The legal process continues for the Yoochun sexual assault allegations, multiple ones now after the bombshell first claim in early June was followed by a second, third, and now even fourth woman coming forth. The police have been investigating the claims and this week summoned Yoochun in for questioning, the first time he’s gone in for direct examination. He was flanked by two lawyers retained to represent him, and encountered a media press gauntlet camped out at the police station waiting to report on him. Yoochun was visibly tired and distressed and stopped to give a short statement that he was sorry for the worry he caused and he will cooperate fully with the police investigation. In addition to the four cases filed against him, last week a fifth woman came forth to the media to reveal that she was nearly sexually assaulted by Yoochun at a night club establishment but managed to fend off his advances and never reported the incident because she didn’t think anyone would believe her.
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What's going on with korean celebrity nowdays? -_-
#MICKY case
#MINNIE case
#JYH case
The next?? ?
Tom & Jerry case! Lolol! ?
If I were him, I would feel as if walking through the inferno for this public appearance. Grilled by the media! Sad.
That's why there's traditional wisdom saying:
"My son, give me your heart, and let your eyes observe my ways. For a prostitute is a deep pit; an adulteress is a narrow well. She lies in wait like a robber and increases the traitors among mankind."
He should not have hung around that kind places in the first place. Now it's all too late for him to get back his image, guilty or not.
Or, and just a thought, if he did this, it's not those evil girls' fault, IT IS HIS. HE is the one decided to molest/abuse them.
So here's a saying that's newer, but actually relevant for you: stop victim blaming.
The main point of the saying is about men not women. Wise men won't get involved with ppl in that kinda business the first place. Who's blaming victim here? Besides, don't talk as if you were jury or prosecutors. No one knows exactly who's real victim. I'm neutral and always wonder what has led netizens to be so gullible of media. Before he's indicted, he's assumed innocent. But if he's guilty, justice has to be served.
So stop your judgmental conclusion.
Oh no, I'm pretty confident I understand the point of the saying.
'A prostitute is deep pit. She lies in wait like a robber, and increases the traitors among mankind"
Oh yeah, you really put the blame on the dudes with that sentence. Your entire statement is couched with the idea that it is still ultimately the women who are the wrong thing here.
And like I qualified, I don't know if he is guilty or not, but IF HE IS, the ONLY person in the wrong here is him - because he has done wrong. She could be a drunk, semi-naked, camped out in the bathroom, prostitute and she still doesn't deserve to be molested.
So I'm actually pretty comfortable with my 'judgemental conclusion' and your follow up remarks (to me and others) certainly do nothing to disuade me from my original post.
Maybe you should have a think about why people are so upset about what you wrote. If you don't understand, google 'rape culture' and that might be useful.
@Nik. You're still circling around the same point and never got out. That's not what the saying is about. Sigh! PYC was stupid to visit the bars in the first place. He was also accused of raping one of the said victims at his own house AFTER VISITING AND DRINKING AT THAT KINDA BAR. Enough being said, I won't explain further and just give up on your wooden head. Go live happily with your own thinking and values. PEACE!
How about he should not have raped people? It's got nothing to do with the women. SMH
OK now I see jury is out. What about if he didn't? Then his reputation, his career, and very possible his life are still ruined, guilty or not. It's got nothing to do with the women, those prostitutes? You tell me you'd encourage your man, your son, or your bro to frequent those kinda bars and assure them they absolutely wouldn't get into trouble. SMH.
LMAO. If I were a man, I wouldn't be so idiotic to step into those bars in any day in any case. PYC got him into trouble bcos he visited those places, even during his public service. Stupid enough.
yea there's no fault on the 'she', especially if you're of the mind that all women are sinful creatures, which is the worst thing i've heard from religion/culture. and in some countries being a prostitute is legal and not a job to be judged or at the least compared to as a pit. lastly it takes two people to make an adulterer/adulteress
When did I imply that all women were sinful creatures in my comment? Am I a moron to degrade my own gender? Geeeezzzzz. LMAO. Sometimes I just can't get the illogical deduction from ppl. Don't put your words in my mouth. LOL. I was only talking about a decent man wouldn't have any business to do with that kinda places to begin with.
