
Baeksang 2020 Releases Voting Results for Drama Awards Revealing Narrow Win of Kang Na Neul Over Namgong Min and Kim Dami With 1 Vote Over Jeon Mi Do — 26 Comments

  1. Many people that watched the drama praised KDM, but I actually liked JMD better. So glad the vote were so tight.

  2. I honestly thought Han So Hee did a great job.. Maybe the judges didn’t consider her much just to stand morally correct. After all she played a cheater and homewrecker in the drama..
    Just imagine how fabulous her acting is with fans mistaking it to be real.

    • You know you have made it when u make people hate ur role. Now she needs to select a best script to sustain her new found fame

      • Absolutely.. She was my favourite in that category ..But anyways we can’t change anything..Han So Hee is a great actress and will make it big one day ..

      • She is making it big in cf arena already. Landed many deals including cosmetic bevrage. She has visuals
        But i hope she doesnt pick bad script and solidify herself as lead actress. Dami eas really tough competition to be honest

  3. The issue with Korean awards is that they judge a performance by how much it was loved versus the actual acting/production skills.

  4. I think I would have voted for Jeon Mido. Kim Dami was good in her role but the couple KDM-PSJ was lacking chemistry. They weren’t convincing as couple, it was so weird. When JDM has chemistry with all the men of the group.

    • Exactly. Kim dami was amazing but i shipped PSJ and the 2nd female lead. Kim dami’s chemistry with PSJ wasnt in a love line but more like siblings.

      While JMD had chemistry with EVERYONE IN HP. I love how natural she acted with her 99ers besties, to her co worker, her patients.. and everyone. Even with Junghwan’s car lmao.

      Can’t wait for season 2 of HP.
      Dami also will act in Soulmate remake. Fighting.

  5. Lols. It looks to me that CLOY was nvr considered to actually win and was just used to gather audience *sigh*. Anyhow, what’s done is done. Good thing we’re well feed this past few days during and after the event ☺️

  6. Happy for Kim Ha Neul!!! Loved When the Camellia Blooms even though it made me so nervous but I loved the actors and their interactions!

  7. I adore both KHN and NGM and I’m glad they were close. Still happy for KHN and hope NGM gets his recognition in bigger awards someday, hopefully sooner than later.

    There’s a special place in my heart for lead actors who had to fight for their way up to those roles and had to frequently churn out amazing performances before people took notice. Do not dismiss their consistent hard work and performances with a flippant ‘water is wet, of course they’re good’ attitude, where continuously good actors often get buried by the one hit wonders and/or pretty recited lines + pretty faces that cause the audience to swoon.

  8. hi! i’m not familiar with how winners are chosen in baeksang. i’m wondering, if camellia did not win the daesang does that mean camellia will be awarded the best drama instead of hot stove league?

  9. Son Ye Jin deserved to be in contention at least. She put in an amazing performance for CLOY and showed amazing range. I almost never cry during dramas but she made me tear up a few times.

    I’m convinced that the political issues of CLOY wrecked the show’s chances at Baeksang.

    • Exactly.. I mean KHA was almost the obvious winner. But I thought atleast SYJ will be in top 3. The judges said they were looking for the multidimensionality of a character. What could be more diverse than YSR’s character and still they didn’t even consider her.
      Yes the political condition has even worsened now with NK cutting dialogue chanels with SK.

    • Here here. SYJ was perfect as Yon Se Ri – quirky, witty and can definitely make us if she needs to. Not everyone can act as SeRi’s character. How can they ignore that? Sadly, CLOY was just used to attract audience.

  10. Jeon Mi Do!! My newfound favorite. I love her in Hospital Playlist. I’m just happy the voting was so close. Can’t comment on Kim Dami’s acting as I didn’t watch IC but I’m sure she deserved it. I hope Jeon Mido’s character gets good material to work with in the 2nd season so she gets another chance at the award shows.

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