
Lee Seung Gi Turns 33 Years Old this January 13th, Capping 16 Years in the Industry Already — 4 Comments

  1. To think about it, he really has an impressive career, in all field, music, acting, especially variety shows. What I admire about him is his work ethics, he isn’t afraid to take risk, if it’s not meet the expectation, it doesn’t bother him much and he keeps moving forward with a positive attitude, to do better, work harder and he’s actually happy and enjoy every moment of it. Recently I watch Na PD new show Friday Joy Package, his segment is merely 10-15 minutes but he had to do labor work hours since dawn, which top star will do that nowadays, it’s not like variety shows will pay much either because CFs, dramas will pay him much more, he did that because he loves his work, he loves working with the people he likes, no wonder producers like to work with him. Hope he will meet a good writer because his recent dramas all have weak plot. Wish him all the best in 2020 and many years to come.

  2. Agree with @jen. Hope he will be offered a much better drama script. I could not finish his last two dramas because the plots are soooo baddddd.

  3. Happy Birthday to Lee Seung Gi, my one and only bias in k-entertainment. Wishing him success, happiness, love and excellent health always?.

  4. Gotta agree with Jen on this one he is one versatile actor..I was wandering what he doing on Friday joy package which aired only for 15-17mins or so..maybe he was doing someone a favour? ? But I believe he loved and enjoyed working on that one and I so loved watching was not a big show like his other ones but it was so endearing.

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