
Cable Dramas Lawless Lawyer, Sketch, and New Arrival Life on Mars All Bring in Good Ratings and Reviews — 39 Comments

  1. I loved the first episode of Life on Mars ! JKH is so a great actor !

    Sketch had potential but I don’t like Rain in.

    • Good for you if you don’t like rain I can say the same for whoever JKH is also if like or dislike a drama what does that has to do with the actors and don’t tell me rain can’t act pls!! Anyways who cares what others think.

      • Why bi rain drama now getting flop? After comeback mister and now sketch. Or maybe because he dating and married his fans leave him alone and not interested watching his drama?

      • Lols, someone got triggered much.. Calm down. It’s her preference. Why so serious.. Lmao..

      • Hum… I’m pretty sure that actors have a role in the fact that a drama is good or not. It’s the same for the writter and the PD. It’s a team work. For me, Rain is a so-so actor. I didn’t watch him in a lot of dramas but the ones I watched were meh. His angry face makes me laugh in Sketch. But you’re right. If you like him and his drama, it’s good for you ! I don’t want to change your mind 🙂

  2. Lawless Lawyer is my favorite drama of the year.. I don’t need the year to end to know it. Awesome acting, plot, directing, BGM, chemistry and awesome Bong Sang Pil (Lee Joon Gi)

  3. Lawless Lawyer is working great for me, and they actually look like they are having a good time. I am still middle of the road with Sketch but will continue.

  4. I am happy that Lawless Lawyer is doing great. The rating has been consistently high. Finally, great news for LJK. I am also glad that the review for LL is positive because from what I read at Dramabeans, most of the beanies dislike and panning the drama. So that made me really confused. I enjoy it but not to the point of addictive.

    • I am more surprised that there are still people who are reading dramabeans. Most of their patrons are delulu fans and rom-com junkies. They are panning everything except dramas of their bias.

      I notice that some has come to Koala as I read too much unnecessary negativity in here too similar comments that I used to read at that website.

      • I used to visit DB for recap especially the last months since they have recap section for “My Ajusshi”. And I also visited soompi for more scoop on my fave dramas. The same thing I did when I was severely addicted to Moon Lovers, Hwarang and Live Up To Your Name.

        I agree that the beanies seem out of touch with the rest. Even soompiers commented the same about the beanies. Dramas that being panned like “About Time” and “The Undateables” receiving so much love over there but dramas like LL being criticized as over-dramatic.

      • At dramabeans they are loving Wok of Love and they are acting like there are hidden meanings and high level of intelligence behind this script.
        Beanies are so proud of themeselves because they consider themselves more civilised and wiser than the rest.

      • I think DB has slowly become a toxic place.
        Ever since a couple of years ago there have been very ugly fan wars, If you don’t like their bias drama then they say things like “you’re dumb” or “you don’t like to think”.

        I agree with @male, they think they are wiser and more mature than the rest but the fan wars that have taken place tell otherwise. About the “high intelligence script”, it is a way to justify their bias drama is not doing well rating wise, because only “smart people who use their full brain can watch and understand the drama”, they used the same tactic before with other drama.

        Maybe they are criticizing LL because is a more mature and serious drama and not the typical romcom they like.

      • I still enjoy reading dramabeans despite lack of recaps. I like reading the comments of the beanies because they’re intelligent, positive, encouraging and open to all views. They do not criticize if they don’t agree with someone’s preferences.

      • @Simona
        I love all of the actors in Wok of Love and their acting is good in that drama but the script is horrendous.I even don’t mind criticizing my favourites when they were not good. But most of the beanie consider themselves ‘holier than thou’. They have moral duty of maintaining their class while they don’t consider being passive aggressive as being rude.

        @candycane Tizzy sounds like a beanie

    • There are a lot of people on DB who love this drama. I’m not sure what nasty fan wars everyone is talking about because when I read everyone is pleasant, even if you have a difference of opinion. Different strokes for different folks. I’ve never seen anyone call another person names.

      • Maybe I wasn’t specific with my post, but I said “a couple of years ago”, I was talking about the fan wars that took place between doctors VS Beautiful mind fans where even Javabeans and other mature beanies had to intervene because there was name calling involved like “dumb”, “you don’t like to use your brain” toward doctors fans, then there was Moonlight VS Scarlett heart but this one was not as nasty as themselves admitted. This events left a bitter taste in my mouth and some beanies even commented last year that the place got too big for it’s own good so I eventually stopped going and the reduced number of recaps did not help.
        Those are events that happened long ago but I wanted to share my experience and according to other people the place is not what it’s used to be.