I think what drama2016 is saying is that the place or nature of the job might make the guy think it's easier. I m just guessing here but I'm thinking a guy with such tendencies in the first place might think it's easier to get away with it in an adult bar than say....a family restaurant. Or he might think it's easier to get away with it with a prostitute as opposed to say.... a lawyer. And sure, girls or women shouldn't be labelled bad or evil just because they work as prostitutes or at adult bars. I agree with that. And I also agree that unless a woman gives consent, it's rape even if she's buck naked. That doesn't have anything to do with the fact that I'd think twice about a guy who wants to go to these sort of places or who wants a sex worker. And yes, women should have equal rights regardless of what she does but if someone I loved wanted to go into the sex industry, I'd try to stop her. Maybe these days plenty of ppl go to these bars or have polyamorous relationships but many ppl doing it now doesn't make it okay in my book. Id like for me and the ppl I love to stay as far away as possible from such things. And if that makes me judgemental then so be it. I can live with that.
It's nothing about victim blaming. Don't read between the lines and just take my plain English. Righteous men would never visit that kinda places, celebrities or not. Period!
The saying implies the women who have relations with men are either prostitutes or adulterers. Why? Bc it implies sex is evil. This is definitely sexist.
@maira, how the heck do you get that kinda implication from the saying? The premise is to stay away from "known" sex workers and stay away from sex outside marriage. Should I explain further? My goodness! I thought the language itself is clear enough. A prostitute is a prostitute. An adulteress is an adulteress. How is that to do with being a sexist? Or are you promoting sex industry or adultery?
Looking at everyone's responses, it seems no one likes your quote.
And whatever those establishments are, they are legal and rape or assault, true or false, can happen any where. So the assumption that stuff like this happens because it is an entrainment place is narrow minded. One of the victims alleged she was raped in his own house so your quote doesn't cover that unless you say he should never have females over.
The only point I agree with you is he shouldn't have visited them while in military as they have strict rules. As a free citizen, sure that's fine. Just don't assault anyone.
@Nik. That's why I have this problem with your logic. Go back to read the saying carefully including every noun and verb. The old saying does place accountability on whoever gets involved with extra-marital affairs or has physical relationship with sex workers, consensual or not. Anyone who knows the saying well would fully understand the wisdom implied in the saying to just stay away from the places where sex workers are. The saying is never about whether the sexual relationship is consensual or involuntary. The saying is telling men that is all wrong to begin with to hang around the places of sex workers or to get close to seducers who may wreck your marriage. What's wrong with that unless you have different values for a man to stay wise? To this point, PYC was all stupid in the beginning to frequent those bars whether he committed those alleged horrendous crimes or not.
It's apparent that you guys never had any knowledge of this saying at all so you all took it in a wrong way. That's obviously suggesting that you guys just have different values as mine. No points to argue about. But there're many ppl who know this saying pretty well and have the same belief as mine won't disagree with me.
Yes your judgment is offensive to me and therefore the name calling bcos you guys' arguments here are foolish according to my values.
Drama 2016
Just ignore some of the replies. You have just given an interesting analogy and saying. And people are taking it too literally.
I think ppl who don't agree with drama2016 just have different values with her. But they keep forcing that values to her. Weird.
Holy shit.
First of all, not all of these women were prostitutes.
Second, 'traditional wisdom' tends to marginalize women.
Third, comparing prostitutes and people who cheat on their significant others is just plain stupid. If a woman is willing to provide sex for interested men for money in and a legal and safe manner, so be it. That is completely different than someone who breaks an implicit trust and bond between two people.
Fourth, how about he should not have assaulted these women instead? You said you are not victim blaming. Newsflash -- yes you are. Looking up what victim blaming means. You made it seem like being around these women is the problem. No, the crime exists because the criminal performed the action. Again, not all of these women were prostitutes, so he clearly committed these crimes in other places. Furthermore, someone who is twisted enough to assault multiple women will and can do the same thing no matter where he or she is.
Sure, he may be innocent. However, given the fact that multiple women have pressed charges and described a series of events that are eerily similar to one another, that's highly unlikely. Furthermore, one of these women actually pressed charges late last year, before this thing blew up.
It sounds like you're a female. As a female, I am horribly embarrassed by your manner of thinking, and you sound like you live in some pristine bubble with no clue about the real world. Here's another newsflash --> plenty of men who attend bars and strip clubs have the sound judgment to keep their hands and their dicks to themselves.
