Kim Jae Wook Perfectly Suited at Tiffany Event in Taipei
K-actor Kim Jae Wook isn’t a diamond in the rough, he’s just a diamond as chiseled and deserving of limelight. He was all James Dean-esque at Incheon Airport earlier this week flying to Taipei and days later he’s suited to perfection at the Tiffany event in front of his adoring fans snapping away on their phones. Having him rep a jewelry brand is such a savvy move, ladies can image a guy as handsome as Kim Jae Wook popping the question with a Tiffany ring and dudes can use him for inspiration on how to dress to impress their lady loves.
He has such a charming smile
Look at the crowd, trying to take a picture of him!
I hope he continues to be busy and gives us a lot of great projects to enjoy!
Dear Koala, I saw you tailing him recently now! then you might don’t mind Ryan Gold said the killer words : do you want me*LOL
Never imagined romcom has suits him perfectly, he is so wild as a model xixixixi the image of cool psycho handsome guy turn into 45 degree sweet smile decent guy
Such a versatile actor. Like to see him more in dramaland.