
Hotel Del Luna Stays Ratings High in Penultimate Week Episodes as Angst Ratchets Up — 12 Comments

  1. my vote for Man Wol and ChungMyung…and i feel so sorry for their love story. everything just so perfect for both of them, the chemistry and also the OST everytime CM appears..just so perfect.

    • I agree, I really want her with ChungMyung to walk into the sunset together, they waited 1300 yeasts to clear the air, and it’s so sad…but the way the drama is written, she’ll come back to stay with Chan Sung and they’ll run Hotel del Luna together. Logically it makes less sense, since she’s a 1300 old spirit and he’s a young guy, but the whole premise of the drama wasn’t built on logic, so it doesn’t matter.

  2. I’m sorry Chang Sung. I can’t deny you & Man Weol has something special going but gosh… Man Weol & Chun Myung is just EPIC!

  3. iu and lee do hyun needs to do a series together! their chemistry is sizzling hot! as much as i love yeo jin goo, ldh wins on the chemistry front.

  4. I prefer CS than CM! At least CS understands MW and he’s smart. What CM did in the past made MW suffered during 1000 years.

    YJG is very good in this drama, the way he can act different characters is pretty incredible. You can see the difference.

  5. Yeo Jin Gu killed it in the last episode in that bus stop scene. And yes CM has a very interesting backstory with Man Wol but their connection didn’t feel organic to me anymore, in fact contrary to majority here, it felt they really were at the end of their story. It definitely wasn’t love, it was just a thread that of regrets that needed to be cut. With CS in the picture, and seeing how Man Wol is so much more emotionally at ease and peace with him, I couldn’t root for him. CS has been nothing but a supportive, constantly decent partner to Man Wol and Man Wol chose him at the end. Case closed for me.

    • Agreed. I feel for CM and his love and regret for MW, but their story has ended. It never really started, but it ended the moment he betrayed her or let her believe he did. Now it’s CS and MW’s time and CS has stayed steadfast since he made the decision to be by her side. He hasn’t wavered and he trusts her wholeheartedly, even when she attempts to kill him. Gosh, I felt so awful for him at that bus stop. YJG played that scene to perfection. I love their chemistry together, going from the squabbling couple to the long term contented couple many times. They’re perfect for each other. I’m really hoping for a happy ending and I’m glad they gave a ray of hope that MW is returning. Leaving it on a total cliffhanger without previews would’ve been too cruel. I also like how the show is tying up the other characters’ storylines and using them to expand on the main one.

  6. My heart is torn… The only thing I’m sure of is that I really want a separate sageuk drama of Man Wol and Chun Myung story…

    • I beg to differ though. The acting by Lee Do Hyun is rather uneven and the scene he died was not well acted, neither the crying scene alternating his signature killer smiles when he met man wol. I think hes still rather raw. Good in flashes but a lead role after this? Questionable. Too fast too soon – can be potentially become another Ahn Hyeop Seop 2.0. On the other hand, my problem with Yeo Jin Goo is that though he looks older than his age and has a deep voice BUT his mannerisms sometimes betray his real age and the 21 year old kid comes across. Its not that he is a bad actor, its just that I can’t help feeling he is rather miscasted in the role. Park Hyung Sik i feel would have made a better Gu Chan Seong and pull off 28 years old better. For me… IU is hard carrying this drama together with the beautiful sets and engaging writing. The supporting casts are stellar as well. I just dun care too much for the two love interests, P.O and Yuna.

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