Park Min Young Gorgeous in Both Light and Dark Colored Outfits in Promos for Why Secretary Kim and Busted
We ladies all have good days and bad days, and if we’re lucky the good day can go for an entire week. K-actress Park Min Young is have a very good look week both in dramas and real life thanks to her higher profile roles in two upcoming projects. First above is her official still from KBS drama Why Secretary Kim opposite Park Seo Joon, where she looks every inch the smart and capable secretary and I mean that without a shred of condescension for the indispensable profession. The light cream colored dress shirt with mini skirt combo looks so pretty on her, and then she goes and dons a sexy va-va-va voom black one shoulder sweater dress number at the press conference for the mystery variety show Busted! about a cast of K-stars investigating a fictional murder mystery. Glam on girlfriend!
She definitely voom it with the last picture! I likey!
Gorgeous!!! I’ve always liked her since Healer. Shes very pleasing to the eyes and a great actress to boot. I’ve rarely seen a bad picture of her. She’s an example of good plastic surgery.
What??? Noooooo why am I always the last one to find out she had PS?? I never knew that…Well at least she’s really pretty and can act (goes and googles pics of pre ps).?
To be factual, the plastic surgery isn’t true. I just found out myself.
I am looking forward to this drama. It’s nice that she is taking a light drama this drama in constrast to her last drama.
Wow, she looks amazing!!! I’m really looking forward to her drama with Seo Joon.
Her and Park Bo Young are one of the most gorgeous, petite korean celeb women to me.It helps that they have such sunny personality and acting skills to boot.
Can I say park min young id’s one of the rare Korean actress who has great dressing sense?
I lovr her
what KBS Why Secretary Kim is TVN and will replace My Mister next Wednesday