Oh Jung Se Joins Jeon Ji Hyun in Mount Jiri and Pulling Double Duty Now in tvN Drama It’s Okay to Not be Okay and jTBC Drama The Good Detective

Long time supporting actor Oh Jung Se is getting his long overdue lime light this year despite still playing supporting roles. Like, best development EVAR! He’s winning raves for his second male lead role in It’s Okay to Not be Okay playing an autistic man and next week he can be seen in the upcoming jTBC drama The Good Detective totally changing roles into a rough guy. He’s a chameleon for sure as confirmed with his winning the Baeksang Best Supporting Actor role a few weeks ago for his performance in When the Camellia Blooms. He’s just on a streak so it’s telling that he just signed off to join Jeon Ji Hyun and Joo Ji Hoon to climb Mount Jiri, the in development drama about a bunch of rescuers working on the famed mountain. Nice, and not to mention he’s going from working with Do Min Joon to Chun Song Yi haha.

He deserves all the praise! Absolutely wonderful. I have loved him since “Plus nine boys”???
Yehey! Am so happy for him. Its always satisfying when supporting actors/actress get the recognition they deserve.
Haha that IS cute. Do Min-joon and Cheon Song-yi will always have some connection on way or the other ?
No but jokes aside it’s extremely deserving. He’s such a talented actor and so versatile too. I hope he can continue getting meaty roles and expand his resume even more!
He had a “jinxy” start in dramas with Plus 9 Boys and the painful Mira-Ae almost back2back.
Happy for talented people who FINALLY find their way to success, especially in a “rough sport” such as k-ent.
He deserves it altogether?
I just love him since ” i miss you ” . He is talented, better than than a lot of A listers he worked with . He is doing a great job as KSH’s brother and his role as YEH’s brother was the best thing of the show. He was hilarious in the movie ” How to use a guy…”. No need to mention “Stove League”. The only role he can’t play is…a flower boy ! A wallflower boy !