
SBS Fri-Sat Drama The King: Eternal Monarch Premieres with 10.1% and 11.4% Ratings — 172 Comments

  1. I doubt this drama will get buzz like kes previous drama. In korea the word of married couples is dominating rating charts and buzz and out of korea it is thai Bl drama 2gether. Not that it doesn’t have any buzz but the popularity the other two show is unprecedented and will be difficult to beat. 2gether was trending Worldwide with 1.8m tweets within the minutes show air where as TKEM was trending Worldwide with only 90k tweets. The disadvantage is that all these shows air on Friday around same time as TK and both of the show are smash hit. Let see If it managed to beat TWOMC or is able to create buzz like 2gether.

    • You watch 2gether! I love the boys love. Realistic and so heart fluttering ? I can’t stop listening to the ost by sung by bright and I listen to scrubbs songs. I also watch Why r u series as well.

      • Yes I do, it’s cheesy as hell but I am enjoying every second of it. I hope koala writes a post about this drama. The series is smash hit worldwide. Definitely recommend to everyone during these sad times.

      • My heart stop on last second of ep 9 when Sarawak asked Time to be his boyfriend.

        And I had a squealing seizure when Tine told him to stop looking at him like that or he will kiss him until he drops and Sarawak was, yes sure! Tine grins and panic at same time. And then Tine was asked how would one kiss someone until they drop, and Sarawak was like, I’ll show you ?

      • I’m a fan of BL, which country is 2gether from? This is my first time hearint of it, i need to check it out.

      • I’m watching 2gether 2! Love it so much <3

        Concerning this drama, the king, eternal monarch, I must say that I'm not sure if I want to start it…I'm not a fan of Lee Min Ho acting (it's my personal opinion), but I really like Kim Go Eun and Woo Do Hawn… about KES: one of the best dramas for me it's Goblin, but I didn't like Descedants of Sun (as an example), so… I didn't made my mind yet if I'm watching it or not.

      • @isa I look forward to Fridays due to tine and Sarawak haha

        I understand your feelings, maybe wait for the show to be almost done airing and wait for Feedback. That’s what I did with crash on landing. I enjoyed cloy so much when I marathon it, I was afraid it was going to be bad but buzz was consistently positive.

        So yeah, wait if you’re hesitant because time is precious, no point of wasting time watching a show you don’t like haha

    • Lol. Stop your lies TKEM trended no. 2 worldwide. Bigger than the dramas mentioned. Further, it is already sold in many countries outside Korea. So, it is a sure winner now by miles before the same ends. So, keep your calm and watch out for another mega hit drama.

      • Lol it is also biggest start for fri sat drama since 2019 and also dominates advertisisng slot.
        And already made profit overseas. People expect all the buzz in debut episode when heirs , dots all started less then 15%

    • I don’t know where this “Wanderer” is getting all his/her figures. Last time I checked twitter, TKEM is no. 2 trending worldwide. I also read, that SBS already profited about 30% for the sold broadcasting rights of TKEM. So, TKEM is the clear winner here not those other dramas mentioned. LMH an KES is surely swimming now in cash. TKEM, fighting!

      • It is biggest start for fri sat drama in years and it dominated advertising slot. It was trensing number 2 worldwide and just one episode has aired. It is already massive and with the time passes, it will become even more big overseas. Even heirs dots started in same ranged. The comment is so mean and negative. Double digit start is very good

    • Just wait for it. It has just started. It startes with double digit and dominated advertsising time slot! And was trending number 2 worldwide.
      It is just the beginning and i thibk it will keep rising . Heirs started at same range whereas dits started at 14%. All kes dramas picked up later.she laid the foundations very well.

    • both thai dramas and thai based kpop stars get 99% of the hype from their own country. the thai netz love to spam hashtags. the kdrama has a ridiculous amount of buzz rn and is available worldwide on netflix. it’s already halfway there to being a hit

      • Ofcourse even bp views r more than bts bcoz of thai fans but cant touch hts in tour sales etc.
        Sea fans r crazy spammers

    • When he was riding horse he was looking like some angel coming from the heaven?, literally Lee is aging like wine he is getting more and more attractive day by day.
      And btw why do people bother to come to read news realted to him when they don’t like seriously who are you guys fooling around,Minoz or yourself.And you are comparing 1st episode’s rating to the dramas which almost have completed its half season.what would you say about king’s international rating which is insane.
      Just one word for the haters of our king “DISCURSTING SHAT”?

