
Kim So Hyun Confirms Sageuk Drama Moon Rising Over the River Playing Female Lead Princess Pyeongang — 93 Comments

    • I’d looove to have a Kim So Hyun x Yeo Jin Goo reunion project, but not for this one. Jin Goo already began filming Monster so the chances of him being cast in this drama are apparently low.

      Imo their pairing deserves much better story which shall give justice to the emotional pain and anguish they left us with in I Miss You.

  1. I really liked this girl, she is beautiful, charming, CLASSY, alented and intelligent. and hardworking too. She is working and at the same time studying in one of the prestigious schools in her country. A big wow.

    Im pretty sure that this project is good for this girl knows how to pick good scripts.

    • Don’t have high hopes, because the PD and the screenwriter is okay but not spectacular. But I’m really happy for her to take on such an interesting role, I really hope it’s female centric unlike her last two historical dramas where it was more male centric.

      • i don’t know about the writer, but I’ve a good feeling with the pd. I’ve watch the king maker, and so far, the directing is ok for me. and dont forget to mention that the king maker is one of the highest rated drama in TV Chosun. Hopefully the outcome is good for this drama

      • That’s good to know. I prefer quality and a good story/writing over ratings. So hopefully that a miracle will come out of nowhere and make this drama excellent because so far only the actress and the premise is alluring.

      • Same with @hjw the pd is solid with historical dramas but yes the writer is difficult to say.

    • In the story she was 16 when she married him. This story seem to have taken a different twist cos the princess married ondal the fool to spite her father. And she made a general out of him. They had a harmonious marriage until he was killed in a war later.

      • i have feeling that when son yejin reject the offer, she might say something like this: “why not give kim sohyun a chance? she is my little sister” hahhahaha.. just my imagination ?

      • I’m thinking more like the production team says “We can’t get Son Ye Jin then let’s get her little sister instead.” HAHAHAHA

  2. jang don yoon is a super yesss.. but i know he wouldn’t. kang tae oh, jang ki young and kim minjae is actually a good choice in my opinion. other than them, i don’t know who else. I’m ok with rookie actors as long as he is handsome, can act, visually match, and around her age because i know sohyun can bring out the chemistry easily. and i really dont want yeo jingoo or yeo seungho. another actor pleaseeee. hopefully not them ? and please don’t cast older actor who aged wayyy older than sohyun

    • None of the candidates you mentioned, even the one you don’t want are avail, they all have other projects lined up or already busy.

      • actually i knew that ? and actually i prefere more promising rookie young actors than the veteran one. because most of veteran available one these days ages above 30 which isn’t to my liking. while the young actors one, most of them already have a project or in a military. wish the best for the male lead

      • I think most likely she will get a rookie young actor or an experienced but so far unpopular actor as male lead, I can’t think of anyone else who is avail and close to her age.

      • Lee jong suk will come back in January 2021, he is a great choice. I think he will be available since filming isn’t even started yet, and he is a hallyu star with huge fan following.

    • @laura

      i knew rising actors like jung garam, nam yoon soo, lee taeri, lee dohyun, kwak dong yeon. I don’t know the popular or idol actor one

      • oh I would love Kwak Dong yeon! He is so good! His acting in it’s okay not to be okay was astonishing great! But sadly he is busy with another drama. I like jung garam but not enough to see them reunite after love alarm lol Lee do Hyun is sadly already in another drama at the moment. I googled Nam yoon soo but he has a drama in November but it’s supposedly only 8 episodes. So it’s possible, just depends on when they start filming this drama. Lee tae ri is also in an upcoming drama Lol

        When is lee Jong suk coming back from military service? I just thought of him right now. I think his military service is ending soon and I think he would be a great candidate.

    • There’s also and park hyung sik due to be out of the army soon. Ji Soo who could also be a good potential. Rising newbies like Jo Byunggyu. They could also go for an idol like Baekyeon or choi minho. Seo Kang Joon also has not picked his next project yet. Considering all stars in the 1990-1999 bracket. Theres only these few actors/idols suitable tbh

      • then park hyun shik is a good choice for me.. while jisoo is ok, but he already had project with sohyun. aside from kang taeoh, jang dongyoon, and kim minjae, i prefer a new face. but i couldn’t really potray kang ha neul as parkhyunshik father? but maybe kanghaneul will only be acting with the child version perhaps?

      • He’s my first choice for her too. It will be a reunion for them since Suspicious Housekeeper 6 years ago. Also SKJ’s acting has improved by leaps and bounds these few years. He has shaken off his visuals only image and cemented himself as a credible actor with his choice of diverse roles. To watch him play the fool and slowly under her strict guidance and discipline become a top legendary general will be super interesting since he already did all his own stunts for AYHT and Watcher. Visually – man what an explosion

      • you mentioned seo kang joon.. suddenly i remembered park jibin.. but i don’t want him.. but he seems matches with ondal characters… not so good looking in my opinion. but no offense. while seo kang joon.. he is too handsome to be ondal ? but why not?

