
Glamorous Stars Out in Full at the 2016 Annual Bazaar China Star Charity Night Event — 23 Comments

    • Women like Lin Chi Lin, Zhou Xun, Li Bing Bing, Naomi Campbell ect… push me to get myself together and work and have a good diet to keep in shape and remain beautiful and also not caring about age which is just a number

  1. C-ent functions (awards, gala, etc) have always been a feast to me. The ladies come with colorful and various lines. Male artists are never afraid to go overboard with their fashion choices and I love their bravery, even if my personal preference goes to classic cuts. Never a boring moment :D.

    • I was just reading on netizen buzz where people were dissing C- fashion and saying they need tips from korean fashion

      I don’t know about that. But from whatever little i have seen the C-stars are more experimental and have more cuts, styles and especially color. I like this more.

    • Of course they do. They are a lot more experimental with styles and colors than K-celebs. But I heard it’s not because K-celebs have boring taste in fashion but due to the cultural dress code which encourages them not to wear outfits with striking colors in order to not stand out too much.

  2. I always find C-actors and actresses dressing up sense are way better than the Korean stars. Korean stars always look fantastic in dramas but always left me scratching my head whenever I see them on the red carpets.

  3. C celebrities are dressed more like glamours stars, albeit their aesthetic or fashion tastes are not necessarily to my favor, while K celebrities usually look more dressed down like Walmart models. LOL

  4. Did Liu Yifei piss off her stylist before the event? Her dress looks corny and atrocious and the bottom part reminds me of that infamous Prada dress worn by Anne Hathaway the night she won her Oscar.

  5. Zhao Li Ying looks so gorgeous! Ruby Lin is glowing and her dress is beautiful. Liu Shi Shi would be pretty even in a potato sack but I’m not in love with her gown. Is it just me or does Kris look a bit underdressed? Just me? Okay.

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