
First Stills From Season 2 of Netflix Zombie Sageuk Kingdom — 10 Comments

    • im pretty sure season 2 was planned from the beginning seeing how they announced it even before it was released (pretty much making an entire normal length drama with 6-8 eps each season). It ended up working out with good reviews and becoming a hit

  1. Despite some plot holes, Season 1 is still a good, beautifully shot drama. I’m looking forward to Season 2.

    Speaking of K-dramas with seasons, I wish we can get another season of Vampire Prosecutor from OCN.

  2. I really liked this drama (and I’m not even a fan of zombie subgenre) it is visually and thematically working at all my kinks.

    One thing in my mind though, does Bae Doo Na have to be in every single Netflix production? Nothing against the lady, she is a decent enough actress but there are many other actresses in Korea (same thing happens with Netflix India with an Indian actress, Radhika Apne)

    • Probably because she’s the only Korean actress who was able to successfully transition to western/Hollywood production and still has a strong local presence. They need to put a familiar face in there instead of totally alienating non-Korean viewers, specially the west. My two cents.

      • Thank you for providing perspective. This tactic is actually doing the reverse for me. I used to like BDN but when I saw her in The Drug King (not a good film, don’t bother with it – and not because of BDN) I was like “her? again?” and definitely didn’t feel good about it.

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