished artist, dress and handbag designer, beautiful,talented model, how many actresses have these type of credentials…not many. She reinvents herself, all the time, when she models. That takes talent.

    I would like to see her in a light comedy drama/mystery…a who done it type of drama. A drama which uses her comedic and intelligence skills, because she does already have the smarts, as a spring board for a mystery of sorts. Wish they would remake the “Thin Man,” and make a drama out of it. Finding a leading man who has terrific chemistry with her, would seal the deal. The fellow in “Coffee Prince,” might be a good match. They already have the ready made chemistry. Oh well.

  20. Love Yoon Eun Hye! Hope she & her agent can make a good choice for her next project. Such a shame to waste a beautiful, shining star!

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