      • @lydia

        Wow, what a great description, hopefully they work together if not on this drama, another one in the future as both leads.


        I think they will only be inspired by the original story but adapt it to anyway they want because the ML father in the drama is a general but it’s not the case in the historical folklore because the ML comes from more humble origins. So I wonder how much they will be inspired by the folklore and how much they will alter it to make it their own vision. Kind of like the Mulan movie, where it was inspired by a ballad. Also kang ha neul is also good looking and he was originally offered the male lead.

      • I also think so… ondal is supposedly ugly with a bent back too. Kkk. Seo kang joon playing ugly is a very BIG STRETCH. Lol. But they are changing the story anyways so if he does get casted, probably some excuse needs to be made up that the fool is actually handsome contrary to popular belief. I still think the role will go to an idol though. These days its always actor vs idol – like the new jung hae in drama where the inexperienced BP girl leads over kim hye yoon. Shocking.

  3. The premise sounds so interesting! I’m not excited with the director or the screenwriter so this may derail an otherwise interesting story. Why must it be a tragic, sad ending? At least I can prepare myself knowing that it’s a darker drama and not expect too many happy days. It’s really rare for a historical drama to feature a female princess character as the main character of the drama instead of a male prince, so color me intrigued.

    • either side bangs or no bangs.. can google gugeoryo hairstyle. or can search kdrama with gugeoryo settings. it’s more interesting than the joseon

    • Side bangs the women were more independent and equal in this era than Joseon so they wore their hair more freely! The hair accessories are bomb!

      • Did you confuse my post. Theres a lydia and a lydian. I never said lee jong suk is suitable. He’s not even in the 1990-1999 age range I pointed out. I personally think he will also be a horrid choice. Not just age wise but the only sageuk he ever did was a fengshui movie and he looked terrible in the period get up.

  4. This character sounds amazing but I’m also intrigued by the era. Are there many dramas set in this age? I can only remember Jumong but that was 2009.

  5. I hope that they will cast a talented actor to act opposite Kim So Hyun.
    also hoping that this drama will be a success for this beautiful and charismatic young lady.

  6. im happy for her. I just wish Kim bora will also receive this kind of offer. her last drama that i liked was skycastle. after thay she has been selecting really weird and bad ptojects like touch.

  7. Congratss to KSH..This role will definitely suit her..Tale of Nokdu was really good..Plus I liked her story with Kim Min Jae more than the male leads in Goblin.

    Also it was quite expected from the beginning that SYJ won’t accept this project..The producers leaked the info to hype up the interest.
    Some people were unnecessarily going over the top with their concerns .??..when SYJ clearly said that she will choose roles APPROPRIATE to her AGE only..
    There was no point to discuss cause YJ wasn’t going to accept it anyways.

    However KSH will look good as the 16 year old princess..Can she pair up with Kim Min Jae plzz..

  8. Dr Jin? It’s really not reassuring, this drama was so bad…

    For the production, I don’t understand how they could pass from Son Ye Jin to Kim So Hyun, it’s so weird. They’re both beautiful and great actresses but the difference of age is obvious…

    For now, only Kim So Hyun is a good news, the rest I’m not sure…

    • Agree. One of the worst dramas i have seen. I also blame the casting. Song Seung Hun is another very terrible actor. Decades in the business and he just does not get better. Park min young was the only reason I finished the series. Its a DUD. I also saw temptation. Yet another DUD. This screenwriter is no good. Hopefully there are other writers in the team too and can even out his poor writing.

      • I don’t agree Song Seung Hun was pretty good in some dramas like Black. But yeah in Dr Jin, he was not good but in the same time, the story was so weird…

      • Yes, but it looks it will be more a cameo than a real role… But yeah, KHN always is a good news 😀

    • Its mind boggling how the same writer behind “Dr Jin” is the same one behind a classic like “Time between Dog and Wolf”. Maybe she had a ghost writer for TBDW? But then again, TBDW was elevated by a stellar cast and director.

      I am also wondering about the age of these characters? From Son Ye Jin to Kim So Hyun who is almost double her age. Kang Ha Neul was supposed to be the co lead but now he is going to cameo as the father? They better not mess this up after getting one of the best sageuk actresses.

      • The princess from what I know is only 16 yrs old. That must be the reason why Son Ye Jin turned down the offer because she said that she’ll only do age appropriate role.

  9. So, there is a high chance this drama will compete against Hong Chun Gi. HCG feels like more on popularity side whie this one is more on critical side.

