
Jeon Ji Hyun a Vision in White at Hera Lipstick Event in Seoul — 26 Comments

  1. I think she wore the same dress earlier. She is smart and very lucky. But her acting capabilities are vrery limited and her beauty is just average for me. Her marriage brought good fortune to her.

    • She’s got Saturn behind her, she’s nothing but a Satanic sell-out, she’d never stay long without a backer, classy my foot!

  2. I am not her fan but I admire her for being super classy. She maintains that classiness until now and one of the few who could balance both successful career, high popularity and normal family life.

    • Agreed. She’s indeed a very classy and cool lady. I do not find her particularly talented in acting, but her charisma makes her enjoyable to watch.

  3. She is not super pretty. But she’s indeed looks good in anything she wears and has strong charms. She’s not that talented either but very likable ang elegant.

    • You said it better than me. She is indeed charming. She is fun to watch on the screen but if you watch her with the eyes of a critic then she falls short on many levels.

  4. she is one actress i admire very very much for how she handled everything about her life esp.private life and i try very much to love her and become her fan but my heart rejects her,i dont know why but my heart no matter how much i try rejects her.

    maybe its because i dont find her as beautiful as kim hee sun, song hye kyo,kim tae hee and yoon eun hye or maybe i find her to be too calculative in her everymove or maybe because i have never heard her donate to the needy or to a worthwhile course before (if you do its always comes out eventually.

    At first i thought the reason why my heart rejects her was because she is a direct competitor to song hye kyo my ultimate bias and love but kim tae hee too is a direct competitor and i love her too.

    i dont know why but i wish her continuos success in her life, she is charismatic and a great actor only when she is given an author back role like in mlfs and sassy girl.

    • hi @alexghana, i’m a big fan of JJH and I beg to disagree when you mention never heard her donating..of course JJH did some donations too..probably you never heard her donating ‘coz you were not her fan and you were not following her as well..

    • Well, she did good in Assasination that made her nominated for Blue Dragon. She not won it but they nominated her. And that’s not a sassy role 🙂 Btw thanks for you opinion

      • I’m sure she not great actress like queen Kim Hye Soo but please. She not only good in sassy role 🙂

    • @alexghana For me, I find JJH super attractive moreso than those you’ve mentioned, I think sometimes she’s plain looking but there’s something in her that makes her likable and attractive(maybe her sex appeal??), I do feel the same like you particularlly on shk, I also tried to like her, Ive watched some of her dramas, but it fell flat for me, I find her super boring and trying to be too cute most of the times…. kth, I find her beautiful when she doesnt open her mouth, but overrated when it comes to her beauty, kim hee sun , i do not find her attractive at all ..yoon eun hye,just ok, not a fan of her beauty… as for the TAEHYEJI (kth,shk, jjh), i think jeon ji hyun is the most successful in all aspects…

      • Hmmmm…. As a fan of jjh, I honestly think that lotbs is a fail, i do not like the plot and its boring to watch but I finished it because of her, I wish she didnt leave her child for that project, I hope she’ll have a meaty and good project next…

  5. She’s gorgeous for sure. But, I fell in love with she’s speaking in her serious deep low voice. So sexy.

  6. At least her last drama, LOTBS was consistent number 1 on its timeslot and was able to hit 20% viewer ratings a few times. It was also very popular in Asian countries. I’m so confused why somebody consider it as a disappointment. Like hello, other dramas like Weightlifting Fairy, Jealousy Incarnate, Shopping King or even W has low teens ratings or even having single digit.

  7. @alex.lobts was a hit for sure but you cant denie that much was expected from it.lobts was expected by the industry and fans to beat dots ratings because of the pedigree behind it.during airing the buzz around it was drowned by goblin.

    also most people dont know that while dots was made for 10 million dollars,lobts was made for 19 million dollars so without china sales the actual profit made on it is my view i dont think lobts was profitable to the producers at all but rating wise it is a hit.eventually whomever much is given much is expected.most people also dont know that drama k2 couldnt break even eventhough ratings was favorable.

    @chrissy.i follow virtually all top actresses.jjh has been in the industry for twenty+ years and i have follow her seriously for the past ten years but have never heard or read of her donating.but dont worry it is her money and she does not need me to tell her how to use it.

  8. @alex.lobts is a successful drama rating wise no doubt about it.but you cant denie that much was expected from it,for a drama which was expected to beat dots ratings by the industry and fans alike it was indeed lacking.there was non existent buzz around it during airing and the writer rehase same formula which made mlfs such huge success.Also many people dont know that while dots was made for ten million dollars,lobts was made for 19 million dollars so without lucrative china sales becos of thaad the profitability of lobts is questionable.infact i dont think lobts is profitable atall moneywise but rating wise it is a hit.the same thing happened to drama k2 whiles rating wise it was a hit, it couldnt break even money wise.

  9. Why do we have to find fault in everyone. I hope we can all just unite and celebrate every woman’s strength and beauty regardless of how they compare to their peers. JJH is a not perfect but she has achieved a great deal in her field, no need to take away her success by comparing her to others successes. There’s enough room for all these amazing actresses to succeed together and it’s great to see them prosper in a still gender biased field.

  10. @ queenie.i knew about that one already but decided not to include it because almost every celebrity in korea did donate to that world wide focussed tragedy and not to donate means you become insensitive and odd one out.

    this is not to say jjh is a bad person,far from it.she could do other good deeds privately.

    • @alexghan..So, technically, you lied about never hearing or reading of her donating when you actually did. However, you opted to withhold the information about the article because you felt her donation to Sewol victims was not a worthy donation because everyone was doing it. Correct? When she donated all her wedding money to charity in 2012, is that also not a worthy donation? Is that something everyone does too?

  11. @queenie.i dont want to have war of words with you because i dont want to create the impression that i dislike jjh or any other actress.if you read my comments here,i have never once criticize any actress because eventhough i have my favourites i practically watch all dramas and films when i have free time.

  12. hi again @alexghana, i’m supposed to share youtubelink (unfortunately it doesn’t allow) Showbiz Korea’s episode for you to hear(published April 14,2016)’s about their guest Austin Foxtail comment about JJH donations..

  13. Oh good god, @alexghana no one cares that you hate JJH and you must find every flaw she has but still say that you really don’t hate her. You mentioned it several times already so get over it! You r turning this msg section into something negative so please stop being a negative Nancy! Bye!

  14. Really can’t believe that commentators here are grown up adults not 12 year old kids.
    How can they decide that a person donating money for charity is a great person! I’ve seen the best piece of shits, the vermins doing a lot of charity as the charity serves a lot of purposes.
    Same goes for the babies who think JJH didn’t donate any money because they couldn’t find out in the news. Don’t they know that a large share of people make anonymous donations.
    So the conclusion is we are never going to find out and to throw shit on JJH don’t use ‘donation’ as an excuse.
    Tbh I’m not her fan and I genuinely think she is highly overrated. She is marketed as sassy girl but I never saw enough sass in her. But it doesn’t mean I’ll start bashing her for any insignificant reason. Don’t you there are species of human being who are born more ‘fortunate’ than oters and she is one of them. Don’t get jealous such people are everywhere around you.

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