
Moon Geun Young Toggles Youth and Maturity in Fall Pictorial for The Big Issue — 7 Comments

  1. she looks so lovely. I hope she manages a good drama comeback. her acting didn’t get that much good reviews in glass garden. but she can act and I miss her in dramaland.

  2. Sorry her film did not do well for her…Its been such a tough year for her with health personal loss and career disappointment…hoping much better things ahead for Moonie…love and support.

  3. It would be nice to see her career take a turn for the better.Her popularity was much greater during her younger days. I really hope things getter better for her and she gets a good break again.She at a stage in her career where she needs to reestablish herself from being a child star to a mature actress.Its never an easy transition..she deservers nice things.

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