
The Cast of tvN Drama This Life is Our First Attends Drama Wrap Party — 28 Comments

  1. I can see how tired some of them are, especially Minki with those eye bags (going through the same rn :(). The drama was in some parts a bit bland, but overall really enjoyable!

  2. Overall, I enjoyed it. Most of the narration was meaningful. Only episode 15, I felt the script writer lost its way a little and left episode 16 to be 80 minutes long. The only couple which I felt forced at the end was Ho-rang and Won-Seok.

    • the drama is like seeing rich people trying to be someone they are not, pretended that they are the same as other without seeing that they still wear the gucci and chanel bag,

  3. can someone explain to me how jung so min and lee chung ah’s hair suddenly became so long? they both have short hair in the drama! were they wearing wigs in the drama or hair extensions at the wrap-up party?

  4. pretentious drama, I never felt that it was groundbreaking and now after the finale, it seems like the writer can’t finish what they started cause they never started it, they just borrow and copying jdrama and tone down a makjang kdrama.

    I read in db yesterday, the drama is relatable because jiho is relatable but she never in real trouble so it’s a perfect rose glass escapism and fantasy that will shattered when you see how pretentious and simple their concern are.
    Only touch the surface and never go deep down on the problem
    7/10 [thanks to the ost]

  5. This drama was not relatable to the least to me, neither were the lead characters. It was a moderate success for tvn in the season of ratings drought but I’ll never get the hype.

  6. Okay need help here please. Who’s the actor in picture 7 and the actress in picture 9? And their characters in the drama? My poor eyes cannot recognized them!

  7. This was a refreshing, delightful and very enjoyable drama. It managed to become my favourite this year. It is definitely a drama i wouldnt mind rewatching again and again.

  8. I wish i didn’t know that the writer got her/his ‘inspiration’ from the jdrama. And i heard that the korean writer didn’t properly acknowledge it?
    I enjoyed most of the episodes of the mentioned jdrama, and i somehow cannot find the enthousiasm to watch this kdrama. Even though i like the lead actress. Maybe its just a case of not liking most of the latest kdramas since Ruler of Mask.

  9. Watched it and loved it though I wished the last 2 episodes were done differently. I find Ji Ho is relatable but it takes a crazy one to do what she done. How many times I think of get myself a place to rest or hide from all my problems, be it a place to sleep or a company to eat together. Luckily I did not meet Se Hee in my world or else I would be tempted to do so.

  10. I thought it was a refreshing change from the usual ‘cool people in glamorous professions get into dangerous dituations’ kind of dramas, I really enjoyed it and the acting was great.

    I would rather have a drama like this than the 50th lame fantasy romcom starring shitty idol actors.

    • Totally ditto. even when there is romance, there’re realistic portrayals of life/hangups etc. Which may be tiresome, which may not please audiences but are nevertheless

  11. All the Monday dramas had their own flavour and were enjoyable in some way, to me. Dependent on at which ‘pause’ point (ie angsty, or in a rut) they were … I’d pick one drama over the other in preference.

    1) Witch’s Romance (kick-ass. but which also waned nearer the end, before it picked up in Ep 15. would have liked so much less focus on Cho Gap-soo, with his limited acting range as the bad dude, at the expense of entertaining interactions between the 2 leads)

    2) Bec This Is My First Life (consistently slow slice of life drama, but with realistic reflections dating issues/problems of contemporary couples/life). I kept getting the gfs here mixed up with the drama below.

    3)20th Cent Boy and Girl

    4) Temperature of Love

    Some lost their way and momentum (hullo Temperature of Love) to lose some zest and priority interest but Bec This is My First Life … until may Ep 14, Ep 15 was pretty consistent.

  12. I love this drama. It feels like watching an indie film or like Before Sunset movie. Beautiful lines and there is a certain rawness on how the series was directed.

  13. Well done, cast of Because This Is My First Life!!! The second last ep was a bit sadder than I would have liked but the finale made up for it! I do agree that Ho Rang and Won Seok seems forced back together. They shifted from sad to their usual selves so quickly. I was really warming up to her weird new guy. But still a lovely ending coz Mr. Ma and Suji are adorable and Se Hee and Jin Ho are together for real at lastttt! xx

  14. When I started watching The drama, I love The first few episodes But i lose interest With The otp after see hee ex appeared at the restaurant. She seems like a strong person, lovely, nice and also gorgeously cool, and how awesome of her to get back on her two feet without see hee and be successful. she had every right to be angry at him when she lose her baby and she actually told see hee to be happy at the end because she didn’t realized how much her words tore his heart at that point of time and suddenly I compared her to ji ho and all I see is ji ho being petty towards see hee giving him the cold treatment as she likes. suddenly deciding The divorce on her own without discussing it with him and leaving him assuming that is an adorable thing To do and coming back when she feels like it, like what the hell was that all about… I love soo ji though and her relationship with mr ma was really cute.

    I watched nigeru after beautiful life ended and suddenly beautiful is not as beautiful anymore I ended up loving mikuri and hiramasa otp a lot more, she expresses how she like him and was jealous when she saw him with a woman, she was blunt about liking him and took the side job not to be petty to hirasama but because she needed the money and when she left him to go home she literally cook up food for him and post this cute notes for him to read, that’s like the most cutest thing ever?So when comparing that to Ji ho just leaving see hee cause he didn’t admit his feelings and coming back as she pleases that just rubs me the wrong way. I don’t think it’s a full on copying of the drama because beautiful has it own story and plot but if it’s true that the writer did get her idea from nigeru, she did manage to capture the Korean culture and their thoughts and feelings on marriages and having in laws and all that which differ from the jdrama counterpart. Also the relationship was so deliciously and awkwardly cute in nigeru not the same as BTLIOF.

    As a whole the drama has it good moments and swoon worthy scenes but would I rewatch it again and be invested with the otp and rewatch their scenes, nope I’ll skip that. Maybe also because I can’t seem to like lee min ki like I used to, he’s a great actor as always but arghhhhh…..

  15. Overall this drama is a satisfying watch but the last two episodes are really draggy. JSM and LMK’s acting were almost dull and wooden at times and especially during sad, quiet scenes (a challenge for many actors actually). Mr Ma and Suji are the cutest couple, Won Seok and Ho Rang face the most realistic issues and Ji Hyo and Se Hee have the best visuals. I also like that the ex is not evil and is not out to get Se Hee back.

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