
Park Yoochun Reveals at Thailand Fan Meeting He’s Planning to Return to His Entertainment Career — 45 Comments

  1. Well, their definition of retirement is certainly not something you can find in amy existing Oxford or Cambridge or any other dictionaries. Not only him, that Yong Jun Hyung also making a comeback despite announcing his retirement less than a year ago. Their apologies, so-called self-reflecting are standard write up by their publicists.

    • I think Yong Jun Hyun unfortunately was a bystander…Still wrong not to report, but then again there seemed to be corruption with the authorities at Korea..So even if he reported, it might not have went anywhere. I still think he us wrong, however, there was no evidence if him sharing it making the videos.
      I still can’t believe PYC still have enough fans for him to hold a fan event

  2. This disgusting human has already established so many businesses and after breaking up with sm which was bug news back then he n other jyj members kept all the profits of their work. He surely haa no shortage of cash. But fame is a thing which many desire . If he get a hit drama everyone will forget is. Entertainment industry is shady. They do a lot of stuff behind those innocent images.

  3. Obly jaejoong is decent jyj member. The breakof tvxq makes sense to me. Changmin n yunho r so simple guys. Their tour keeps grossing over 100 million usd and they were second biggest earner for sm behind exo. Shows their longevity snd they are different from jyj guys ( jaejoong i hope isnt like thrm ?) In the end tvxq breakup kight br blessing for those 2 considering both personsl smd financial benefit ( not sharing with other 3 )

      • I mean i m comparing over all scandals and only jaejoong comes out as decent. Tbh industry is filled with creeps and whoevee manages well is good. Anyways jaejoong made the best of his career with lots of businesses and real estate. Will always be the most iconic visual

      • He is also active from what I see on CJes posts. And like Jaejoong, he is decent(I hope too). I am a JJ fan so I follow CJes entertainment.

    • The 2 remaining TVXQ are not that rich though they are not that poor either. Most of those published earning figures most probably belong to SM……with less than half going to TVXQ. Most probably JYJ members earned more than TVXQ did after they left SM despite having all those unfair restrictions imposed on them.

      • Lol they are super rich. They are seniors to exo and their tour outgrossed exo shinee. After breakup they have genrated revenue of 2 billion usd. And u think they are getting nothing? They have renewed contracts with sm several times and no way sm will let them go if they are bringing so much money. And no way they will take low deal. Korea tax list was published few yrs back in 2015 and 2016 and they had highest tax among idols every single time. They are not boasting like others. They renewed contracts. Their tours regularly grosses 100 million usd. Even exo and shinee members with less grossing tiurs r super rich. N tvxq has sold more , have bigger tours n r seniors. No way they get paid less than them.Even if they get 30 % cut after agency and production cut, still they both walk away with 15 million us dollars each per tour from ticket sales. I didnt add their record sales and merchandise which goes into million of dollars. N they have multiple tours like this. No way they are not rich. They habe made millions among highest tax payers. That shows their income level
        They are very simple and dont show off bcoz yunho wants to open art college . Whereas jyj members are showoff. Not everbody can act act wannabe like big bang
        U r not true than korean tax report. N that shows their earnings n richness when they both paid over 4 million usd in taxes in those years

      • And dont use google as net worth source . It also says bp members richer than bts when bts outgrossed them n outearned them everywhere.even cfs where vts earn over 8.5 million usd per cf
        Blackpink cant even touch them in real
        It also says rain net worth as 40 million usd. When he owns real estate worth 50 million usd. . It shows how unreliable those magazine list r
        Whereas tax agencies public list is reliable as it gets where both tvxq members were the highest tax payers

    • jaejoong the drunk driver and repeat sasaeng assaulter, the man whose best friend is Kim hyunjoong who sent him flowers even after his scandal, the man who literally has park yoochun’s name tattooed on him and was going around telling jyj fans they’ll have a comeback in a few years time while yoochuns rape trial was going on is considered decent??? the irony of saying all it takes it one hit drama for people to forget… some people don’t even need that, it seems.

      • @kei one drunk driving case not make someone evil. Kim hyun joong was wrong for hitting that woman but that was woman was a blackmailer and no saint. so why jaejoong should be blamed for that? He is not responsibe for his friends action. Yes he is decent. World is not black n white

      • Compared to this creep, Jaejoong is a much decent artist. PYC is the repeat sasaeng assaulter, not Jaejoong. Stop spreading rumors here!

  4. I am a FB admin of a page dedicated to another star. Can I share my frustration when I should skip posting some past videos or photos when on the same stage my bias is standing next to Park Yoo Chun for example? With all those “fallen” stars lately I already can’t mention some dramas and events!

  5. Lols, seriously? This dude still has fans??? And even attended his fan meeting??? What’s on their minds???? I used to like tvxq super duper much, and i kinda liked him back then.. but his rumors with so many women made my teenager heart back then hurt so i stopped liking him and turned my attention to yunho. Lols.. i did right back then. I knew he was a player.

