
Police Find 3 Instances of Seungri Soliciting Prostitution for Himself as Investigation Continues — 10 Comments

      • Lmao his fans should become prostitutes so they could have a chance with their manwhore oppar

      • @prettyautumn…damn, that’s pretty harsh to say…I’m not a fan of his but telling his fans to become prostitutes…yeah…would never want to wish that upon anyone.

      • yes he does have fans still and it’s just gross and they’re ex-friends who still say he’s innocent until proven guilty and apparently think it’s a smear job – vomit

  1. Uhm not surprised at all he will not go to jail. Even park shi hoo, kim hyu joong,lee min ki all of them are rapist they still have fans and can comeback with drama and movie. So oppa was innocent and never do wrong. Look at his face, he was smiling and confidence with all crime that he does. Next month he will go to military service or public service.

  2. He should have gone to the Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Latvia, Greece, etc where prostitution is legal. xD

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