Holy crap of your long ass "analysis!" That's your value. My value is to advise my significant others to stay away from prostitutes and marriage breakers in any case, legally or not. Yes, that's what I have in mind. Being around these women is the problem to begin with for a man. Not to mention he's serving mandatory obligation as a citizen of S. Korea.
"Here’s another newsflash –> plenty of men who attend bars and strip clubs have the sound judgment to keep their hands and their dicks to themselves."
Yeah smarty pants! My GAWD! Give a GO AHEAD to your significant others to the carnal temptation of visiting those bars based upon this piece of twisted newsflash or trash. I wouldn't. Make sure your guys all have sound judgment to keep their hands and their dicks off those women.
I'm astonished and more than embarrassed by your shady values and logic. Where're you all coming from with this kinda cheap thinking? LOL. So do you have a lot of so-called real world experiences to mock me? Geeezzzzzz.
Co-sign. A+ reply.
Moron grading. LOL @Nik.
Nice name calling Drama2016.
Here's the thing, if there are a lot of people who have an issue with what you are saying, and they are trying to explain why it is something that really resonates/affects/offends them, maybe, instead of being so defensive (and frankly kind of rude), maybe listen to WHY it is problematic for them.
Stop getting so stuck on the judge and jury thing, since pretty much everyone is qualifying the guilt/innocence, and try and understand the problems people have with both the tone and inference of all your comments, which is that it is the fault of the environment (and since that's where the shady ladies are, also the women), rather than the the fault of the perpetrator.
One of the issues I have with your comment(s) is the lack of responsibility that you place on the (alleged) perpetrators - it's the locations fault etc. It's easy to see how a lack of accountability for their actions can shift to blaming the victim. And victim blaming is something that a few people have brought up.
I really do urge you not to be so dismissive, and perhaps google 'rape culture', because we need to move toward a society where women feel safer.
"My value is to advise my significant others to stay away from prostitutes and marriage breakers in any case, legally or not. Yes, that’s what I have in mind. Being around these women is the problem to begin with for a man."
Yes, apparently your value is that being around "lowly" women is the problem, not that the man committing the crime is the problem.
"Yeah smarty pants! My GAWD! Give a GO AHEAD to your significant others to the carnal temptation of visiting those bars based upon this piece of twisted newsflash or trash. I wouldn’t. Make sure your guys all have sound judgment to keep their hands and their dicks off those women."
LMAO carnal temptations? Are we in fcking Bible class or something? You do realize that there are perfectly functional relationships where couples are open to polyamorous relationships, right? And, you also realize that bars are just that, BARS? Have you ever even been in a freaking bar? Lastly, it sounds like you have serious misconceptions about functional relationships. If a guy wants to assault, he will assault anywhere and to anyone. It's about power, not sex. On another note, if a guy wants to cheat, keeping him out of a fcking bar ain't gonna do jack. So, good luck trying to 'rein in' your significant others by keeping them from the deplorable lowly establishments where carnal temptations run rampant.
"I’m astonished and more than embarrassed by your shady values and logic. Where’re you all coming from with this kinda cheap thinking? LOL. So do you have a lot of so-called real world experiences to mock me? Geeezzzzzz"
Are you fcking fifteen or something? Just because I actually use my brain, am more open-minded, and don't devalue women that somehow this is "cheap thinking"? So what if someone who has "real world experiences" state that things I said? Do her experiences somehow devalue her opinions and worth? Please don't procreate and spread this sort of shitty ass marginalizing sort of thinking onto others.
@xiaoxiu, I guess you're coming from upbringing with communist background. Basically it's already saying out loud you don't have the same values as mine. You keep being aloof of all your knowledge about the real world. I just don't buy your shitty values. Sorry not sorry. Your arguments are trash to me.
That pristine bubble is called moral compass, i guess. LoL
LMAO communist upbringing? Jeezus you have serious issues.
"You keep being aloof of all your knowledge about the real world. I just don’t buy your shitty values. Sorry not sorry."
I don't need you to buy my 'shitty values' lmao. It's not my problem if your narrowmindedness blinds you. And please, don't even try to lecture people on the 'real world' when you obviously have serious issues with understanding what the 'real world' is.