  2. That’s a fair assessment. Goblin did started out stronger but I still enjoyed Monarch first episode due to Lee Min Ho charisma and the bromance. The cinematography is gorgeous.

    Me Too. City Hall is my favorite KES drama and my favorite Kim Sun Ah drama as well. I love the community spirit and people helping each other in time of need. That’s her best written female character and surely KSA added her flavor.

    I’m sure the story will get better as the show progress. Crossing fingers.

    • Goblin started out incredibly strong (I can rewatch the first 2 episodes and be good) and fizzled out for me by what, the 3rd episode and I say this as someone who his a much, much bigger fan of Gong Yoo than Lee Min Ho. I’m still struggling to finish it years later.

    • I found this comment when i wanted to comment that city hall is the only drama that i dislike from KES. And i had really high expectation over The King but ended up fastforward many scenes.

      Your comment is totally the opposite of mine.. but it’s all about preference, right? Just bcuz we got different opinions doesn’t mean we hate each other’s thoughts. Lol.

      But, as a fan of Kes writer nim, of course, i should watch the next episode.

      Ps : i still think Kim Taeri’s character in Mr Sunshine is KES best written female character. 😀

      • @yui
        Yes we should never deplore each other due to having different thoughts on a drama haha

        I never watched Mr. Sunshine due to not liking the main actor because of his character in real life. I have low tolerance for cheaters and would gag just seeing them while watching something haha

      • @laura mr sunshine is my fave drama of KES. But yeah, i dislike LBH real life character too but actor, i prefer to separate his real and reel lol.

        I saw the rating of ep 2, what do you think of tkem ep 2? It didnt get the rating as i expected. I really wonder how it convinces me to continue the 3rd episode later.

        Im a casual drama lover, i dont have any fave actor in mind right now, so i wont be biased. But as someone who watched 10 dramas of kes, i would say that the first episode of tkem was a disappointment comparing to her others drama even with the heirs. Hopefully ep 2 will work its magic.

      • @yui
        I wish I have that skill to be able to separate real from reel. I’m weak. I tried, and I tried, and I failed. I wish I could be like the majority but alas it’s one of my triggers haha

        Truthfully, I was disappointed on ep 2. The script and the dialogue needed polishing. Transitions of certain scenes was clumsy. There were times I wanted to bite my arm off due to how cringe some of the lines are. Chemistry between the main leads were non-existent, Lee Min Ho had more chemistry with his horse and the entire cast with the exception of the female lead. I felt absolutely nothing when Lee Min Ho hugged her, nothing, zilch. It made me question if I’m cold-blooded lol WDH was an upgrade on episode 2 due to his silly mannerism with alter-universe character.

        But because of Lee Min Ho and certain cast members, and the unique story, I’m hitching myself for the long ride unless it gets really nonsensical.

        If you’re hesitant, you could hold off and see if feedback gets better with progressing episodes. I did that for cloy and it turned out spectacular.

  3. This Drama was trending no.2 on twitter worldwide thats an amazing feat. I watched the first episode and I can easily say it’s a masterpiece in the making.

    The worldbuilding, cast and everything came together perfectly. Can’t wait for the second episode

    • Yes it is. I mean king is returning after 3 years and drama still trends at number 2 worldwide. That shows his global appeal

  4. It has a vast and bigger audience than any drama had for the last 5yrs or so. Reason being is that it’s not just a local Tv-show but it’s a local Tv-show intended for the International audience. 300.000 people watched it live on app stream illegal in China on it’s premier time live. Thats staggering while defying the chinese fire-wall

    • I am stunned by international response. I know he is hallyu king but trending at number 2 and it is just the first episode. With time the number will go rise. Already got oveeseas audience already. No wonder studio made 30% profit already bcoz tbey knoe lmh appeal
      And people acting lile domestic rating is bad when it is double digit start and biggest for fri sat drama in year

    • It is parallel world thing so it take time tiani. I agree some things r confusing that is what will it make interesting

    • Ok I finished ep 1, I kinda change my mind. Tho its still confusing for me, but I guess I will try ep 2. I’m curious.

