
Current Naver Poll of 2024 Baeksang Drama Awards Has Kim Soo Hyun and Ahn Eun Jin Leading the Public Vote for Best Actor and Best Actress — 42 Comments

  1. It’s hard, as much as I love KSH in this role, I think NGM was incredible in My Dearest. I didn’t completely like AEJ in this role, I never could see her as the spoiled and young noble woman, she was better when her character needed to be strong but otherwise, she was just annoying.

    • I agree with you. I actually love Kim Soo Hyun in this role, he’s killing it for sure. But if I had to vote, my vote would go to Namgoong min in My Dearest, mostly because I feel the breath and scope of that drama is more challenging. Which is ironic, because I’m enjoying Queen of Tears much more than I enjoyed My Dearest.

    • I don’t like either drama although I’m a fan of both MLs. But I watched a few eps of both. Based upon that limited observation, I personally consider NGM’s acting had a bit edge over KSH. I’m totally turned off by AEJ’s character in My Dearest since she looked completely like a copycat of Vivien Leigh in Gone with the Wind except that she didn’t look pretty as supposedly. LOL.

    • I have to agree. NGM was phenomenal. There was so much character development over the course of the drama and so many different situations. When he was crying or in pain you could FEEL it. I thought AEJ was pretty good too (character issues aside) but NGM made the show for me. Even in the last episodes when the writing could have been better NGM was acting his heart out.

  2. Omg this thread is going to be a blood bath. I hope not but lmaooo I am expecting it.

    Anyway, my take is the same as Koala based on both acting and performance. I will leave it at that.

  3. Haha omg this poll made it here? This drama is insane if this is being covered. It’s kind of useless poll and such a huge fan war happening in the comments section haha. It started at 46% for KSH on the first day I remember. Then last week episodes pushed it up a lot. Anyway Baeksang popularity counts way more than this poll 😛

    I love Lover so much. Its my favourtie drama in 2023 and KNG was so so so good. He is always amazing. But I am rooting for KSH if I have to pick just one. Hope they can both get it.

    • I think you prob meant NGM 😛

      I agree with you. If only one actor is getting a trophy, Kim Soo-hyun should because he is carrying QoT right now. Its amazing how much I have come to love and care for Hyun-woo when I started off hating his guts. The character development from where we started to where we are is phenomenal. Kim Soo-hyun’s layered performance is even more phenomenal. He acted out some of the most gutwrenching scenes I’ve watched episode after episode. Rooting for him!

    • Picking KSH too.

      Queen of Tears is only the second project I have watched him in after Secretly, Greatly and a 2 hour movie did not show what he is capable of.

      For some reason, my impression of him was handsome with hallyu level acting skills and a humongous fanbase.

      What I came to realize is actually, if you ignore the hallyu tag, he is not just Baeksang level, he is actually baeksang daesang level acting skills.

      I am not sure if this is his best performance in a drama, but if its not, I have been sleeping on his talents.

      • Mmmmmm, I would say this is high up there in performance rank for him. It’s a complex character in a

        But my favourite acting of his would be Lee Hwon in Moon Sun. He played a joseon king at 24yo and won Baeksang for it at his first best actor nomination. It was quite the national drama. I wouldnt call it super high quality really, but his acting was insane and carried the whole drama next to a costar who was pretty weak.

        Tears I think is his second best acting show. But others might argue Producers or DH or One Day or Stars was better. He has always given great performances even from back when he did Christmas as a child actor. He is a top actor first, and top star second since he did not get Hallyu status until he was fully established in Korea. His filmo is amongst the best in the industry!

    • Also backing KSH. QOT would not be a even a quarter as amazing and successful without him and he really showed just how amazing and gifted an actor he is.

  4. Ahn Eun Jin acting was the beat in MY Dearest, even better than NGM just my own personal opinion.
    Her transformation from the young spoiled brat to a strong refined lady is astonishing

  5. Eh? Shouldn’t Nam Goong Min and Ahn Eun Jin be at the top ? I love KSH acting but Nam Goong Min in ‘My Dearest’ was so much better same goes to Ahn Eun Jin

  6. I’m actually voting for KSH for Daesang and RSR for best actor. I liked My Dearest and NGM in it, but not better than the other two. Anyway it does not matter what we all think. Judges will decide. Everyone nominated have earned their spot so no win would be undeserved either way.

  7. It’s actually quite rare if not nearly impossible for the winner of best actor and best actress coming from the same work. And it also applies to best actor and best supporting actor, best drama and best actor. So I don’t think ahn eun jin and namgoong min would win together. That’s what I observes from how korean awards normally works. Of course I don’t know if there’s exception.

  8. I did not love My Dearest, the 2nd part was too much. Also not loving QOT either, makjang elements are strong. Moving is easily the best amongst the lot. Boyhood was good too. YYS’s drama is the only one I did not see yet.
    I would have picked NGM as Daesang and KSH as best actor before last week. But I’d flip that now. KSH was simply too raw and outstanding in the penultimate week.

