
Romance Heats Up in Heart Pounding Kisses and Starlit Walks in Episode 10 of The Tale of Nokdu — 17 Comments

  1. Finally!! <3<3<3 Looking forward to where the romance brings us now that BOTH our leads are acknowledging their feelings! I hope we don't have to suffer through a your-dad-killed-my-family conflict much – there are other issues both still have to face and I don't want our OTP to breakup at all between now and the last ep!

    • He has more major issues qith his dad to add to that. I mean, his daddy-firstly-‘killed’-him-and-will-try-again, in addition to his-daddy-is-trying-to-kill-the-daddy-he-has-knows-all-his-life.
      If that isnt baggage enough, i dont know what is.

  2. Did she really keep her hands off him until now? She’s been yanking his collar since the first episode and been stripping away his clothes multiple times hahahahaha

    I love it!

  3. yes those kisses are so good with all feelings galore. Two thumbs up for the girl in control. This drama is soooo great and strikes all the right nerves 🙂

  4. Episode 10 not week 10. I wish this was a 20 episode drama too. If only it would go on forever. The kisses were so good. The chemistry is making my head spin. I’ll never be able to move on from these two.

  5. The hotness of that kiss scene was mind blowing. Its even trending on Weibo. In love with this drama and obsessed with JDY-KSH chemistry.

  6. THIS DRAMA IS PERFECT!! What a pleasant surprise!! I thought I’d just be picking out some scenes and episodes to watch but I AM HOOKED!! It’s NEVER BORING. There are no scenes that feel too long, so kudos on the editors as well. I hope they sustain the quality of writing, directing, acting, chemistry until the very end. Wow, wow, wow!!

  7. I’m so obsessed with how good this drama is every episode. Both on and off scree KSH and JDY just radiate chemistry and energy I’m in love with them. No life without TTON and DJ-ND. 😀

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