
SBS to Cease Producing Daily Dramas After Love is Drop by Drop Finishes Airing Due to Financial Reasons — 4 Comments

  1. Im not surprise honestly. Daily dramas are mostly meant for the ahjumma viewership anyway especially since online viewing of dramas are getting more popular, tv viewership on average is declining too. Plus the plots are overused and characters can be very unlikeable anyway.. That being said not all daily dramas might be bad, I’ve personally enjoyed some of the older dailies like Like Heaven and Sky, Pure 19, Yellow Hankechief and especially Family Honour (the writer also wrote ugly Alert, another of my fav). KBS and MBC tend to have better quality daily dramas imo so I do hope that this decision would not influence the other 2 networks. Maybe SBS needs some time to allow this department to catch up on quality, so maybe its not that bad of a decision after all

  2. Wait, I heard it is prime time only not morning dailies. They just announced a drama with Yoo Gun called Sweet Enemy. So confused by all this! And just when almost all dailies are subbed!

  3. I thought they only stopped producing night time, or prime time daily drama? In fact there is a new SBS daily drama in the making now; It is called “Sweet Enemy,” and it is scheduled to air in June.

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