
Thirty But Seventeen Drama Cast Attends Wrap Party After Time Slot Leading Run — 13 Comments

  1. I really like SHS’ acting but i really dislike her makeup.

    Btw this drama was easy and nice. And it’s better than some other popular romcom dramas this year. Im glad it got high rating. Good for them.

  2. AHS’ veneer is getting to me, too big and too fake. Not sure if others see it and feel the same. I cannot finish this drama yet… it is too slow and draggy despite the good acting of all casts.

  3. I enjoyed the drama, but there were plenty of cringe-worthy and overly “sweet” moments. K-dramas sometimes like to overdo in that aspect. The scriptwriter was possibly trying to pull off Noh Heekyung’s style of storytelling, but oh well.

  4. It had its flaws of course but I absolutely loved this drama and its’ characters from start to finish. I thought they all did well and I was so immersed that I looked at these pics and basically saw their characters in the drama. Already miss them 🙁

    I really enjoyed all the recent summer rom-coms including My ID is Gangnam Beauty and Familiar Wife (no spoilers for FW please I’m not done yet!) Its the first time in a very long while that I’ve finished watching 3 currently airing dramas.

  5. I don’t understand what’s so good about this drama I watched it and it’s boring? Male lead is really boring his acting style is boring everything about him is boring SHS character is boring but she’s good

    • larana, i respect your opinion but try to look into yang se joon’s acting. There are lots of good reasons why he is named as “monster rookie”. He is a newbie but his acting is really good!

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