Jessica Jung Looks Like a Violet Flower Puff on Cannes Red Carpet
A Korean star finally made a red carpet appearance at the 2018 Cannes Film Festival and I’m not feeling her choice. Former SNSD member Jessica Jung, who is attending as a designer guest thanks to her accessories label, walked the red carpet in a violet strapless princess gown covered in tulle petals. Conceptually it’s very girly and pretty but Jessica does not pull it off. She’s too petite to wear the dress and it looks like the dress is wearing her, like some sort of Annihilation attack of living petals. I’m glad she eschewed the white/beige/gold sleek dress styles that dominate K-ent red carpets and went for something fanciful but she needed to be at least four inches taller to not let this voluminous dress look like it’s dwarfing her.
Have to completely disagree – I think the colour looks gorgeous on her, her hair, makeup and accessories are on point, and I love the dress. It has beautiful details which I think have been well placed to still give her shape and stop it from eating her alive. But hey, just my take on it, and if she loved it, then who cares haha
I do wonder if she has forgone a stylist after leaving SNSD? I agree that if she were a few inches taller, the dress might have appeared less try-hard elegant and exuberant. SHe’s not carrying the dress well, but I think the large dress silhouette is just not fit on a petite person.
After the white/gold/off-white bridal dresses, I do think Jessica’s dress is the next most ubitiquous type from Korean stars on the red carpet, it’s the pretty/princessy/layers of tulle and chiffon/with all the flowers in the world type dress. It’s a case of most of Korean stars, down to their hair (waves) and makeup (no-makeup makeup, never a smokey eye or contour). They tend to look identical, whether that’s between celebrities or the looks from one individual.
Yeah after black and white, pastels are the next most common colour on Korean red carpets and the princess/bridal/ballgown styles are THE most common of all.
(Relatively speaking that is lol. Even actual royal princesses these days tend not to wear such fussy looks).
i think she looks pretty in her dress. yes, it might have looked better if she was a few inches taller, but i think she was able to still pull it off quite well.
OK, points for the Annihilation joke!
LMAO I actually liked the dress until I read that now I can’t unsee it. Anyway, good for her success with her business.
this dress looks like a bunch of crunched up tissue papers stuck together… good for stuffing gift bags, but not on a person.
Maybe its just me but i find her makeup a little off as well?? Like a bit pasty?
Or maybe its just her face it looks stiff idk just something off with her face
she looks very plastic to me
Yep, poofy princess gown is boring and lol @the Annihilation joke, thumbs up for that!
As far as Korean stars on the Cannes res carpet went, I thought Jun Jong Seo (airport girl who dared to have a bad day and be cranky in pics) had a much better showing, sure her dress was white but it was a very sleek, angular cut and was beautifully offset by her makeup.
The colour is nice but d cut n design swallowed her n thr necklace seems to b at odds with it too
“I realized Jessica only after I saw the dress” my very first impression cam sum up strong agreement with author. Sometimes, big girls like me can be proud that nothing can wear us, hahahahahha
I think Jessica looks absolutely gorgeous but I agree that the dress would have been better suited on someone taller to carry it better and her hair slicked back into a chignon bun to emphasise the dress more. It just looks busy with all those petals. I did mention previously that Jeon Jong Seo looked very chic and stylish in her dress. ?
too much dress.