
Lee Seung Gi May or May Not be Doing Thriller K-drama Vagabond with the Production Team of Giant — 32 Comments

  1. I disagree.This guy is being overworked like a cow.I get he is called a triple treat.Meaning he works in acting, singing and variety.But since he came out of the army, he went straight to filming hwayugi..and he is also doing a variety show.He also has a movie coming out soon.Which means promos, interviews and more….he needs a break to recoup his energy.To shed off his character from his current drama.To not let his image be over consumed/exposed.
    He can release music instead or take up another acting offer in the second half of the year.

    Also other actors deserve a chance too.I wish to see actors like Im Joo Hwan and Kim Jae Wook be upgraded this year.Im Joo Hwan comes from the same agency as Song Joong Ki and Park Bo Gum but he is still in the shadows.

    • Well, it’s his desire to work like a cow. He said that he will appear on screen so often that you’ll get sick of him xD
      And the selfish part of me wants him to take this. His movie did not get good reviews from the initial press screening, and Hwayugi was a hit but had so much mixed reviews. So I’m hoping this would be IT for him. But yeah health is most important, and this drama starts filming too soon…

      As much as Im Joohwan and Kim Jaewook deserve to be upgraded, I don’t think producers will risk a big budget drama on them. I think they really want LSG because they waited for him to finish Hwayugi. If LSG rejects it, I think the role will go to Bogum lol. Somehow I find both of them to have similar image; just that LSG is more manly and Bogum more flower-boy.

      • the drama was offered to him before hwayugi,he choose the latter for his comeback,the producer of the drama didnt release anything yet,wether they wait for him or it was offered to somebody else.

      • bogum is just 25 who just graduated few days ago but LSG is in his 30s i dont think they’re in same range of age and roles. Bogum can still take 20s role like other actors like SKJ, PHS, YSH as he still looks so young and boyish. i wanna see him with the fitted age characters because it’s a long way to go for his career and i guess vagabond is for 30s guy? but who knows even hwayugi was offered to bogum as well.

    • Nah… Koreans will never get tired of him / his image.
      This is nothing if we compare to Special Force Training.

      Btw, are you Orion’sRambling from Hancinema?

    • I want to know this too.
      Somehow it feels like we’ve been hearing casting offers almost every other day but few people actually confirming.

      • Lol. Yes, thats right.
        I meant if she hasnt accepted that drama yet, I hope she got the offer for this drama, too.

      • Her latest interview said her next project would be “a humane project” rather than something “production with a provocative storyline”. Seems like she already has her heart set on Fox Bride Star, just that they have not announced it yet.

      • No I don’t like PSH pairing up with LSG in a drama. PSH was in one of his long MV and that’s enough. PSH’s fans are toxic, it may be better off to cast her in an all female drama… Pair her up with Ra Mi Ran (my fav), Lee Yo wan, Kim Hee Sun or the likes, that will be a blast and also will definitely have good rating!!

      • @candycane
        Actually I was excited about PSH-LSG pairing because of that MV. But when I thought it over, it may be better for her to be casted on dramas paired with veteran actors. Or like what you said, paired with veteran actresses like in Lee Yo Won’s last dramas, or in girls squad drama like Age of Youth.

    • Honestly, at first I was like wow what a pairing(Shin Hye and Binnie).I thought they would be an interesting because I have never thoght about the two together. But after reading PSH fans comments..I was kinda put off.If her Kfans think the same way as her I-fans and I was Binnie, I would ditch the offer because he would get the response to the casting offer news.To me, I got the impression that her fans are more concerned about her popularity; so they think that her working with older actors is not good for her.

      Besides, the team behind the PD for this drama is same as the one for Secret Garden.So maybe they would be trying to replicate what made SG successful, so it would be like he is repeating his role there.Besides, “an amnesiac chaebol genius with psychological trauma.Thats secret garden.Stay in movies Binnie.When a more interesting role comes along..then come back to dramas.

      Let Shin Hye carry the drama herself from ep 1 to 20.Cast her with a younger actor or same age but of lesser star power than her.If she being the more experienced one, can work with the male co star and build chemistry.Then she can prove her critics wrong.