      • I’m not sure yet, need to see ep 2. I actually hoping for bromance but WDH acting is too stiff, not natural at all. I just want to know what will happen in the next ep.

      • @ tiani
        I didn’t like ep 2 as much but I have to admit wdh was great. A true contrast to his stiff bodyguard persona.

  5. I’m enjoying the king much and can’t wait for tomorrow episode to see what happens next. Kim Go Eun and Lee Min Ho. I like the bromance to.

  6. It is strong start very good considering the rival is world of married. Ir set new record for fri sat drama in year and dominated advertising time slot!
    And it set new record ofr twitter trending for k drama. It was number 2 trensing worldwide m already huge overseas

    • The world of the married already has a dedicated fanbase but I think The King still has its chances .The world of the married airs at 10:50 pm KST ans The King airs at 10 :00 pm KST . So there is only a slight overlap. If it maintains its momentum then The King will be spared from being damaged by the monstrous The world of the married.

      • Half of the show compete with w9rld of married. It is like national drama for koreans right now. So audinece will not watch galf episode and then moveone to next drama

        Anways king double digit start is very good and did for weeknd drama in years. It was also number one in advertising slot. Even heirs took 13 and 14 episodes to break 20%. So noth8ng to worry

  7. Honestly, the first episode is underwhelming. Overhyped promotions tend to disappoint viewers. I doubt that they will exceed the ratings of World of Married Couple.

    Lee Min Ho never changed his acting style, same stiff acting and being the same rich guy in drama.

  8. Most portal are reporting great ratings and a great start in years. But people here call it bad. Channel is happy, actors r happy but carry on!

  9. The show is ok, the cinematopgraphy is beautiful, the characters are nice per se, but I didn’t see any chemistry between the guys-I mean the famous bromance thing. I actually liked the cops, the entire team, female lead included. They were really funny. I will definitely watch the second episode, not sure if I continue with the rest.

  10. I was told woo do hwan gonna overshadow lee min ho and he is best thing since jesus came to earth here. All i saw a expression less actor getting iveeshadowed by lee min ho. I hope he improves

    • Wow!
      I have loved LMH since the beginning too, but don’t stan him like that!
      You don’t need to put down the other actors like that ?
      WDH is doing a good job, he is SUPPOSED to be like that in the drama.
      Also both are very pretty to look at, I am loving the bromance ?

      • Na i really found him wooden after reading so much praise lmh haters were pouring on him

    • But that’s what he is supposed to portray being the royal guard. Remember how stern JJS was in “The king 2 hearts”, but how endearing he became by the end of the drama. Give him some time.

  11. With all the hype about Lee Min Ho, I thought this drama will start out good but it’s so meh. Lee Min Ho suck at acting and is aging badly. The female lead I’m not even gonna start on. No where near pretty and is bad at acting. This drama will never reach CLOY. Visual and acting is nowhere near Hyun Bin and Son Ye Jin. CLOY the most successful drama this year. Not including any marriage drama because that’s not close in term.

    • Wow hater! ?
      You judged all of that based on a single episode.
      CLOY was good but it is nowhere the best drama ever lol
      I think KTEM has potential and will definitely bring in the ratings.

      P.s. LMH is aging beautifully
      P.s.s. KGE is one of the most talented actress of her generation.

      • LMH and KGE are mediocre actors. Not worth the hype. They are decent visual. CLOY was the best drama ever produced with equally gorgeous visual from both Hyun Bin and Son Ye Jin so it’s very pleasing to watch. King script is to repetitive. But I’m still gonna watch for the hype.

    • Bitter hater spotted. It started out all good, trended worlwide at number 2, started huge for weeknd drama in years. Move on
      He is aging beautifully and stays unbothered. U can keep crying

    • Bitter hater spotted. It started out all good, trended worlwide at number 2, started huge for weeknd drama in years. Move on
      He is aging beautifully and stays unbothered. U can keep crying
      Cloy didnt trend in very first werk worldwide. It become huge with momentum. King has started better internationally . So u lose ur point.

