
Legend of the Blue Sea Tops Chosun Daily Readers Poll of Favorite 2016 K-drama — 20 Comments

  1. What? Seriously? I think goblin has much more hype than legend of the blue sea. I do watch both of the show but i stop on episode 7 or 8 for legend of the blue sea cuz i just cant really enjoy it. Well i think goblin deserves top 3 but then again who the hell cares? Goblin rules!!! Hahaha

    • OMG! I agree! I also watched Legend of the Blue Sea, but I quickly lost my interest because unlike Goblin, it just doesn’t deliver that amount of consistent charm (suspense, quirk, cuteness, etc.) LOTBS is on SBS, so it might seem that it has more hype than Goblin which is on tvn, but considering that tvn is a cable channel, I would say that Goblin is definitely doing better. Not to mention, all the major channels’ variety shows keep on mentioning Goblin. Congrats to LOTBS nonetheless, but just really interesting how Goblin didn’t secure the top spot. I’m totally looking foward to the finale of Goblin, but I’m going to be so sad when it ends 🙁 NEARING THE HOMESTRETCH, BUT STILL GOING STRONG!

  2. This poll is as stupid as it gets. And that’s me as a huge fan of DOTS accepting it. DOTS was huge but I don’t need silly numbers to prove that, specially when it’s this stupid considering Goblin and it’s current madness.

  3. at least that’s drama has something…LOL
    with that quality…not to good in rating (i means not so high as expected before airing)….no many people discussing this drama ….not like goblin for now and Dots last year that be new trends and break many record…and no award too (for drama…even for actor only LMH that got award)
    i hope next time JJH has better project
    so…yeahhh…just at least…..

  4. why so salty my friends? considering that this is a chinese poll, you should not be surprised at the result as LMH & JJH have more fans there. LOTBS is more popular than Goblin in China & Taiwan but Goblin is more popular in Korea. its a win-win situation isnt it? although, we dont really need to compare both dramas as they have their own charm. They dont even have the same time slot… Some dont like LOTBS and the same goes for Goblin. you cant please everybody.

  5. Sorry to say but Jun Ji Hyun and Lee Min Ho team up is wasted in lotbs. I mean if only the writing is good just like MLFTS, they could easily get 30%. lotbs started strong with 16.5% for 1st episode higher than dots and mlfts pilot proving jjh and lmh star power. Now its up to the writer if the ratings will increase or not. Sadly, the writer failed. I really find the drama boring. With the crap writing, its jjh and lmh name that made the ratings double digit not because its good. sorry

  6. Well, for me, I personally prefer LOTBS! It’s also by far, one of my fave Korean drama for now. So really great to hear this news!

    I watched Goblin but ended up fast forwarding the show and looking forward to the 2nd couple and the bromance. Hahahs.

    But I guess to each his own!

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