
MBC Releases First So Ji Sub Drama Posters for Terius Behind — 8 Comments

  1. I LOVE So Ji Sub so much because he was my first K drama crush and is still is with a ton of others so I’ve had a breather after my tantrum a few moons ago when I was howling over the casting of JIS so I’m going to eat humble pie and watch the drama because as they say your first love never dies and to the writers of TBM you better make sure SJS character doesn’t die or I’m gonna turn into the Hulk or a Werewolf and give you no peace but yep onwards and forward see you at premiere time ?

    • I’m with you there @Ann Joel. I also love, love, love So Ji Sub. Really enjoyed him in Masters Sun. He comes across as very unpretentious and his acting is always spot on. Not sure about you, but upcoming actor Jang Ki Yong from Come and Hug Me reminds me of So Ji Sub.

      • @Dramafan – ‘Always’ with Han Hyo Joo that was like (gulp) one of his best movies to date and ‘A company Man’ they both hold a place in my heart. Yes Jang Ki Yong is a dreamboat and has the same aura as our SJS. I read JKY has been cast in the upcoming ‘Bad Guys’ movie so that’s something to look forward to.?

  2. Saw the female lead in Laughter in Waikiki. I felt bad the day it was announced she would be cast alongside So Ji Sub. I agree it looks like he will have to carry it on his gorgeous shoulders

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