
Jung Joon Young Sentenced to 6 Years and Choi Jong Hoon Gets 5 Years for Raping Unconscious Women and Sharing the Videos — 7 Comments

  1. I feel you.
    This should be a success for Justice but it’s feels so bitter sweet. It feels like such a pint size success. Seeing how deliberate, intentional, how long they were able to these acts and how extensive the victims were vs their punishment.. *SIGH*
    Plus the many other culprits that seems to have gotten away.

    I mean Seungri still is out and about with only gambling charges being brought out. And he was one of the major enabler for these sorry excuse of a men.

  2. Meanwhile You Know who still roams free after running an almost organized crime ring that exploited innocent woman and rabid fangirls still defend him despite the obvious. So, victory yeah but a small victory indeed.

  3. What about the other 6 on the chat? And that other one who is still walking free and have no charges brought against him except for gaming charges? Why is he not in jail yet? I can’t believe any women die hard fans is still saying that guy who is still free is innocent. I read some comments on other news blogs and these fans are defending him, and I am here thinking…you should be on the side of the victims.

    I think the sentencing is too short, since the videos will forever be circulating on the internet and will affect the victims for the rest of their lives.

  4. They are all pretty boys and their cases are rape which are highly hated inside the prison. They will have a hard time inside their prisons. It will be 4 or 5 years of hell for them.

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