
Lee Jong Seok Confirmed for Rom-com K-drama Romance Supplement Airing in Early 2019 — 15 Comments

    • Ah koala why didn’t write about park shi drama get 1% rating. Poor song ji hyo always been flop. Better park shi hoo comeback in KBS weekend drama.

    • Oh, thank you for your concern for the production of this drama ?. But it is more than certain that both producer and director and all those involved in the production of this drama are aware of the situation of LJS. It is well known that LJS has to enlist soon,so when THEY PROPOSED this role to Jongsuk they must have calculated the times. ?

  1. I totally agree with you Koala, I am happy that LJS makes good use of his time until enlistment. I like the scripts that Jongsuk chooses,and I love that this drama is developed with books in between. And I’ll be happier if her favorite noona also accepts this leading role.

    • I agree. In While You Were Sleeping, I thought this time it would be different but no… He was not a genius but he had the same power as Suzy but it was better, he could change things when Suzy couldn’t.

  2. LJS is not a versatile actor. He is quite frankly mediocre. He looks unnatural and the only thing he’s got going on is his height and model proportions but the industry is full of as tall and even taller and more handsome male actors. I’m not expecting much, yet again. I’ll trust the female lead to pull him up and save his acting because he needs a strong co-actress to make him look good too. His performance in WYWS with Suzy was so dull and boring.

      • He just need to army instead, more delay enlistment not good for his career especially park seo joon and jung hae in was battle in award and CF star. Just look how FNC working hard promotion Jung hae in to win apan award.

    • LJS is the ugliest lead actor in South Korea. Not hard to find actors more handsome than him. He’ll look even more plastic as he tries to touch up his face as he ages.

      • Agree ? He gets a new nose every few years and he still looks weird. His acting is the same and his drama ratings are in a downward trend.

  3. Instead of the negative comments about his look, I’m pretty fond off him in School and I hear your voice. Pinochio was OK for me, even I don’t really like W (this kind of plot just not my thing) and didn’t finish watching While You Were Sleeping. He was quite scary in VIP. I’d love to see him in romcom and action.

  4. Oh, again genius. Instead of changing genre (and his bad at comedies. His acting not quite natural in this area), he should change type of characters he is playing. While other actors try to experiment or at least bring something unique, fresh and different, LJS still uses “cope and paste” method. He is not a bad actor, in the middle range, but definitely not a versatile one.

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