
Song Joong Ki Explains Marriage News Announcement Reasons in Solo Interviews for Battleship Island — 15 Comments

  1. Their marriage announcement did give publicity to movie in other countries where there strong hallyu wave. Anyway big congratulations to song song couple. They made million of people happy with their wedding news.

  2. i read his interview and like what i read. but he is being accused he is unprofesional for talking about Song Hye Kyo in his movie premier. well…. can’t blame the guy. he has find happiness and want to share to the world aglimpse of his happiness

    • He’s not being accused of that by anyone who matters. There are always going to be some bitter people out there. And most of these interviews are pages long with one paragraph about his soon to be wife, and of course on international sites and elsewhere that is what is going to get attention. Though he obviously has no problem mentioning her and showing how much he loves her, which is actually nice to see. You can tell he was holding back a lot this whole time.

  3. Don’t see why fans (and the Songs themselves) can’t celebrate both the success of his movie and the happiness of their marriage. We are glad for both!

  4. Congrats to the both of them. This is another milestone for them.And he is looking so handsome with this pics.Waiting for Oct. 31

  5. Its always a dream come true for onscreen OTP to date and get married.

    May we have more SongSong-like couples in the pipeline! Are you listening uri couple? Hahaha…

  6. It is nice to have their news update. But it’s a bit sorry too that the news of his movie had been overlapped by his wedding news. People gave their attention more to their wedding news.
    Anway i’m still one of the happy million people outside to patiently waiting for songs any glimpse news update

  7. Congrats! Jealous and delulu fans must be heartbroken by now. LOL..
    Wish Song-Song couple the happiest marriage and family life forever!

  8. The announcement definitely felt out of character for the Song couple. It did seem like they were forced to reveal at an inopportune time. However, SJK has been doing his best to handle the aftermath and not negatively affect movie promotions.

  9. This guy is so cute. Rather than handsome or sexy he is very very cute and I’d think that will make him look feminine but no, he is manly cute.

    Congratulations to the happy couple and the added publicity probably helped the promotions. But I think Song is uncomfortable to be more public than other leads of the film.

  10. On Summer break here – looking forward to catching a glimpse of him next wk in Singapore.

    Along with So Ji-sub. I never ever see anyone when I make the annual pilgrimage to Seoul.

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