    Duh, my another fave also had a member who did another big scandal. Bigger than this one. It’s a BANG scandal. I hope he would also retire for good and just do his ‘normal’ business or become a YouTuber.

    But most of idols’ fans are really dedicated. Despite of all the rumors, there are some people who will always support this shitty idols. Duh..

  6. I thought he would stay in the doghouse for a few more years. I can’t see a mainstream drama being offered to him but if he has any juice in Japan or China, I could see a small outfit offering him a part much like that one dude from BOF.

    • China is Not a small outfit. They are a huge country with their own huge budget for their dramas and movies and therefore no need to export since there is enough consumer in China itself to make money. Since China itself have so many rising stars that are young and very good looking, the only role he can get would be a father or a minor role in China.
      I heard he was well liked in Japan. He might just go to Japan and make a living there.
      Who knows.
      That other guy , forgot his name but he was involved in a sex scandal is now in dramas like nothing ever happened. Even in daily dramas and a hit drama at that, which I thought would be more conservative, park shi hoo? Or something like that.
      Clearly, the me too movement have not hit the Korean Entertainment….

      • I am not calling Japan or China a small outfit. I am saying a small Korean production company might give this guy a go if they can sell overseas. Yes, China has come a long way in their entertainment industry but now that the hallyu ban has been eased, I have already heard of a Korean star being picked up for a cdrama…I think it was Rain. Basically I think if someone can find a way to make money off this dude, they will try.

  7. Yikes! Dude’s got really thick skin!!! Well he’s still gotta make a living, so he’ll bite the bullet and pretend nothing ever happened…

    • I wouldn’t say his acting is below average tho. Have you seen IMY, RP, Haemoo? they are of different genre and yet he delivered.
      He’s the best when it comes to acting among ot5 and some other idol turned actor. My friend who is a big LMH fan even lauded his acting… I used to be a big fan of his acting and was one of those whose waiting for his drama comeback after enlistment, too bad series of scandals happened.

  8. I still remember when I was very young living in Japan, my Obasan brought me to a TVXQ concert in the Tokyo Dome and it was HUGH! A super big event with a full house and their music was good. Back then, all my aunties in their 30-40’s and even grandmas were fans. I was probably the youngest in the crowd. Jaejoong was the most popular and he still appears in Japanese TV now. I used to like PYC because he is very talented in music (writing songs) although not the best singer nor dancer. Now I just feel digusted looking at his face and reading what he did. Yes very thick skin indeed. I did not pay for the concert ticket (my Obasan treated me) even though I bought some TVXQ CDs with my allowance, but I will never pay a yen for any of his fan meets if he ever holds one in Japan. Seriously I don’t think he will be very welcomed because of his previous drug conviction as Japanese officials are still very resistant to the usage of drugs among artists, some go to jail if convicted.

  9. Many fans are still waiting for his return to kpop and even kdrama. It’s going to be more fun with him around. For me it’s a three thumbs up. Go for it Yuchun.

    • Like none of you ever made any mistakes. These idols have a right to have lives to. Yes people do wrong things sometimes but you have any kind of heart can’t you show some kind of compassion? What kind of lives do you think these idols really have and I’m not talking about money. Them as a person have a very closed world because they are idols they bring alot of entertainment to people just so we can be entertained and the best we can do as fans is talk bad about them. If you had people saying hurtful things about you wouldn’t you want someone to hold a hand out to you? Look and see in your own closets how many skeletons you have. If you are really true fans then try to understand why they did something wrong and see if you can help them to be a better person. I see alot of jealousy with some of the fans to. Talking about what kind of houses and cars they have and how much money they have. So what they have earned it so I guess they can spend it any way they want. It’s time for some people to grow up and stop pointing fingers and running their mouths. Try to be understanding. A idols personal life is not all sunshine and no worries. I know because I have been there they make sacrifices in their lives to make the fans lives happy so can’t the fans make some sacrifices for them? Think about it are some of the fans so small that they can’t open their eyes and understand? None of us are perfect. Fans need to be better people also and stop judging others so they will not be judged unkindly themselves. We’re in this all together so why not try to help one another.

      • Oh please, we are not his fans, not even close. Just stating the fact that he is indeed shameless.

