
C-netizens Okay with Dad Bod Wallace Huo Caused by Happy Family Life with Wife Ruby Lin — 9 Comments

  1. What are we looking at? I see a slick,fine looking man walking through an airport minding his own business and media reports with nothing better to write on but some non existent beer podge belly that you need a magnifying glass to spot. Geez he must be helluva happy,healthy and content just being a hubby and Dad so I guess the weight gain must in his hair or big toe or both.

  2. the so called ‘fat’ they sy looks like he just had a meal & drank 3 glass of water afterwards lol THAT AINT FAT XD ughh I cant with these crazy weight loss obsession of asian cultures…

  3. The man looks healthy, not fat. There is no sign of a paunch. Its things like these comments from C-netizens and K-netizens that adversely affect the lives of actors and actresses they do read and though it should not does make them act in a certain manner. Though this one was on the positive side. I think about the present UEE she looks anorexic.

    Its not a sin to have curves or look healthy.

    • Agreeeeee… nonchalant casual striding… not the usual pictorial stiff scripted posing, sucking cheeks, frozen smiles, holding breath tucking stomach all contrived… more endearing is their “humanness” n imperfections…

  4. I like some meat on him than just bone. Sometimes wirh bone showing through skin can be scary looking for me.keep on that extra pound and they’ll turn to muscle.

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