Yes if moral compass means marginalizing women and victim blaming. Not going to bars does not equate to having a moral compass, and going to bars does not mean you don't have a moral compass. It's really that simple.
He looks so emotionally drained and defeated in those photos. And seriously news reporters are so annoying. Always getting in everybody's business. I feel for the guy, but at the same time, I do not. He's a grown adult for crying out loud. He should have known better than to hang around those kind of establishments and make those stupid decisions. Now, he must deal with the consequences. I hope that he pays the price if he is found guilty. And if not, he needs to stay out of the limelight and focus on himself for a while and nail the accusers for tarnishing his career.
Well said.
+1. And also stay away from any bars like that.
Wow.. Laughing at your own deranged insults at people...
LOL. Don't think you look pretty by mocking at ppl with different values from you. For me, those who visit these kinda bars are not respectable whether they commit crimes or not, equally for those who approve of that kinda entertainment. So who's deranged? For me, your low moral standards say out loud. Perhaps you just got offended bcos I disapprove of your values. Geeezzzz.
"He’s a grown adult for crying out loud. He should have known better than to hang around those kind of establishments and make those stupid decisions. "
How about he should've been an adult and not commit a crime? Did someone force him to assault these women?
Here's another jury out! LOL...Go take a bar exam and just be a pro to indict a suspect. Don't bark on a forum as if you were the prosecutor, the judge, or the jury. Wait and see until the disclosure of the official investigation results.
"How about he should’ve been an adult and not commit a crime? Did someone force him to assault these women?"
How do you know that he did do it though? Lol. Let's all just wait until the investigation is over. I'm not saying he didn't do it and I'm not trying to blame the victim either, but there really are people who cry wolf. I'm just trying to be open minded until the truth is revealed.
What he said reminds me of Seo Bum Jo's mom in the last episode of Pinocchio. Her lawyer keeps insisting her to shut her mouth and asking her to only give this statemenr "sorry for the worries aiv caused and will try to cooperate well with the police". Well, whether or not the investigation shows if he is innocent, the fact he does go to that room salon while in his serving duty is already wrong.
And this is during his military service. He really has no respect for his own job.
Castrate him for just ruining the sacred image of all straight penis owners. Next, make a hotdog.
I guess I've spent too much time reading all the crap from the media about these K celebrities' scandals. Rumors circulate one after another and it doesn't seem to stop in any time soon. Now it's really getting suspicious that K celebrities are being cherry picked under scrutiny just to cover up a bigger scandal in SK. Even more ridiculous that Song Joong Ki and Park Bo Gum are rumored to be present with PYC's pact in the bar when one of the alleged rape took place. WHAT THE HECK!!!!!????? SHK and Yoo Ah In's agency even stepped out to prove the duo's alibi. LMAO. Seriously!!!!! Where has all the rumor started? Certainly Blossom Ent has to file defamation lawsuit against these gossipers.
I follow this case news online, the victim story seem really convincing but i'm not sure if it can be proven because it happen in the bathroom, their story really sad n i can understand why they doesn't dare to report because they work in the bar, people always regard bar girl is prostitute but i guess sometimes not, in this case what i read is the bar didn't allow prostitution because thats ilegal n the bar doesn't wanna be blamed, i hope the truth win n in my eyes that girl is victim here
this guy look 20 year older in one picture. he should have pay the first woman money. maybe then . all these woman didnt come out. his comany bring mob to scare woman didnt help his cost. he done for in korea. time to go to china were. they welcome rape people.
Wow. This is a case of "he said,she said" but people have already decided that he's guilty without any concrete info? Going into a place like that does not make you guilty and anyone who thinks that guys in the service are all chaste is not living in the real world. Dunno yet how many of these reports are true,if the sex was consenual,or if this is a case of someone deciding they weren't treated right AFTER the fact. And yeah, if several women talk about it or read the same info,things will become similar when they make statements. It's hard to imagine, but not all women are ethical and there are ones out there who will cry "rape"for money or attention or revenge. Am I saying he's innocent? Nope. Am I saying he's guilty? Nope. All I'm saying is please refrain from labeling him a rapist until we actually have info from a reputable source.
+1... I amen your assessment. Rational! Even I don't approve of his visiting those kinda places.