  9. minority probably but not a big fan of ngm’s acting in dearest which felt a tad ott. dont rain on me like a ton of bricks pls, its just an opinion. it sometimes felt like i was being pulled out of the moment. rsr’s funeral scene was so good, and moving is so good so he might win daesang. ksh for best actor makes sense.

    torn on the actress side between aej and ujh. technically the latter had a better drama and played a character I connected to more. but aej’s restrain was so good in dearest. she was the reason I finished it.

    • Hooo boy. I thought I was the only one who finds NGM sometimes OTT… He is great in comedic roles like Thousand Won Lawyer or Chief Kim but I find him too much in more serious fares like My Dearest. He is a good actor, but its sort of similar w/ Gong Yoo where he shines in lighter roles. His intensity is jarring sometimes and not in a good way…

      Not a slight to NGM because bluntly, one of the hardest things for an actor is to make the audience laugh and he does that real well. I just dont think he should be winning for My Dearest… My votes are for RSR and KSH (cant pick who should get daesang amongst the 2…)

  10. Moving is the only nomination that I absolutely have no qualms about. I can’t think of any other drama deserving the best picture award. It adopts concepts from Marvels but with unique storylines to move the viewers to have empathy with those super beings. Great jobs in both writing and directing! Also kudos to all the action actors, young and old! This will be one of the best Kdramas produced in my list.

  11. For me everyone in the actress category is almost equal but I would pick Ra Mi Ran if I were a judge. She nailed it in Good Bad Mother. In the actor category, I would choose Kim Soo Hyun. However, if this year Daesang will be actor and not drama, then Kim Soo Hyun for it, and Ryu Seung Ryung for Best Actor.

    For the best film actor, there is zero doubts Hwang Jung Min is getting it. Its pretty unanimous despite the extremely packed nominees list.

  12. QoT has become an absolute mess since ep14. If I have to choose for drama category it would be Moving but for the best actress, It’s still Ahn Eun Jin

  13. Daesang I am on board. But I am going against the grain for best actor. Nam Goongmin was good, but I’m hoping Im Siwan gets it. He has been nominated multiple times already in the past few years so it probably is time.

  14. Daesang I am on board .But I am going against the grain for best actor. Nam Goongmin was good, but I’m hoping Im Siwan gets it. He has been nominated multiple times already in the past few years so it probably is time.

  15. KSH for daesang is that a joke? I mean he is good in qot but daesang is like the highest honor, he isn’t even the best in the category forget daesang. And it isn’t even the highest rated drama for him to have daesang talks
    There will be a lot of uproar if that happens. Moving should be the only one getting that daesang

    • …..

      It is quite literally in top 5 highest rated cable drama EVER. At least check your statement before going off lmbo.

      As for him not “even the best” – your opinion. Dont state it as a fact because it is not. None of anyone’s comment here is a FACT. It is an OPINION.

    • An uproar? From who exactly? People like… you?

      This post is quite literally about a poll in Naver – the most popular korean search engine – on who should win the Baeksang awards. If you aren’t able to read it correctly, here is the basic breakdown: KSH is winning this poll by 50% and has over 40k votes. The next best is at 31%. So again, who is doing the “uproar”? You?

      • Pls the naver results scream recency bias otherwise no way in hell could he beat Siwan & NGM
        He was good in qot no doubt but the other 2 were on a different level altogether.
        I seriously can’t imagine him for the daesang when there is moving & my dearest in there sorry

      • @bn I see you are making your rounds in every post about KSH. You are trying your best to discredit him but at the same time also discrediting the others’ performance by indirectly saying they’re forgettable. A good performance is a good performance and relevancy does not change that as you can see NGM got 31% of the votes.

      • @bn – its ok. You arent the one making the decision for Baeksang so all good. Everyone is just asking you who the uproar you claim to know would happen – who would it be coming from? Guess you’ve got no answer. Shocking lmbo

    • I’m wondering as well, uproar from who? I have never seen people upset over Baeksang wins because they are all deserved. That is why Baeksang awards are so coveted.

  16. Rooting for KSH to get daesang this year. He deserves it after such a stellar turn out.

    Hope Moving wins best drama. If it aired in Netflix instead of Disney+ which isnt available for US regions, then it would have been HUGE. Its so good and different from the boring ott dramas we keep getting from netflix.

  17. Baeksangs don’t usually give out the Daesang awards to actors often. In the last 10 years, only JJH, KHJ and PEB has won the Baeksang Daesang. So it’ll be interesting if they give it to an actor this year. KSH would totally deserve it if they go that route. Very packed lineup, we’ll see!

  18. Echoing a lot of commenters here; cheering on KSH for Best Actor or if an actor is getting the Daesang this year, then obv that. For the actresses, I am going for UJH. Her character was not easy and comedies are often ignored in these events and should not be since making audience laugh is just as hard as making them cry. Hope she gets it and SHK presents it as the person who won last year.

  19. My Baeksang Predictions:

    Daesang- Kim Soo Hyun
    Best Drama- Moving
    Best Actor- Nam Goongmim
    Best Actress- Ra Mi Ran

    This way, all the top dramas get enough love

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