
Rain and Kim Tae Hee Decrease Rent by 50% for Lessors in Buildings Hit by Coronavirus Drop in Business — 5 Comments

  1. It is still a good gesture . They are doing business amd such act should be praised. Korean estate is lucrative. Invest all that cf money in buildings and u never have to work again lol

  2. But people don’t even do that. Good things are easier said than done specially when ut comes to helping other when it concerns your money. This is a big gesture. My issue only lies with people deliberately publicizing it, for me that takes away the essence of the gesture. Nonetheless I love them for doing this and every other celeb who has donated masks, money or anything because good gestures even though baseline are done by very few people.

  3. Very nice story..Perhaps this can inspire all Landlords to do the same. Never have we seen a time more when we should lend a helping hand especially in South Korea at the moment.?

  4. California USA has declared state of emergency and it’s illegal to raise prices or rent or evict during this time. Most states has this law too. If stores and housing violates this law, they will get fined 10k and/or jail time. So kudos to them for decreasing rent, but is there a law like this in S. Korea too.

  5. I’m okay with people letting other know what good deed they did. afterall, it will directly or indirectly inspire others to do good as well. we shouldn’t judge people like being a show off or what-not just because their deeds was publicize.
    Bottomline is actions are by intentions and you reap what u sow.

    kudos to the couple!

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