
Rain Considering MBC Fantasy Legal Drama Living Two Lives Anyway — 10 Comments

  1. Korea and the endless legal dramas ?. I was excited to know my fave ajusshi Lee Seon Kyun returning with a new drama but the legal theme scaring me away.

    • I think the JTBC drama that LSK is considering will be very different from the usual. It will be more slice-of-life, focusing on the small stories instead of the cases that make headlines. And since he seems to be picky with his drama choices, hopefully it means great quality.

  2. Good to know that but I have never been a fan of rom-com to begin with. I am fine with legal dramas but there are just too many of them in K-dramaland, it’s getting tiring.

  3. Well there’s a nurse drama with Nam Joo Hyuk and Jung Yu Mi reportedy in talks to star in and IU and Yeo Jin Goo are confirmed for the Hong sisters drama and I’m gonna run into a forest and go natter to some woodland creatures because nothing is happening cast wise in my world that excites me anymore. K drama castings are getting to be a chore and a major letdown.

  4. I’m not a big of Rain as an actor. I will pass this one.

    He likes dramas with a fantasy touch after Sketch, Pleas Come Back Mister.

    • I don’t know if he likes fantasy dramas or if that is the fad because there sure are a lot of them out there. Unfortunately, most aren’t really all that good. I tried Item and it’s mediocre, but I did actually like Come Back Mister.

  5. Rain is underwhelming as an actor. And the trouble with MBC dramas is that they have great concepts but shitty executions. Good examples are Missing Nine, Item and so on. Verdict: Pass on this one!

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