  2. PSH all fan think alike. her pairing with old Ahjussi will ruin her fame outside of korean. wouldnt call LSG old the guy probably a couple year older then her only now that Ahjussi from doctor is another story.
    PSH need to pair with LSG. so his fame outside of korea can shoot up to another level.

    • PSH was in LSG’s long MV, I have a Japanese DVD of it. Your intention of them working as OTP in a drama may be good, but does LSG need her help in boosting international fandom? I am just wondering… He is quite famous as a multitalented singer, MC, variety show host & now actor. His album sells well overseas (at least in Japan that I am familiar with). What I don’t like is PSH dumb fans… I don’t appreciate them bashing all actors even the internationally known Binnie who is doing well in movies. LSG is doing well on his own I believe ?

      • LSG no necesita de nadie para trascender ya tiene una trayectoria importante y brilla por si mismo. E internacionalmente es conocido no solo en Japón que por la cercania y sus presentaciones lo han apoyado siempre, sino en Europa y Latinoamerica.

    • lol LSG doesnt need international fame though.He is doing more than just fine in his home country.I dare say he has it better than some of the hallyu stars in his age group.

      Besides, he is no nugu to international audiences.Nor does he need PSH’s help to expand his popularity.His collabo with PSH would only invite annoying shippers into his world and he dont need that.I dont remember LSG saying he wishes to be more hallyu.or his fans can enlighten me?

      • I thought LSG is decently popular overseas.

        I agree that he does not need any other actor to lift his fame but rather his own works will make him a bigger hallyu star than he is now and not because of some actors.

        And, international fame for their excellence in their crafts is one of the goals of an actor.

  3. Pre-produced drama, meaning it won’t have a tight filming schedule like Hwayugi? One thing I know about Seung Gi is that once a casting news of him in out in the news, it means he’s 85% in. I guess he picked Hwayugi first since it was airing sooner and he wanted a faster comeback. I’m liking Hwayugi despite its flaws and I think Son Oh Gong is his best character ever, he’s also doing a terrific performance there. So I’m not really mad he picked it first. And even tho I want a music comeback from him -I MISS HIS VOICE SO DAMN MUCH- I’m willing to wait more if he takes a drama from such a great team.

  4. Here’s another take on those “so called PSH fans” who post on blogs complaining about older co actors…. maybe they are actually are “unfans” who resent PSH acting with any oppa, young OR old …just pretending it’s for her sake. When you are a true fan, you’ll welcome having her working with experienced actors . A fan wouldn’t post those asinine complaints because we know who gets backlash? It’s her! So, there is another motive behind bad mouthing another actor. I was excited to have her join Chou Minshik for a movie, I loved her drama with Tae-gyu Bong in Don’t Worry, I’m a ghost , still my fav. Of course, true fans would love her to work with older, younger, veterans and newcomers too! To me she gives chemistry with both women and men! Older or younger……even little kids ! …..even a dog ?. That’s a true fan, ?
    I love to see her act with the actor of this topic, Lee Seung Gi. They have worked a lot in other venues. I don’t worry about shippers….even with no drama project, they’ve been already shipped! They have a natural chemistry as they seemed to be familiar with each other from those collaborations. JMHO.

    • You know, I doubt those are her real fans. They just post these comments in PSH’s name to invite more hate to her. Since she’s a threat to many people.
      Yeah on the topic of shippers, people ship her even with actors she didn’t work with. Even if she worked with older actors like Kim Raewon, people still shipped them. So I sideeye those who are always overly concerned about shippers… hmm.

  5. Really hope the production team (from Celltrion Ent) will cast
    Oh Yeon Seo again. I can picture her as the “Bond Girl” in my mind.

  6. PSH fans that I know of….and I am one too…are all looking forward to HB as her costar in Fox Bride star. He is a respected actor by all. HB and PSH both have the ability to put life in any character that they play. We are very excited and wish they would accept the drama.

    • Similarly, LSG-PSH tandem has always worked….be it music video, variety show (Running man), Hosting a show etc. I have no doubt of it not working in a drama too.

  7. If LSG accept Vagabond, I hope his partner if there is one, will not be PSH or OYS. One is enough two is too much.
    LSG will host Produce 48, so I think Vagabond will go to another actor. It’s a waste but there’s a time for everything.
    I wish LSG good health and good life.

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