      • Not hating but stating facts. CLOY has beautiful visual actors with talents. The drama hit because of Hyun Bin and Son Ye Jin versatility performance not with momentum. Also gorgeous visual counts. King has decent looking actors with horrible acting.

      • Rofl u can keep sag8ng that to makeurself happy but it has started better than cloy worldwide. So u gonna eat ur words soon !
        It is already a hit overseas. And actors r very good. Cloy first episode looked oveacted to me with son ye hin taking time to fit in character.
        It has much more interesting plot and will do wonders.
        Yes u r a hater

      • Son Ye Jin never overacting. She is the best actress who can make anything works. She is very beautiful and is very hilarious delivering her scenes. You know the truth is hard to digest. You can’t even make any good pin point here about CLOY. Will I’ll let it be for now and wait for the entire ratings for King.

      • And you think u made any point? I never said she is bad actress. She is one of best ever. But in firat episode her otr acting looks forced hut she improved
        U mafe prediction about kings success wgen it started on double digit, best rating in years for fri sat drama and trended number 2 worldwide. Cloy never did that abd built it with time. So dont post ur opinion as fact

    • I don’t understand why you even need to compare the 2 dramas!
      If you don’t like LMH and KGE, then why bother even commenting here. Also save yourself from the misery of watching KTEM. We on the other hand are gonna take in the eye candy and enjoy the story.

      • That is what lmh do to haters with his charisma. They hate him but cant stop watching him. They hate the fact that his drama already got huge international reception. Insecurities r cmng out

      • It is not good to compare these two dramas cause both belong to different genre and air at different stations locally . The world wide popularity of TKEM is solely due to LMH’S star power. HB and SYJ were not as much popular as him . But as the story progressed people realised how best they are in the game of acting. The script and their visual was a bonus for CLOY. It didn’t get its momentum for nothing. Infact it still ranks top 5 across all streaming sites. Western Media are continuously discussing and praising it.HB and YJ has surely got a huge fan base now not only in Asia but worldwide.
        I was not a fan of HB or YJ but CLOY was phenomenal for me.Went with zero expectations there. Even my friend who loathed Kdramas and mocked me, watched it on my insistence and fell in love with it.
        With that said I m not a LMH fan and nor a hater. Still I like him and planning to watch TKEM.
        If it turns out to be good then sure its popularity will soar further in international medium as well as domestically. As LMH is already so popular it isn’t shocking that it is trending on twitter. However I hope the story progresses well .

  12. It looked like he was really riding the horse not a stunt double. Does anyone know if Lee Mim Ho can ride a horse

    • Yeah and best thing they have already made 30% profit even before airing. There is reason they hire lee min ho

    • @Alex yeah mann. I was thinking the same I normally don’t watch Kdrama’s but within the first 20 mins. I was like holy fuck this is big budget. The only other big budget tv-show to this magnitude is the netflix zombie series ”The Kingdom” But this one even dwarfs that one. When you realize the imaginary world that is being attempted to build with CGI and what not. I can’t think of anything big budget to this extend except these 2 tv-shows

  13. The start was intriguing. King Lee Kon doesn’t have General Kim Shin’s charisma but I really want to know how the parallel worlds work and the time travel.

    • Lmaoo u will always discredit lmh. And credit everyone else. Too bad for u he stays main lead in big productions.

      • Goblin’s beginning was better because of the epic battle and death. Gong Yoo was great as a general.

        For now, the King looks like a older and smarter version of Heirs’s ML.

      • I found goblin terrible. Gon yoo was good.
        And now he isnt. It is just ur hate for him

    • I agree, Goblin has to be one of the writer’s best work. It was wonderful from the beginning to the end. Nobody could have played Goblin better than Goong Yoo!
      I am excited about KTEM’s parallel universe storylines too.I hope that this drama would not turn out to be a disappointment.