    Nevertheless, I am so happy for So Hyun and Yoo Jung for getting this kind of offers. They are truly the queens of their generation.

    • I doubt they will air at the same time but we shall see. There’s like 3 or 4 more historical dramas set to come out next year as well. 2021 is the return of the saeguks.

      There is bossam stealing fate, red cuff of the sleeve, Joseon exorcist, and that L investigation drama, and I think one more where there is swapping bodies historical drama but I forgot what it is called.

      So it looks like there will be 7 historical themed dramas next year, that is a lot.

      • yess.. so many sageuk drama next years.. i remember shin hye sun dtama also saeguk right?

      • That body swapping drama’s name is Queen Cheorin, the leads are Shin Hye Sun and Kim Jung Hyun.
        Among these sageuk dramas you mentioned, Queen Cheorin is the most promising one.
        I heard that it will air in December after Start Up in tvn.

    • Yeah. I think people will compare them again saying KYJ is more beautiful than KSH or like KYJ IS more popular than KSH. and I’m sick of that comparison because I LOVE them both. Hopefully tgey will support KYJ and KSH.

    • My Country : The New Age took place in Goryeo, the end but still. It aired the last year. It was pretty good (but very sad u_u).

  10. Yeay. Like finally! We will get to see her in teori projects next year which this one is in gogoryeo era, can’t wait to see the beautiful hanboks.

    My wish is she will get someone that good in acting and an age appropriate partner is a good bonus ?

  11. I really like your opening words OC Koala. “The queen is back”. It’s gonna be pouring after long SSO drought HAHAHAHAHA. I’M SO EXCITED.

    • Same! It’s like she’s mirroring the sentiment of every Ori! Hehe

      Like yesterday morning, I was so sad bec one of the projects I really want for her was given to another one. Then in the afternoon, we got this news! And with a very interesting female-centric plot. So yey, still a win.

      And already imagining how beautiful she will turn out to be in guguryeo clothing like her visual in goblin.

      • Her visuals in Goblin was to die for and her chemistry with Kim Min Jae is oozing though it was really short I hope they can continue their love in this drama even if it’s a different story HAHAHAHA. I hope it’s Kim Min Jae.

  12. After playing the crown princess so many times our girl is finally going to be her own Princess? The character description is lit?

    • LOL She’s the Queen in Goblin. She became the Queen in RMOTM. She become the Queen in METS and also in Rooftop Prince HEHE. She’s a queen already not just a crown princess.

      • Didn’t she marry into those roles? I assume the OP is talking about being born of noble blood aka being a chaebol by birth.

  13. I’ve been long waiting and hoping that she is offered as a female lead in hong chun gi….but the only reason actually is I want her to work with pd and writer, since the pd and writer had phenomenal works. but deep inside in my heart, i wasn’t very fond with the plot, joseon era, and the male lead. but since the pd and the writer is good, so I think it’s acceptable if she was offered the role. and when son yejin was offered the lead role for this drama, i didn’t even have a tiny interest to check what is this drama about. but when it’s confirmed that that kim sohyun gonna lead this drama, and knowing that how the plots gonna be, i just want to cry happily! because this is my dream character for sohyun! a strong fighter who knows martial arts and has a royal blood. And I’m even more happier that the settings is different with joseon, and she is a married woman. so that’s basically means that we got so many lovey dovey scenes between the leads! I really love josei genre like this one. And this drama is gonna be airing in mbc. i hope this drama will keep mbc’s records for producing a very high quality historical drama. I can’t wait for next year. I hope everyone in the casts and productions has a good health so that they’ve no problems to air the drama next year as scheduled. fighting!

    • and I’ve checked the pd’s work. there are only two historical dramas that he had directed, and both of it has a very good rating. while for the writer, i noticed that he doesn’t has phenomenal work yet, but some of his drama has a decent rating. i really hope that their works this time will be doing great.

      • He did three sageuks. Different Dreams is also a sageuk set in the time of the Japanese Occupation. His skills in sageuk are good.

    • I’ve checked that most of his dramas has decent rating, but still doesn’t have a very good rating. but the pd, all of his historical dramas have a very good rating. hopefully this time the plot and outcome is good.

  14. In her generation kim so hyun is my ultimate favorite. I feel her being so natural, no aura of being self centered! She is cute, pretty and adorable. Like your daughter, or sister, or favorite cousin or friend. Bottomline, so hyun is relatable. And that is what sets her apart from the rest. Besides her good looks, she has serious acting prowess. Inate and honed by experience so that she can do justice to any role. I can’t help it! I like her very very much! She is like a breath of fresh air with her natural charm and cuteness ! And i love it when i see her laugh.. which she does a lot. It is so fun seeing her, full of good vibes this girl ! I am definitely shipping her ! Love her! ♥️

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