Categories: K-dramas

Vagabond Averages 8.5% Ratings in Second Week and Lee Seung Gi Never Stops Running or Fighting

The second week of SBS Fri-Sat night drama Vagabond basically is unchanged from the first week, so I say this because those who like it will continue to do so and those who don’t probably have no reason to start now. Episode 3 ratings are 7.3%, 8.4%, 9.3% and episode 4 took in 6.8%, 8.1%, 10.2%, so this big budget drama doesn’t appear poised to break the ratings doldrums across the industry. I think it’ll still recoup back the budget because Netflix is live airing and this drama is well-suited for that international audience, it’s fast paced, sleek, and entertaining to watch.

For a K-drama veteran I have issues: namely Suzy is not delivering depth in her performance, Lee Seung Gi‘s character is one-dimensional though his acting is hard-carrying the show, and there are just soooooo many baddies involved in this conspiracy it’s impossible to believe that at every juncture Lee Seung Gi’s attempts at finding out the truth is stifled, plus he’s basically unkillable which is hilarious but necessary for the story. Overall I’m still enjoying myself and pleased to have a different pace of drama to watch.


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  • i still fail to understand how suzy gets acting jobs in korea when she is not so good at it unlike park shin hye etc. all actors improve over the years if they get such good co actors and directors . even minister daughter won't survive in this market without skills.

    • I guess she is the Kim Taehee of her generation, loved soely for just her looks. Its a pity though, that all the big budget projects end up being wasted on her.

      • Kim Tae Hee has find her epiphany in Jang Ok Jung. She was doing a good job in Jang Ok Jung though. I think Suzy is just not commit enough with her character, that limit her performances. If only she has passion to acting. her facial expression has already spot on, but she lacks passion. She is improved imo, and I would rather watch her than someone like Lee Jong Suk.

  • I just watched episode 3 and still haven't hooked yet. dissapointing about the writing. I hope it will have more depth. I was tired when investigation and action take over the plot to the point make the character and narrative suffered. They are functional just to move forward the plot.

  • I didn't have much expectation to begin with, but LSG besides action offers nothing, Suzy cannot even deliver her lines properly - something off with her teeth. And what's with those elderly? sorry but I am totally grossed out at that kiss scene. Very poor writing, inconsistent character development. I have to drop it mid-way at ep 3. Very poor quality k-drama! I am back to Love Alarm in Netflix now (second time watch :-)).

    • I agree with you about the writing. Everyone just react a bit too fast and not using their head to think things through. There are too many moments that I found the writing is just not good.

  • I’m enjoying VB ❤️ with the last 4 episodes screened; I’m sitting patiently waiting for Ep 5... Supporting cast and storyline, set ups and the pace is making this drama worth the week wait. As for the leads I’m in for the thrill and ride and they’re managing my expectations so far so good. Suzy as the rookie agent is holding her own as Go Hae Ri and of course LSG is running rings around everyone. I’m not delving into and critiquing Suzy’s ‘acting’ because she is part n parcel of the drama and imo it’s working for me. Everyone will be highly sceptical but I’m not watching her alone to look for fault. Why would I? The storyline is emotional enough especially the first 2 episodes. Having Hwang Bo Ra as the sidekick and comic is needed and I love any character that speaks in the Busan/Satoori accent. Then Shin Sung Rok appeared finally and it was fun seeing an interaction between him and Suzy. That was a hoot! Sorry people I’ve been pretty harsh on Suzy in previous posts but I decided to watch VB with an open mind and without any preconceived ideas of her and wow the drama is on point and I’m hooked up bad. Same happened with MOA and AC I go in with a rather blasé outlook and then end up enjoying the drama overall. Screen stealer is the assassin/terrorist Jerome Yoo Teo. What a find! Anyway sorry for the long winded post. Enjoy VB if you can it’s actually quite good.

    • Thank you for going in unbiased as well as your compliments towards her. Suzy is the most popular and most skilled idol actress, period. Because of this, she gets so much hate from fans of other idol actresses and even more from fans of "real actresses."

      • You’re entitled to your opinion but I don’t think it’s fair to say that the majority of people who dislike Suzy is for the sake of disliking Suzy and having deep-seated jealousy. They genuinely just don’t like her acting. I think my favorite role of Suzy is while you were sleeping.

        My favorite idol actress would be IU after incredibly performances in my mister and hotel del Luna. That’s my third favorite drama in 2019 after dazzling and fiery priest.

    • Acurate and fair review..Suzy looks great and is getting mainly top reviews on her performance. She looks stunningly beautiful and glowing lately and is just so popular with public.?

  • The title, I felt bad for LSG, he works hard for this drama. I dont have plan to watch vagabond anymore, I just watched The Umbrella academy, it's in NetFlix too, and damn! I just fall in love with 15 y.o boy ?!

    • Yes totally. Someone who is a speech therapist please help her. But I am out, she is hopeless! I am not a Korean speaker but at least I can hear.

  • There is literally no difference in acting skills between Suzy and PSH. They are both quite mediocre.VB has an absurd plot but its not the worst drama out there. LSG and Suzy have a fair amount of chemistry and the drama itself is watchable. Next week has the best dramas releasing for this season and I plan to watch all 3 but I'm going to keep VB since I don't hate it and probably never will. Its a differently paced drama and balances out my watch list.

  • I was not satisfied with episode 3 and 4 and it is probably because the first 2 episodes were too good that it amped up my expectations too much. I wish there would be a character whose like Gene Hackman to help Will Smith in Enemy of the State. Someone who is an old pro who could teach CDG how to outwit the bad guys. I could believe how he manages to stay alive since he used to be a stuntman. But he's not an alien with superpowers so without anyone to back him up, it is just too frustrating to watch the conspiracy unfold with only GHR a rookie agent next to him. I suppose the big guy who slammed him to the floor will be a welcome ally, but can he stay alive by the end of next episode?

    • @M I think Chief Gang from the NIS is the go to old pro but apparently he’s on the drink and relegated to the customer complaints for the Blue House but unsure if SSR is a goodie or baddie. Lily and Miki look really bad ass and I want to see how they go in this. Yep ep 1 & 2 were out there so that was the hook for me. I couldn’t help but think that the writer’s vision for VB is really about the 2014 Sewol ferry disaster and the corruption that existed with the higher ups. The scenes were heartbreaking and intense and I cried because the symbolism of the colour yellow that was dispersed within the first 2 scenes. The teams taekwondo jackets had yellow and blue in episode 1 and the yellow post it stickers in episode 2. The family memorial service on the beach in Morocco was just too sad. I was an emotional wreck after that and I guess it hardened my resolve to keep watching. One of the lines subbed was ‘It daddy’s fault,my son!’ and I’m certain this is the reason why VB was created as it mirrors the event of that tragedy. It’s a vehicle to express the loss, suffering and inconsolable grief hundreds of people faced back in 2014 due to greed, corruption and incompetence.

  • I only watched up to ep 3 but imo it seems the budget is well spent. The Morocco scenes are good, the location is utilized well. The action scenes and explosions even if it's OTT, it adds to the excitement.

    Sometimes it is fun to let go of logic and just enjoy the drama. I do have issues but it's managable so far.

    As for the budget and ratings..Vagabond has 2 ad breaks compared to normal dramas that only have one. It may or may not impact ratings, but IMO it may help recover the budget.

  • I liked the first episode but it's only because I still tought GR was a good character. After episodes 2 and 3, I lost all my hopes about her character and Suzy's acting is not helping. The action scenes are good, but the characters and the plot...

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