  14. The little actor was great and brave he wanted to stand his ground against the villian. Lee Min-ho as always delivery. His my favourite actor. KGE didn’t great and so did the rest of the cast

    • Edit language error Sorry english is not my first language what I meant is that LMH always delivers while KGE did great and so did the rest of the cast

  15. Big Lee Min-Ho fan incoming at 200KM per hour speed. In! I enjoyed the first episode and kudos to LMH he did great and looked at his best.

    KES has elevated her game I see. KGE has great charisma

  16. Yeeeeeeees. We are gonna get the second episode about 4-5 hours from now. Get wait. Bring it ON! I salutations towards my fellow world citizens who are all indoors and staying inside stay safe and enjoy

  17. Those ratings are disappointing considering it is KES and “hallyu king.” It has only 1% difference premiere ratings to Vagabond even though LMH fans said their king is top actor of korea lmao.

    • No they are not. Double digit are nevwr consid3r3d disappointing. It is single digit which is considered bad and ur fave drama.opened with 8% average. It is more than 1%. So yes he is top avtor bringing double digit
      And hallyu is worldwide. He did his job when it trended number 2 worldwide.
      U made no point here lmaoo

      • Opened with 10.75 despite having a SUPERSTAR WRITER and being his FIRST DRAMA AFTER DISCHARGE? Would think he’d have more star power in Korea than that lmao.

      • @Marie, stop your nonsense. Vagabond only peaked 13% during its entire run which will definitely be easily achieved by the end of episode 2. Your just bitter coz your Woozy can’t command high viewership rating and can’t sell a drama like what LMH does. Further, stop lying because Vagabond opened at 6.3%. Lol!


      • @thylane Focus on your fave Kim So Hyun who can’t even get Suzy’s ratings, has less, CFs, less SNSD followers, and doesn’t appear on Gallup, Forbes, or government hallyu polls first before coming for Suzy lmao.

    • People always say that 1st epi rating indicate star power..the rating for rest of the epi will be development of storyline etc. So I agree that for epi 1, this drama is not that high in ratings compared to Vagabond or Fiery Priest, just 1% higher. And in general 2020 ratings should be much higher than 2019. So I do expect at least 13%-15% for this drama for epi 1.

      PS: I don’t hate LMH. I watched all his drama except Faith. I am a fan of most ‘87 actors.

      • I also expected 13-15 with the way people here hype him as the actor of his generation with the greatest star power lol

      • Rofl in 2020 double digit rating is result of star power 2 haters! And it is like fiery priest biigest hit of 2019. The other drama started with 6.3 %. that is lack of star power. lmaoooo

      • 8% first ep average is still only ~2% less than your fave who has a SUPERSTAR WRITER and hype of it being his first drama after discharge lmao. I’m sure the real king Kim Soo Hyun could easily achieve 13-15 if he had KES backing him lol.

      • Double digit remains bcoz of star power. single digit is lack of star power. That is fact. Ur fave ended with single digit opening asd wella s average whereas this will keep rising
        Ask kes why she chose him over ksh? noone cares about if n whats. Matters is end result. Opening double digit, number one in advertising slot, profit already made, trending worldwide. That is star power. Now stay bittter hattterr

      • Opening is due to star power and the proceeding episodes is due to story. Obviously a KES drama will rise later on because Koreans love her stories whereas Vagabond was a mess in writing lmao. Fact still remains the LMH star power (with SUPERSTAR WRITER at that) is only 2% higher than Suzy’s lmao. And Kim Soo Hyun won’t take a KES drama because he doesn’t care about hallyu popularity unlike your fave. That’s why he takes unconventional drama roles unlike mediocre LMH who takes on romcoms with different versions of the same princely Goo Joon Pyo type character lol.

      • If n what doesnt counts fact rmeains his last movie was a bomb and he wadnt the one who was offered this drama. He signed under his new agency owner fot business.
        Second double digit rating 8s star powr. Ur lame reasoning not gonna cut it. It was lee seung gi who brought 8% bcoz his costar cant bring anything.
        Fact remains double digit 8s standard of rating and it managed to bring it. That is star ppwrr. Bringing 30% profit already that is star power. Whereas 8% single digit is not.
        Double digit star power> singlr digit no star power

      • Double digit rating and topping advertising slot is star power. No matter what excuses u use. Facts remains bcoz of his star power double digit rating. Whereas it was lee seung gi who brought 8% not showpiece who needs male lead for hit like that in lee byung hun moviw remember lmaoo. Her megahit wwys only managed single digit average. That is her star power!