      • lütfen affetmeyi deneyin. ben TÜRKİYE CUMHURİYETİ vatandaşıyım ve Güney koreyi çok seviyorum. Hata yaptı kesinlikle.. ama çok genç. sizin çocuğunuz bu durumda olsaydı ne hissederdiniz. onu affetmek kazanmak demektir. resmen kıyım yapıyorsunuz yapmayın lütfen… o sadece bir insan

      • @chawa…. you are 100 percent correct….. most of the comment shows that they have no experience in life…. everybody goes through ups and downs in life… how they treat him and talk about him shows their own true colors. actually which idol other than park yoo chun has debuted as main lead? he was main lead in sungkyunkwan scandal joong ki and yoo ah in were supporting characters for him in his debut. all his dramas and movies are super hit… he delivered so much during his time… as a former idol i couldnt even believe his outstanding performance in sea fog/haemoo…. I SERIOUSLY WISH AND PRAY HE WILL COME BACK TO KDRAMAS AND MOVIES

    • sure more fun with him around… Dispatch will be happy. It is certainly entertaining to see how shameless he is as a liar – first he lied about not taking drugs, then he lied about retirement. He has cried wolf too many times. This is not called “mistake”. A human being has to own up to his/her words. But I can understand that fans always have excuses.

      • Such a real shame, a real shame. I don’t get it. If the legal system says he is not guilty, why are haters still accusing him? Not only was he found not guilty os sexual assault but the accusers were faced with charges so… this poor man is paying for some twisted women’s guilty lies. Sure there were drugs, which he admitted to and has paid his price. This is all about the media and social media sites just bullying and cybersmashing another talented artist. Then you wonder why there were so many suicides last year. What a shame because this man could really have done a lot more film. The music may be over now but he really had a long way to go with film…. really sad.

      • Excuse me?! He LIED about his drug use until his blood test showed positive result. What a shame that you believe in such a liar. No one is bullying him. You have to first read the WHOLE TRUTH. I still own some of his CDs, do you want them before I burn them because I can no longer listen to such a sleezy repeating liar.

  10. Who cares if he wants a comeback ? A celebrity only can exist if she has a public and not only a few dudes . If ,as us , the majority of people don’t want to see him , he will fade away… Some celebrities should think about it sometimes . Without us, they can’t “exist”. We have the power !

    • You will find that the world is changing and the “public” or fans are not based where you thought. Outside …. far overseas in other countries. I’d be pretty happy if he got a chance to come back and clean up his reputation. He doesn’t have to do that in Korea, he has fans on the other side fo the world too. And on this side of the world sadly celebrities have done a lot worse…. And I am not talking about that sexual abuse because he didn’t do it. I am just saying the punishment for drugs wasn’t just his sentence but also his career. WOW, imagine LA…. imagine if that happened there…Poor Yoochun. Look dude Johnny Depp survived this kind of storm. He picked himself up, walked the walk and got his name back, you got this….I want to see you in more dramas or film, even English ones!!!

  11. I see the kiddies are playing god I pray that you never have nothing ever happens to any of you and you need to prove that your not guilty. We don’t know the whole story and you can’t believe everything you read on the internet. Plus if he is guilty don’t you think the judge when it was proven that he was guilty the judge sentenced him harshly? There not a one of use waltzing around that hasn’t done something wrong.People are to quick to judge some one. Plus yes the fans do help make the idols popular but you don’t have the power over them which is rude to say. Idols acknowledge the fans and appreciate them as the fans should do. But no one has the power over another human being that wrong. Idols have lives to and what they do in their private live is none of our business as long as they are not hurting anyone. To many haters in this world as they say live and let live. If we can just take care of our own lives we will have all we can handle. I have a feeling alot of these haters are kids anyway. Remember we’re all in this together.

    • I bet you will teach your children to lie and also praise them if they get away from lying. This guy did drugs and denied it repeatedly only to be caught later with positive blood test then he admitted it with lots of crying. Guilty is not an issue here, it is INTEGRITY which he has none. I guess you will never know because you are a fan of a liar. Calling a 30+ guy an “idol” is your other big problem. He looks no way like an “idol” in the eyes of a dude. No one is in this except yourself.

      • Again haters on the loose lol. Plus this guy as you call him is not a fan of mine even if he was it’s not yours anyone else’s business. There’s a man that died on the cross for all of us now he is a idol to me forever. Have anything to say about that dude? Here’s a news flash I don’t care what you think or say. When I see post like yours it just shows me how small and ignorant some people are.

      • The man who died on the cross NEVER LIE. Your comments totally show how misled you are. Stop mentioning the cross, you do not belong.

      • Lol actually human behaviour… do you know any adult who doesn’t lie? Or is being famous a job that requires absolute integrity. Sorry news flash… actors lie. If they didn’t they couldn’t act… ha ha ha ha. It’s proven that any sticky situation for adults results in a natural defence mechanism of lies. Kids lie from a young age… eg: who ate the last cookie? …. not me! Is a natural response that’s why lie detectors were made. So what if he lied about drugs. Did he need police clearance to be an actor? So what if he tried to get out of a mess… pretty traumatic to get caught out though and very embarrassing. It takes a strong character to have the guts to get up and start again, for that I applaud him… but the important thing here is the same… he has paid his price. The price was determined by the court. If you don’t like it, don’t buy his CD. I just hope he can keep himself out of trouble. Once is enough … twice in such a traumatic downfall would be more than messy.

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