      • It’s not my intention to bash beanies or DB but I read posts stating that some dramas are being panned so I wanted to share that something similar happened before with other dramas.

    • DB is fun and the beanies are nice, but I also have kind of lost interest in the last 1-2 years.

      Even before the recaps stopped, I lost interest in their recaps. It might be due to all the excruciating detail given to their comments section that sometimes leaks into the actual recap. Or that I just don’t share the same opinion on a drama that someone recaps even if we both love the same drama. It’s weird, it’s like we both love the same drama, but the recapper will find something interesting to them that just doesn’t sit well with me (like: “he always where red when he shows his love for her” or something) and it will take away my enjoyment of the drama because of it.

      I don’t know if the recappers are trying to find something relevant and interesting, so they are looking into ever nook and cranny of the drama to sound smart and observant (or what is going on), but it just stopped my enjoyment of reading the recaps. I do like reading the comments though.

      I did love the news posts back when they posted 4-5 news posts a day. That is mostly why I went to Dramabeans and is also the reason why I come here. I hope everything is going okay over there. the radio silence for 6 months has kind of worried me. It also kind of angers me a little bit but I’m trying to keep that underwraps.

      i just want a site that does news in a fresh way as well as some interview translations and recaps. Does anyone know of any? I am all ears.

  5. Let me add: Most of dramabeans patrons live with their own fantasies and I think Javabems herself too. They think the world is perfect. ?

  6. Sketch is a really good drama actually its been 2 or 3 years since last time I’ve watched a kdrama only watched this because of rain and I’m not disappointed at all great cast, great story, great action.

    • For cable dramas, more than 5% is considered good. I don’t understand what you are laughing about. Maybe you have not gotten all the facts straight. LOL.

    • Well, Lawless Lawyer been dribbling between the higher end of 5% to the higher end of 6%. Last night episode scored 6.8%. Even free to air tv dramas like The Undateables and Wok of Love could not net that high ratings. So, I am puzzled, you are laughing over what? Your ignorant perhaps?

      • It hit 7.3% at Seoul area only, but nationwide is 6.8%. LL ratings been consistently high. Hoping they keep the momentum and hopefully can surpass 7% by the finale.

    • Welcome to kdrama. You must not know about kdrama much to laugh on so called cable dramas <6 rating. It's okay, some beginners always did the same. You're literally not the first one.

  7. All are thrillers too.An amazing feat.TVN is killing it for the most part.Churning out one good drama after the other.Its only their Monday-Tuesday slot that produces weak offerings.Lawless Lawyer is working for me too.The latest episode hit 6.8% so good stuff.I like Jung Kyung Ho too and his drama rating rose to 3%.I am not a huge fan of Rain but I like Lee Sun Bin so am rooting for sketch too.

  8. I got married to Lawless Lawyer and I’m on my honeymoon right now. Life is beautiful see you all soon ? However I went to have a Squizz over at DB and it’s pretty sparse and I find Koala’s PG a lot better in terms of news and commentary. Someone did name drop Koala though- positive of course about the decline in recaps etc..They’ve seen better days though. They’re not recapping LL so I don’t know why commenters would think that LL is over dramatic. As long as the ratings are doing well in Korea that’s all that matters.

    • Sorry when I wrote sparse I really was meant to say DB is not very informative. Same old same old nothing engaging or enlightening. I found them a blessing last year when they recapped ‘Save Me’. However this year just a lot of kerfuffle. I’m a stickler for good old fashioned debating and we agree to disagree; make up and move on here in the playground.

  9. Don’t feel bad about the over dramatic comment. All good actors and shows with depths are overdramatic in DB as most of their patrons are rom-com junkies. Most one-dimentional actors are well-praised over there too which puzzles me. ?

  10. Rain can’t i heard he already decline this role but maybe he get high pay so he decide take this role and never mind if this drama really bad in rating and his acting so cringey even his expression so bad lol. Better next time rain.

  11. Ahhh Rain! Good for his drama with the ratings. I haven’t watch a k drama in years. I’m all burnt out on them so anything is rarely interesting these days. But Sketch and Mr. Sunshine with LBH are on my radar because of the actors. LOL

    Going to wait until it’s all out before starting. Hoping they are good!

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