        And ksh didnt get this offer , the biggest drama of year not ksh. So if n what doesnt counts. His last movie was bomb everyone knows

    • @ Marie
      I’m really do not understand why you have to bring up other actors and actresses and plunge them underwater so that you can elevate your favorite?
      If you don’t like monarch, just say you don’t and that’s that.

  18. @ady, we can’t stop the haters of LMH. it’s the reality. I love watching them playing as neutral when in fact their hate smells outright. Hahaha.

    • Yeah look above one is saying double digit rating is disapppinting lmaoo when it was number one in important advertising slot and highest for fri sat drama

      • Just let them turn a blind eye coz they can’t accept to be slapped with facts.TKEM is poises to become a MEGA HIT. It’s already a runaway winner for the sold broadcasting rights.

  19. Wow what with this hate?? It just first episode guys, chill.

    LMH sure do good job, i think King Lee really made for him. For LMH fan, dont worry, lets fact slap those hater.

  20. I loved the show and especially the performance of LMH. He never fails to come thru. The chemistry is great. I wished they dropped all episodes at once so that we can binge watch

  21. KGE is one of my favourite actresses. I loved her in this drama and obviously with LMH in it what could go wrong. Absolutely loved it

  22. Lee Min-ho was stunning looking and KES didn’t disappoint either and probably KES at her best. They really tried to nail this one. I appreciate the effort, scale and magnitude of this drama. Quality tv indeed

  23. I truly enjoyed first episode and the second seems like ages away even tho it’s like an hour or so from now. The acting was great and directing even more impressive. The visuals I have no words to describe it. This is an ambitious drama. I love that it. Keep it coming

  24. First episide didn’t only live up to the expectations but over impressed. I was kinda of open minded when I went it and said lets do this but It was a blast. It brought high tensions early on. Loved everything about it. I am hooked now

      • All hype…..mediocre acting of lee min ho. the king who reigns at 8.4% viewership rating. lolzzzzzzzz. lolzzzzzzzz.

      • @joane 11.6% in second half and overall 10.4 debut week. double digit. so yes amazinf debut hater

  25. Okay. Here is the my two cent on the Drama and LMH. The drama was great I find myself enjoying it. As for LMH. I love him to bits in this one

  26. It was an awesome watch. You could tell considerable amount of money was involved here as the scale was big. As for Lee Min-ho he was the main-event. He looked great

  27. Just finshed watching few minutes ago. Oh my oh my. That was explosive. I didn’t expect much going in but dayum I was wrong. KES went hard in on this one. Big a$$ budget drama

  28. Ok so let’s see if this drama breaks 30 percent ratings like all the fans here swore it would. And if it doesn’t… I’m sure there will be a lot of words written about trending and cfs and international this and that.

    • Seriouly u r mixing it up. It was other followup drama fan who said it.dont forget. I clearly said 30% is very tough in todays time. Even fiery priest couldnt.

  29. I found myself enjoying it alot. Not the biggest dramafan but This was quality tv-show. LMH was fantastic and KGE was brillant. Can’t wait for their chemistry tonight. Hope they have some bed time scenes as well

  30. Second episode is much better than the first. The plot is coming together and getting more cohesive. The acting seems more natural and the editing is better as well.??

    • That’s funny, I have the opposite reaction of ep 2 🙁
      The dialogue is sometimes cringe and the editing is weird from time to time. I still anticipate the intriguing story and watching Lee Min Ho does his thing.

      There’s no chemistry between lee min ho and the female lead. He has more chemistry with his horse haha

  31. I ended up dropping ep 2 in the middle. And yes, no chemistry with the female lead. For some reason I knew they won’t have that chemistry. Photos of them together have no sparks. He has more chemistry with his horse, yes hahaha

    Lee Minho may be great on this but casting the female lead was a mistake. WDH is actually making a distinct mark on this drama than anymore else.

    • WDH really surprised me on ep 2. He’s a revelation. He’s like one of the comic relief on the show like Sungjae character in Goblin.

