
Park Bo Young Confirmed for 2019 tvN Drama Abyss with PD of Oh My Ghost — 22 Comments

  1. Woah so excited!
    Favorite girl with favorite PD. This PD also has a good knack of casting so quite confident that the male lead will be good. He loves to work with Seo In Guk and this combo will be excellent!

  2. Kang Dongwon. That is the first name that came to me with this synopsis.
    I know he probabaly does not have plans for dramas, but he would be perfect for this role…!
    Plus him and PBY would really be cute together

    • I think they are going to choose someone closer to her age. I would actually like someone upcoming like cha eun woo to be the male lead

      • ummm… Cha Eun Woo is 21, PBY is 28, how can they be closer in age? Seo In Guk at 31 is closer in age if you have to choose. Cha Eun Woo can act as her brother. LOL.

      • Cha Eun-woo actually fits the “beautiful guy” category and he has acted with Im Soo-hyang who is the same age as Park Bo-young but looks older than her. But imo CEW is abit too stiff.

      • agree, CEW is stiff but he is so beautiful… hope his acting will improve with time… ISH is a foot taller than PBY so she matches well visually with CEW who is also tall. I don’t think CEW will match well with PBY, just my opinion. Siblings may work 🙂

      • wait I didnt know cha eun woo is 21. shit he is only a year elder to me. considering they are looking for a flower boy the male lead can’t be manly looking.
        and he has to be more good-looking than gods for the story to make sense.

    • This is Park Bo-young’s drama. Kang Dong-won won’t be playing a second fiddle to her for his silver screen comeback, so no way this pairing will happen. Look at all her previous costars; none of them were big names. At the moment, just based on character description and casting feasibility, it’s likely that it’s going to be the likes of Cha Eun-woo or Jung Hae-in, maybe Jang Ki-yong.

      • Jang Ki Young can work.Yang Se Jong too.Maybe Woo Do Hwan can redeem himself from the atrocity that was “the great seducer”.Cha Eun Woo is a NO for me.He should work in more supporting roles and gain more acting experience before acting as leading man to actresses like Park Bo Young.He is still very green.

        Welcome back to Park Bo Young?.I hope this is better than Strong Woman Dong Soon.The script was not good tbh.Her chemistry with Park Hyun Shik and Kim Won Hae saved and hard carried that drama.

  3. Park Bo Young is one of my fav actress…Personally, I would pair her with someone like Yang Se Jong or Woo Do Hwan (both ’92 liners and very talented imo)

    Kim Jung Hyun would have been an awesome choice as well but due to his health problems, I rather he takes his time and rest before picking another project…

  4. Fingers crossed for either Seo In Guk or Im Joo Hwan (his talent is wasted in SL roles and he desperately needs a comeback!). I wouldn’t mind Park Seo Joon either.

  5. Lee Jun Ki please. He’s been wanting to do a rom com and I guess this would be the perfect opportunity. However I don’t know how they’re going to make him ugly in the beginning? That’s would be the real task cos he’s a 24/7 Adonis. And he creates amazing chemistry with whoever he’s cast with and I believe it would quite fun to watch him morph from super uggs to flower boy.

  6. I love park bo young, She can have any male lead haha seo in guk Would be good but he just finished working With The PD Would he be working again so soon? Oh Well Will look foward to it?

  7. CHA EUN WOO – would fit the bill…the boy can act…the God level good looks of his fits perfectly for the script.people who say he cant act should listen to the industry insiders.but probably he wont take this role as he has already done the better looking guy falling in love with the average(or in that case plastic surgery)woman.
    Lee JOON GI – he too would fit the bill….oppa has been acting in so many strong roles that he would look fresh in this concept…besides he can act well…remember his love chemistry with IU in Moon Lovers.Also he is indeed looking for a romcom script.
    PARK CHANYEOL – he is indeed a great actor which he displayed recently in Memories of the Alhambra. He too fits perfectly to the very handsome concept. also he could act in his first lead role in a drama in s.korea.

  8. JI CHANG WOOK – He can act well.fits into the handsome man category well.also he is getting discharged from military in april 2019.this would be a great comeback role for him.coz he too has been acting strong roles. a romcom would be great barrier to break to get back to his acting field back from military.

  9. KIM MYUNG SOO ‘L’ – he acts well.he is God level handsome. fits the bill perfectly.but i wonder if he will accept the role as he set to star in May 2019 as Dan in One and Only One. i have never heard of s.korean actors do roles back to back in drama. they usually mix their year schedule with 1 drama and 1 or more movies and variety shows.
    PARK BO GUM – he acts well.and is very handsome.but i wonder if he will accept the role as he said in a recent interview that he wants to act as a psychopath or such. this role is far from it.unless the role is like a very handsome guy with very cold attitude.close enough i guess.but like i said with Kim Myung Soo,if he will accept another drama in the same year.

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