    • I’m not surprised that the ratings were stagnant. It’s a romance driven drama but the main leads have no chemistry. Lee Min Ho has chemistry with almost every other cast member except for her. KGE has more chemistry with Kim kyung Nam. There is a huge disconnect. Maybe the romance will improve later.

      • 8.4 % for the king? and you are all boasting that the CSSB (as the next drama to air after The king?) will benefit from its success? lol. lol. lol.

        where is the star power that you are all talking about?

      • High single digits and low double digits are still really good ratings for this era. And it has been only two episodes, so chill.

    • Part 1 decreased? This is the supposed unrivalled star power of who fans claimed as “top actor of his generation/CF King” and superstar writer? lmao

    • @joanemarie what is this cherry picking? If u wanna go there then ket ke take peak rating of 14.7%
      Fact remains episode overall episode was double digit as well as for weeknd. That is star power.
      Your fave evn with the help of lee seung gi was single digit disaster and ended whole season with single digit average.
      Dont worry about king it has made double digit debut anf future is bright!
      Internationally it is number one everywhere. Ur fave was even lanked lower than so many small budget dramas lmaoo

  32. It’s KES’ choice of an ugly female lead. So disappointing. I like the horse more than the girl. Time to change the script to favor the attractive female second… This is unbearable!

  33. Episode 1 is not that strong and episode 2 gave us much PPL’s than focusing on the story itself.The transitions of the scenes are all over the place. The ratings will be pretty sure high because it was Lee Mi ho’s comeback drama, was airing in SBS (local channel) and due to COVID-19 people are staying at home. I just hope Lee MIn Ho challenge himself and accept a role that is different cause in y opinion he always play the same role. Kim Eun Sook’s drama usually made you get hook in the first episode like CIty Hall, Goblin, Secret Garden and Mr. Sunshine but the King didn’t live up to the hype it was getting. Overrated drama but hope it will improve as I still watch the drama to see how it goes.

    • the king……for all the hype and everything and only 8.4% lol.

      Comeback drama of the king (lol)
      comeback drama of the FL
      KES drama
      Good PD? drum roll 8.4 %
      lol. and saying CSSB is lucky to be airing the not so king? lmao

      • @Joane Exactly lol. Fans here will deny it, but 2020 dramas are doing much better than 2019, yet first 2 eps (which indicate star power) only brought in 8.4 for Part 1 despite being supposed biggest drama of the year? lmao

      • Lol. 8.4 is episode 2’s opening while ending is 11.7, so, it is still double digit in average. Stop concluding haters coz you may swallow the bitter pill in the near future.

      • jeez joane and mariee use one id. And its average was in double digit for episode and weeknd. So succssful debut which ur fave is incapable of even riding lee seung gi , national son in law lmaooo. Peak rating was 14.7%
        yes double digit debut is star power which ur fave has none even having lee seung gi as lead. lee byung hun should keep casting her as flowerpot

  34. I was right it is impossible to beat TWOM in terms of rating. The 1st epi itself got mixed reviews and second epi was slow. Kes drama always keeps you engaged till the end of epi but second epi was slow. Leads have no chemistry, bromance looks forced. Cant believe it’s ke drama. None of the cast have screen presenc and the exception is completely flat. She should have hires Lee byok euk as director. Him and kes really works well together.

    • Lol. It is too early to conclude. Domestic ratings may skyrocket at any given time. Nevertheless, it is already winning international audience as expected. It is now one of Netflix’s top trending shows of the current time. So, more people knows more about this drama because of Netflix’s global reach.

  35. When he was riding horse he was looking like some angel coming from the heaven ? literally Lee is aging like wine,day by day He is becoming more and more attractive.
    And the people who don’t like him why do they botther themselves to come here and read articles related to him,come on who are you fooling around Minoz or yourself.are you realising the international popularity of this drama,the millions of people were desperately waiting just to see him onscreen after so long and you people are doing nothing but spreading negativity against can you compare the rating of 1 episode to the dramas which have almost completed theirs half series.
    The more you hate him ,the more he will shine.try as hard as you can?
    The people who hate him are really”DISCURSTING SHAT”?

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